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Uncaged Review – Dragon’s Storm by Ella Summers


Dragon’s Storm
Ella Summers
Urban Fantasy

The supernatural storm of the century is coming.

Leda’s quest to gain the magic she needs to save her brother leads her to the castle of the Dragons, home of four soldiers in the Legion of Angels with extraordinary powers over the elements. If she makes it through their training, she might just survive her next sip of the gods’ Nectar and level up her magic.

But the gods’ gifts of magic come at a price. Leda can already feel the Nectar changing her, making her less human—and so is her budding romance with the angel Nero. Sip by sip, kiss by kiss, the change is taking hold of her.

As if that’s not enough, Leda finds herself once again caught between the armies of heaven and hell—and tempted by a darkness that threatens to consume the Earth.

Uncaged Review: My favorite book of this series so far – and the development of the characters moves to a new level, and the action that this series is known for doesn’t let up for a second. One of the 4 soldiers who are powerful elementals and known as Dragons and keep the magic powers in balance around Storm Castle has gone missing. Without the elementals to control the magic, it would take over the lands and destroy everything in its path. Leda and Nero lead a group to the Fire Mountain, to find and bring the soldier back.

The relationship between Nero and his father, and between Leda and Nero completely ramps up and both relationships evolve, with more backstory – and the book did not suffer the grammar/spelling issues that the last one did, or if there were, I was so well engaged I never saw them. If you’ve been waiting for Leda and Nero to take the next step in their relationship – the wait is worth it.
Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Fireflies of the Dead by Eric Kapitan


Fireflies of the Dead
Eric Kapitan

Fireflies of the Dead is a collection of poetry and short stories. Exposing images of the strange, the grotesque and morbidly macabre.

An alien from a distant world falls to earth with an insatiable craving for human flesh and something even more frightening, a desire to mate! Witness the tragic tale of a lonely man with an unhealthy affection toward the fire.

Seven short stories and poems that will take you on a blood-soaked thrill ride filled with mayhem and horrific images.

Uncaged Review: A collection of very dark and twisted tales and poems. Not for the easily offended as this author likes to push the reader to the extreme. With some of the stories showing some talented writing others left me feeling a little uncomfortable. So yes this book did leave an impression on me. After reading this book I thought the last story in the book was the best in the book. Featuring a thirty-something Noah who hates his job and is still living with his parent’s. Goes a little stir crazy with an online virtual world game. This book is a good read if you can overlook the Dark Sexual elements of the stories throughout the book. I would give this book adults only warning due to its extreme graphic nature. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Highland Shadows by Lily Baldwin with Excerpt!


To read an interview with Lily Baldwin, please see the October issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Highland Shadows
Lily Baldwin
Historical Paranormal

In Alexander MacKenzie’s youth, his clan prospered. Until one night fire and death descended, and all that was good and green fled the ensuing darkness, leaving the MacKenzie clan impoverished, and Alex’s face severely scarred.

Known as the Mad Maid of Clan Ross, Cora has been imprisoned within her father’s keep for a decade, but not against her will—she is her own warden. Cora locked herself away to protect those she loves from what she has become. Within the shadows that blanket their land lurk vampires and wolves. They know Cora’s savage secret and have laid claim to her body. But the fight for her soul has only just begun, and only Alex’s love can save her.


Scottish Highlands


“Look, Alexander, isn’t she beautiful?”
Alex dared not blink as he stared wide-eyed across the sand swept shore at the mermaid sunning herself upon a rock. Ropes of gleaming red hair fanned out across the gray stone, and round, bare breasts pointed toward the sky as if to touch the sun. Her tail grazed the water, skimming the surface, and splashing in lazy circles.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my life,” Alex said in a breathless voice. His mother chuckled, grabbed his waist from behind, and pulled him onto her knee, releasing a muffled groan. “Ye’re getting far too big for me to hold. Either that or I’m getting smaller.”
He could not contain his laughter.
“Wheest,” she said. “Ye’ll frighten her for sure. Mermaids do not wish to be seen by humans.”
“Like the faeries?” he reached out a finger to trace the mermaid’s outline in the air.
“Aye, just like the faeries.”
Alex slid off his mother’s lap onto the rock beside her and rested his head on her shoulder. At age ten, he may have been too big to cradle, but he still sought the warmth of her embrace.
A pleasing lethargy spread through his limbs as he continued to watch the magical creature revel in sunshine. While her tail gently slapped the water’s surface, she stretched her arms, then laced her fingers behind her head. He did the same, smiling up at his mum with satisfaction. But then a soft humming caused him to jolt upright. Over the pounding of his heart, the music floated like a fragrant breeze from the mermaid’s parted lips to his ears. The sound was so beautiful, too beautiful. He had to swallow hard against the ache that gripped his heart.
Unable to breath, he grabbed his mother’s hand. “I think my heart is breaking.”
She touched his face and whispered, “Mine too.” Relief invited his lungs to fill as he snuggled closer to his mum before once more turning back to stare at the fae. Under his breath he prayed for time to stop, but as the sun began to dip in the sky, slicing the cobalt sea with streaks of pink and gold, a distant voice shattered the serenity.
“Lady Anna!”
Before Alex could draw his next breath, the mermaid jerked upright, flashed her black eyes in their direction, then dove off the rock, disappearing beneath dappled waves.
Tears made his eyes heavy. He turned and hid his wet cheeks against his mother’s tunic.
“’Tis a blessing to have seen her at all,” Anna crooned while she rubbed a soothing hand down his back. “Now, promise me something.” She crooked her finger beneath his chin.
“Anything,” he said, savoring the warmth in his mother’s mixed-matched eyes. One was green and the other blue—a trait he had inherited.
“’Tis important ye don’t pray to see another mermaid. Instead, pray the sea remains blue and the waves gentle so merfolk will in turn bless our shores just as faeries bless our forests.” She looked up then and waved at John, the castle steward who again had called her name. “Now then, let us see what all the fuss is about.”
~ * ~
Alex cracked open the heavy stable door and peered inside. The air was thick with dust, kicked up by the famed MacKenzie horses. When the sun shone overhead there were few places he would rather be, but when darkness settled over the land, and torches within the barn cast dancing shadows across the ceiling, he always felt uneasy. His imagination tricked his mind into thinking the horses’ snorts and stomps, which suddenly seemed louder than in the daytime, belonged to terrific monsters who prowled the stalls, awaiting the witching hour when the night belonged to the damned.
He stepped inside, looking left then right to make sure nothing lurked in the shadows before calling out, “Mum? Are ye in here?”
“Over here.” Her reply came from deep inside. Instantly, the beautiful, serene sound of Anna’s voice chased away the demons, and he expelled the breath he had not realized he’d been holding. Without fear now he wove his way through the vast stalls that housed the animals he loved so well. The large chargers were his father’s pride, and the life source of their clan.
For generations, the MacKenzies had bred the finest horses in the Highlands. Whether one was in need of a gentle gelding, a palfrey, a work horse, or a charger, their horses were sought after all the way to Edinburgh and beyond. The MacKenzies prospered. His father, Callum, laird of their clan, had often told Alex that they lived in a golden age where forces of good kept dark shadows at bay. “Although it will not always be thus,” his father once warned. “For fate is ever changing as the tides. One day darkness will rise, and all that was once good and green will fade to shadow.”
Alex shook off the troubled thoughts and stopped in front of Arthur, a giant, black charger with honey colored eyes. He favored Arthur above the other fine steeds, although he still had yet to ride him. His father said that a boy of ten years had no business riding so large a horse. Lowering his head over the gate, the stallion nudged Alex’s cheek with its muzzle. “Soon,” he promised, earning a nicker in response. He scratched behind Arthur’s bristling ears before turning away to follow the sound of his mother’s soft voice.
He knew she was talking to the new horse the stable master had brought home, having found it wandering the moors. Wild and fierce, she was a large mare, pure white in color, and unbroken. The steward had chased away the mermaid earlier that evening, bringing word of the mare’s arrival. Anna had a way with animals. Many even said she had a gift, especially with horses. Following the evening meal, when Alex had gone in search of his mother, and could not find her anywhere in the keep, he had known she would be in the stables. Turning a corner, he spotted her long, black hair shimmering in the torchlight.
The new arrival snorted and bucked its hind legs against the tall walls of its confinement.
“Be careful,” he said, rushing forward when his mother opened the stall door.
“Hush,” she said in a soft voice, extending a placating hand in his direction. “’Tis important to invite peace into your voice and into your body when ye’re near an animal that is afraid.”
He slowed his step and exhaled a long breath, trying to mimic his mother’s easy stance.
“Come,” she said. “Imagine ye’re a breeze, soft and gentle.”
He eyed the white mare. She snorted, stretching her neck long, and stomped her hooves when he drew closer.
“I am a breeze,” he said, trembling. He closed his eyes and imagined himself drifting over the moors, teasing the grasses and heather. With his eyes still shut he took another step. “I bring only peace,” he whispered.
A hand closed around his, and he opened his eyes to see his mother’s smiling face. She winked at him and eased toward the wild mare that danced and skittered about; however, this time, it did not rise up or snort.
“Ye’re a soft lass,” she said in a hushed tone. “I can tell. I see it in your eyes.” She slowly reached toward the mare. “All living creatures desire love and respect.” She glanced down at him. “In order to provide both, ye need only one thing—faith.
“Watch.” She let go of his hand and stepped forward. The mare snorted, causing his heart to speed up.
“Mum?” he croaked, his legs threatening to give way. Still, her hand inched closer. Again the horse snorted.
“Ye’re a soft lass,” she crooned, as if she soothing away one of Alex’s nightmares, instead of trying to pacify a feral horse that could kill her with one well-placed kick. He covered his eyes with his hands when she stepped even closer. His heart pounded his ears. When silence followed, he made a V between two of his fingers and peeked to see her fingertips brush the spot between the horse’s dark eyes. She traced a line from its forehead down to its muzzle, then stepped back, keeping her head bowed. He removed his hands from his eyes and waited, although he knew not for what. Then the horse stepped forward and pushed its nose against his mother’s cheek. Anna laughed and began stroking the mare’s mane.
“Ye see, Alex. Love, respect, and faith—that is what ye must hold in your heart. And if ye do, ye’ll count the beasts of the earth as friends. Come now. ‘Tis your turn.”
The gale inside of him had calmed once more. He eased forward, and with love in his heart, reached out his hand. The horse remained still just as it had for his mother, and he stroked her nose. Her eyes shifted to his for an instant. Then Alex stepped back. This time the horse did not hesitate, but instead, she nickered and nudged Alex playfully. He laughed and wrapped his arms around his mother’s waist.
“I love ye,” he said, looking up into her mix-matched eyes.
She smiled down at him. “I love ye.” She led him out of the mare’s stall and closed the tall gate, lowering the lock into place.
“What shall we name her?” he asked.
“Whatever ye wish to—” His mother froze. She grabbed his arm. He winced from the pressure.
“Quiet,” she hissed, her attention on the door.
He strained his ears. A wolf’s howl rang out. He jumped in the same instant his mother said in a whisper, “Wolves.”
The mare snorted and kicked at the stall.
His mother seized his arm and swung him around to face her. “Run.”
Another howl filled the air, and she jerked her head in the direction of the sound. She looked back at him.
Fear brought the sting of tears to his eyes. “Mum—”
“Nay,” she cut him off with a kiss to his lips. “Run.” She shoved him toward the door before turning to release the mare.
Twisting his fingers, he jerked around in circles, gaping at the rows of horses snorting and wildly bucking their gates. “Run,” his mother screamed.
He stumbled backwards, then turned and bolted. He raced back the way he’d come, catching Arthur’s eye. The stallion’s powerful legs thundered against the barn wall, knocking a sconce free. The torch fell to the ground. Dry straw blazed. The fire raced ahead of him. Alex faltered. Smoke roiled upward in ribbons. He clutched his arms around himself, searching for a path through the blaze. The horses snorted. Wolves howled.
The smoke blew across him. “Mum,” he choked out the word. Blindly, he raced past a stall as the horse within kicked through the gate and shot past him. Wood splintered with a thundering crack and flames rose high, surrounding him. Fire lashed across the soft flesh of his cheek. He screamed in pain. The smell of burnt flesh filled his nostrils. Alex gagged. He drew in a smoke filled breath, then wheezed a painful cough. Panic tightened his throat. He couldn’t breathe. The blurry expanse of the door appeared ahead. He had to get out. His lungs screamed for air.
Leaping through the flames, he threw himself against the stable doors and stumbled into the night. He collapsed to the ground, wriggling and screaming while fire continued to devour his flesh.
“Hold still, lad.” He glimpsed his father’s anguished eyes the instant before a blanket covered his body and hands patted out the flames. Then the blanket was whisked away.
“Where’s your mother?”
“Inside,” he gulped out, but the night air bit at his exposed, charred flesh. Jolts of hellish pain shot through him. He seized, unable to breathe. Then the world slowly turned black.

Uncaged Review: This book took me a bit by surprise – taking two of my favorite genres, historical and paranormal and combine them into a story that works. Scarred by a fire in his youth, when the Darkness took over their world, Alex becomes the true laird of his clan when his father passes. With barely being able to keep his people fed, as the faefolk have left the lands, and the Darkness has spoiled the land for crops, he rides out to a neighboring clan with the hope to form an alliance to fight the dark wolves of the forest. The only thing that Clan Ross will accept, is if Alex marries the laird’s strange acting daughter – who hides away in her rooms high in the castle, Cora. But Cora is more than she seems..
This is a very engaging story, and I enjoyed the originality and I really hope the author keeps this story going, as there is much more that could easily be told and secrets left to be uncovered. I did feel the story line was a bit rushed in places, and drawn out in others, but the story is worth a read if you want something a bit different than the standard paranormal fare. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review -Bound by R.M. Gauthier


R.M. Gauthier

The Mystery of Landon Miller deepens…

Landon’s abrupt departure from Alexandria’s living room, and her life, leaves her feeling abandoned and more determined than ever to rescue the man she loves. Teaming up with her best friend and an unlikely accomplice, Lexi travels across the world, seeking answers to questions that are better left unasked. In a cat and mouse chase through foreign lands and on home soil, Lexi finds herself caught up in a world of crime and punishment, where the cost of curiosity may just be her very life.

Uncaged Review: After the cliffhanger of book one featuring Mr Landon Miller, we dive straight in with book two and The mystery of Landon. And the horrible Alistair who claimed Landon as his own sub like years before. Lexi travels to Italy to bring back Landon, will she succeed? This is a awesome read and leaves you on a roller coaster of emotions. I’m desperate to find out what is to happen to Lexi and Mr Miller. Can’t wait until book three is out. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Sexy Librarian’s Dirty 30, Vol.2 by Rose Caraway


Dirty 30, Vol. 2
Rose Caraway

The Sexy Librarian, Rose Caraway returns with another Library of Erotica, just for you. From Torrid Literature to BDSM, Fairy Tales to Orgies, Clandestine Military Adventures to Bi-Curious Rendezvous, this adventurous, and fantasy-filled collection is here to turn you on. So grab your partner and peruse the card catalog and see which sexy story catches your interest first. This is your very own, hand-held library! Explore this volume of Erotica to your libido’s content.

Uncaged Review: A collection of sexy erotica stories featuring all sorts of interesting delights. From sexy car repair men, to fairytale classics like The Snow Queen. There should be something for everyone in this book. No need to read in order be a little naughty and read what you want to first and enjoy. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Red by Tiffany Reisz


The Red
Tiffany Reisz
Paranormal Erotica

Mona Lisa St. James made a deathbed promise that she would do anything to save her mother’s art gallery. Unfortunately, not only is The Red painted red, but it’s in the red. 

Just as she realizes she has no choice but to sell it, a mysterious man comes in after closing time and makes her an offer: He will save The Red if she agrees to submit to him for the period of one year.

The man is handsome, English, and terribly tempting…but surely her mother didn’t mean for Mona to sell herself to a stranger. Then again, she did promise to do anything to save The Red…

Uncaged Review: Mona takes over her Mother’s Art Gallery after her death. But the debt is showing The Red in extreme debt. So when Mona is approached by a mysterious handsome man with a business proposal that will save Mona’s gallery, she agrees only not realizing that she will be in over her head in a sexual frenzy. This was an interesting read and had a good twist in the tale concerning the handsome stranger. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – One Night in Minneapolis by Margie Church


One Night in Minneapolis
Margie Church
Contemporary Romance/Erotica

Marine Major Skylar Landis doesn’t resemble the demure Catholic high school girl Vince Andersen once knew. They’d dated briefly until she’d patch things up with his nemesis, Ethan Standfeld. After school, she joined the Marines and they’d lost touch.

Their ten year class year reunion in Minneapolis brings Skylar face-to-face with Vince, awakening her memories of the past. She asks him to plan a hot, no-strings-attached hook-up to sustain her sexual fantasies while her intelligence unit is deployed to the Middle East. As their adventure unfolds, and he gives her exactly what she needs, Skylar wonders whether she can forget the man who put her desires first and asked for nothing in return.

Uncaged Review: Marine Major Skylar hooks up with an old high school flame Vince. She only has a short time until she’s deployed back to the Middle East. So they agree to some no strings attached sex. After a short time Vince falls for Skylar even though she has to go back to work. This was a short sweet sexy romance with a little insight into how people make relationships work while being abroad for work. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Wild Bells by Charlie Cochrane


Wild Bells
Charlie Cochrane
Historical Regency/Gay

The Shade on a Fine Day:

Curate William Church may set the hearts of the parish’s young ladies aflame, but he doesn’t want their affection or presents, no matter how much they want to give them to him. He has his sights set elsewhere, for a love he’s not allowed to indulge. One night, eight for dinner at the Canon’s table means the potential arrival of a ghost. But what message will the spirit bring and which of the young men around the table is it for?

The Angel in the Window:

Two officers, one ship, one common enemy.
Alexander Porterfield may be one of the rising stars of the British navy, but his relationship with his first lieutenant, Tom Anderson, makes him vulnerable. To blackmail, to anxieties about exposure—and to losing Tom, either in battle or to another ship. When danger comes more from the English than the French, where should a man turn?

Uncaged Review: Two completely different stories set in historical times. Story one features Curate William Church despite all the women falling for him, he’s only interested in one young man who he must not fall in love with.
The other story features two officers of a ship in the British Navy. But his relationship with Tom must be kept a secret or cost them both – deadly
I really enjoyed this book as it focused on love and the message that you can’t help who you love be it man or woman and the cost they will go to prove their love. The first story was my favorite to read in this book. Reviewed by Jennifer

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Another Time by Donna Steele


Another Time
Donna Steele
Paranormal Romance

When Dusty Williams walks into a strange bar to contemplate the ruination of his career, the last thing he expects to find is a compelling woman. He’s not even in the mood for a one-night stand. He just wants to escape from all humanity.

Dee Stevens can’t believe she’s in a bar at all. She’s just lost two patients due to drunk driving. Whatever could have drawn her into a strange bar tonight, of all times?

When the two meet, and they feel an odd vibration that seems to pull them together, they have no idea what’s ahead, or behind, them . . . and what it can mean for mankind.

Uncaged Review: Dusty and Dee are perfect strangers who hit it off on night in a bar. After a one night stand Dee is driving Dusty to the airport for a business meeting when they crash and are thrown into another time period. Believe they ended up here for a reason, they begin putting their skills to the use of the town. This is book one in the series Featuring Dusty and Dee and the way it ends we are surely going to be seeing more of them. I for one love this storyline and found what they accomplished in this story amazing. A very entertaining read can’t wait to see what’s next in store for them. Reviewed By Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Angel: A DCI Ryan Mystery by LJ Ross


LJ Ross

He’ll make you his angel, but first you have to die…

After a turbulent time, DCI Ryan’s life is finally returning to normal and he’s looking forward to spending an uneventful Easter bank holiday weekend with his fiancée.

Then, on Good Friday morning he is called out to a crime scene at one of the largest cemeteries in Newcastle. The body of a redheaded woman has been found buried in a shallow grave and the killer has given her wings, like an angel.

Uncaged Review: Ryan and his band of detective’s are pulled into the office. During Easter break as a bunch of murdered women with red hair are being killed and buried in cemeteries. This is the fourth story in the series that features DCI Ryan and his team and the first book I’ve read by this author. I wasn’t sure of some of the characters background and history throughout the book. But I did pick up the story quickly. The book ends at a cliffhanger I quite liked the story and found Ryan and his team very interesting. I would most certainly read the rest of this series. Reviewed by Jennifer

4 Stars