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Feature Author – Randy Overbeck

Uncaged: Can you tell us about your latest release, Blood on the Chesapeake?

After being dumped by his fiancé, Darrell Henshaw, a young teacher and coach, decides to find new pastures and lands a job on the Chesapeake Bay. He cannot believe his good fortune as Wilshire, a quiet, scenic and charming resort town on the Eastern Shore offers him his dream job—teaching high school history and coaching football and basketball—and a second chance at love. Except no one told him that a student was murdered at the school and that the kid’s ghost haunts the hallways. You see, Darrell sees ghosts, though he’s not happy about it. His first encounter with the spirit world did not go well and he has the OCD scars to prove it. But, after he’s hounded by the terrifying ghost, he decides to look into the murder, aided by his new love, Erin Caveny. Together, they follow a trail that leads back to the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and even the Klu Klux Klan. Then, after two locals who try to help are murdered and Erin’s life is threatened, Darrell is forced to decide if he’s willing to risk his life—and the life of the woman he loves—to expose the killers of a young man he never knew.

Uncaged: You participate in a lot of in person events, and the latest one, the Things that go Bump in the Night presentation, can you tell us what is involved with these events?

I’ve already shared my program, “Things That Go Bump in the Night” with more than twenty clubs, organizations, chapters and book clubs across the Midwest and the East—with twenty more booked in the next several months. In the 20-25 minute presentation, I discuss some of the research about ghosts and the spirit world I did for Blood on the Chesapeake, including intriguing reports on real ghosts, some common beliefs and misconceptions about “the spirit world” and even some controversial photos and a video of actual ghost hauntings. Usually, I extend an offer or the club has heard about the program and reaches out. and it serves as a nice introduction for my new novel. Audiences have responded extremely well, already inviting me to return next year when the second book in the series launches. Groups who are interested in reserving a date for this popular program should email me at [email protected] or submit a request through my author website www.authorrandyoverbeck.com/upcomingevents.

To read more of this interview, please see the October 2019 issue of Uncaged Book Reviews below.

Dr. Randy Overbeck is a veteran educator who has served children for more than three decades as a teacher and school leader, winning national recognition for his work. Over that time, he has performed many of the roles depicted in his fiction, with responsibilities ranging from coach and yearbook advisor to principal and superintendent. An accomplished writer, he has been published in academia, the popular press and, more recently, in better bookstores. His first novel, Leave No Child Behind, won the 2011 Silver Award for Thriller of the Year from ReadersFavorite.com. His second novel, Blood on the Chesapeake, a ghost story/mystery released this year by the Wild Rose Press, has earned 5 STAR REVIEWS from RaeadersFavorite.com, Long and Short Reviews and Literary Titan. It also garnered a national Award, the GOLD AWARD from Literary Titan. Blood is the first in a new series called the “Haunted Shores Mysteries.” Dr. Overbeck is a member of the Mystery Writers of America and an active member of the literary community. Dr. Overbeck has also been a much soughtafter speaker, with speaking experiences ranging from a keynote speaker at a national conference to sharing engaging programs with more than 150 clubs and organizations across the country. He’s currently sharing his newest presentation, “Things That Go Bump in the Night” with clubs and organizations across the Midwest. authorrandyoverbeck.com

Blood on the Chesapeake
Randy Overbeck
Paranormal Suspense

Wilshire, Maryland seems like the perfect shore town on the Chesapeake Bay—quiet, scenic, charming—and promises Darrell Henshaw a new start in life and a second chance at love. That is, until he learns the town hides an ugly secret. A thirty-year-old murder in the high school. And a frightening ghost stalking his new office. Burned by an earlier encounter with the spirit world—with the OCD scars to prove it—he does NOT want to get involved. But when the desperate ghost hounds him, Darrell concedes. Assisted by his new love, he follows a trail that leads to the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and even the Klu Klux Klan. Then, when two locals who try to help are murdered, Darrell is forced to decide if he’s willing to risk his life—and the life of the woman he loves—to expose the killers of a young man he never knew.

Blood on the Chesapeake is a cold case murder mystery wrapped in a ghost story served with a side of romance, all set in one of the most beautiful locations in the U.S.


Who was this ghost? Why was he appearing to him? What was Darrell supposed to do? He was relieved he wasn’t going crazy. Their research in Annapolis had confirmed what Darrell had seen, but raised as many questions as they answered. The next day, Monday, his students had been so demanding, he hadn’t had much time to ponder his situation. Now that classes were finished and football practice over, the questions nagged at him again and wouldn’t let up.

Preoccupied, he headed down the hall and didn’t notice the noise at first.

Ther-rupp. Ther-rupp. Squeech. Ther-rupp

It seemed to be coming from down the hallway and he headed that way. Darrell thought he was alone in the old building, almost. He could hear Jesse, up somewhere on the second floor, his tenor voice crooning some oldie and his footsteps echoing through the stairwell. At least, he hoped it was Jesse. He peered up the empty stairs. “Jesse? You up there?” he hollered. No answer. Darrell figured the custodian was busy, his earphones on, and couldn’t hear him or the noise. Probably.

But this clatter was coming from down the hall, on this floor.

Ther-rupp. Ther-rupp. Squeech. Ther-rupp

It was well past seven and, with the sun dipping low, the central corridor ahead of him was draped in shadow and bathed in the musty smells of pencil lead and discarded paper. He had sent the last of his players home thirty minutes ago and, though exhausted, had taken time to shower and dress. We only needed to stop by his classroom to pick up his manual and, when he stepped through the outside door, he heard it.

Ther-rupp. Ther-rupp. Squeech. Ther-rupp.

Darrell’s paranoia erupted, amplified by the accounts of ghost appearances they discovered the day before. As he made his way down the hallway, the noise grew louder. He arrived at his classroom, halfway down the stretch, and confirmed the sound wasn’t emanating from there, at least. It was coming from farther down the hall. He blew out a breath.

Ther-rupp. Ther-rupp. Squeech. Ther-rupp.

He remembered why he’d come. He unlocked and opened his classroom door. He scooped up the American Government manual off his desk, then headed back out the door. Back in the hall, as he turned the key in the old lock, he felt it. A rush of cold air flooded him. He shivered. He swiveled his head, his gaze sweeping up and down the corridor, searching the shadows for…what?

Someone was watching him.

To read the rest of the excerpt, see the Uncaged Book Reviews issue below.


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