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HomeContemporaryYA ContemporaryUncaged Review - Dating Down by Alex Dunn

Uncaged Review – Dating Down by Alex Dunn

Dating Down
Alex Dunn
Young Adult/Contemporary

Tammy’s got everything: wealth, designer clothes, store cards with unlimited credit, and Ralph Forrester, a drop-dead-gorgeous first-year law student who is going to take her to the end-of-term dance.

There’s only one problem: Ralph Forrester doesn’t exist. He’s only alive in the pages of the Trudy Kensington novels, and unable to face being humiliated in front of the girls she longs to be like, Tammy runs away and headfirst into trouble.

Gary’s life is spiralling out of control after Grace dies. On a mission to prove he’s nothing like his physically abusive father, he comes to Tammy’s rescue and agrees to be Ralph for just one night.

But the lie that brought them together threatens to tear them apart forever when Tammy decides to continue the deceit, and without realising it, she puts Gary’s life at risk. Determined to make things right, she sets about trying to rebuild Gary’s broken home. But has she done enough to convince him he still has a family worth living for?

Uncaged Review: This is a young adult romance story. Meet Tammy who is unhappy in life with her mother, her weight and her lack of friends. Tammy loves to read romance books and makes up one of the lead male characters as her date to the prom. Knowing her date is made up to impress a group of girls she is at a loss as what to do next. Until a stranger called Gary comes along at the right time and love blossoms.

I haven’t read any of this authors books before. This is the first now I’m hooked on this author’s books. What made this book so good to read is the loveable characters and the storyline was very believable. I highly recommend you read this book. You won’t be disappointed. Reviewed by Jennifer

4 Stars


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