Uncaged Review – A Lady’s Addiction by Angelina Jameson


A Lady’s Addiction
Angelina Jameson
Historical Regency

*** A very steamy romance. ***

A Foreign Office linguist returning to England from self-imposed exile. A recent widow who wants a family above all else. Can these two very different people find happiness together?

Anna, a widow battling alcohol addiction is convinced she is worthless unless she bears a child. She hires a lover to prove she is not frigid and may marry again and have children.

Devlyn, believing he is sterile from an accident, has returned from an assignment for the Foreign Office and inadvertently becomes Anna’s lover.

Anna and Devlyn join forces to protect an innocent child from a blackmailer. Can they come to terms with their feelings for each other, and is love enough?

Uncaged Review: This is a good story, but it took
me a bit of time to get into it. Anna, who is battling
addiction to alcohol, wants to prove she’s not a frigid
lover as she’s been told by her dead husband. Anna
hires a man to find her passion and with a series of
mistakes, she gets Devlyn to her room instead of the
greasy man that was hired. Devlyn, being the gentleman
that he is, waits until Anna is sober before he
becomes her lover.

After the initial meeting, the book gets going a bit
better. The mystery and suspense kept me turning the
pages to see what happens. Although I didn’t really
get too attached to Anna in this book, Devlyn was a
character that was easy to like. This is a good story
with a few twists you don’t always read about in the
historical genre. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars