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HomeFantasyDark FantasyUncaged Review – Iron Queen by L.A. McGinnis

Uncaged Review – Iron Queen by L.A. McGinnis

Iron Queen
L.A. McGinnis
Dark Fantasy

The Darkfell Vampire Clan is ruled by one queen.

She has to be strong. Ruthless.

Willing to do anything to keep her crown and survive the royal court’s treacherous maze of deception.

Today, that queen is me.
Who knows?

When I killed Viktor and took the throne, I thought I’d rid our kind of their worst threat. But the joke’s on me, because there’s a new enemy on the loose. He’s stronger than any of us—seductive and cunning—and has his sights set on me.
Caine’s the worst of our species, and he threatens everything I love, but he’s in for a surprise, because I intend to be the last one standing.

Uncaged Review: The final installment in this
series brings more action, more angst, and secrets
that the reader has been wanting to know will all
be revealed. Caine is the biggest threat to Seraphina,
and even though he shows support for her, he’s
ruthless and has his sights set on Seraphina and
the throne, and will destroy the world if he doesn’t
get his way. On top of all the problems, Seraphina
develops an incurable blood disorder because of
the different magics competing against each other
inside. She needs to move fast to complete her
goals before the disease takes her life.

This was a great ending to this group, even though
the very last pages felt a bit rushed. The epilogue
was a great addition and I really wished authors
included them more often at the end of a series or a
book that it makes sense to. Even though this is the
end of the Darkfell Clan, the author is treating the
readers to more stories of other clans in this world.
And I’m all in. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars


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