Uncaged Feature Author – Anne Armistead


Uncaged welcomes Anne Armistead

Welcome to Uncaged! Your newest book, A Tryst in Paris is a time traveler romance and is book one in The Carousel Time Traveler series. Can you tell readers more about this book? Will readers be able to read each one as a standalone?

A Tryst in Paris is about the adventures of Mirabelle Montgomery. While antique shopping for her ill mother in Paris, she is transported to 1900 Paris when she visits the Luxembourg Carousel. A mysterious time shifter has sent her to reset the fate of a man, and she is captive back in time until she accomplishes this mission. When she meets a sexy ex-police detective Jacques Thibaut, whose stellar career has been shattered by rumors he consorts with anarchists and assassins, Mirabelle believes she has found her man. Her determination to correct his life’s course by proving him innocent sparks passion between them. What happens in 1900 Paris, stays in 1900 Paris . . . or does it?

The Carousel Time Traveler trilogy has a closely connected story involving the characters introduced in Book One, but the reader can read them as standalones.

What are you working on now that you can tell us about?

I am working on Book Two of The Carousel Time Traveler, in which Mirabelle travels back to 1925 Paris.

I am also working on my second contemporary sweet Christmas romance because I love Hallmark Christmas movies (as corny and hokey as they are) and I enjoyed writing my first one, A Christmas Cannoli Kiss.

In addition, I am plotting a small-town romance series that will revolve around second chances at love.

What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?

The opening scene is always the hardest because you strive to hook the reader’s interest right away yet not divulge too much backstory. The easiest scene is two words: THE END.

Read the rest of this interview in the current issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Anne Armistead is the award-winning author of love stories, past and present. She writes romances in multi-genres, including historical, fantasy, and contemporary. When she’s not conjuring tales to write, she’s reading those written by others.


A Tryst in Paris
Anne Armistead
Time Travel Romance

When Mirabelle Montgomery visits the Luxembourg Carousel in Paris, a mysterious time shifter sweeps her into the Carousel’s time travel vortex and transports her to 1900 Paris. Her return will be allowed once she completes her mission to restore a man’s fate gone wrong. But whose?

Upon meeting dangerously sexy Jacques Thibaut, Mirabelle believes she has found her man. His life’s purpose as a stellar police detective has been derailed by accusations of his plotting with anarchists to overthrow the French government.

If she proves Jacques to be innocent, his life will be reset to its rightful providence. He will win back his job and those who once believed in him, including the woman he planned to marry.

Mirabelle’s determination to complete her mission kindles passion between them. But their falling in love will jeopardize everything, for his true destiny does not include her. Besides, even if her heart desires, she cannot remain in 1900 Paris . . . can she?

Join Mirabelle Montgomery and her adventures as a time traveler in Paris of the past. A Tryst in Paris is Book One of The Carousel Time Traveler series.


Chapter Six

Animated voices speaking French awakened Mira. She flipped onto her back and stretched long, wondering if Sylvie’s neighbors were having a row. When she opened her eyes, a spackled plaster ceiling greeted her instead of the canopy above her godmother’s guest bed.

Mira bolted upright, digging her fingers into the red woolen blanket covering her. Her sudden movement triggered a burst of pain behind her eyes. She swallowed against a surge of nausea. Her body ached as if she’d run a marathon.

The flimsy cotton nightgown she wore did little to dispel her chilled-to-the-bone shivering. The room’s small old-timey wall radiator provided little heat. The numbness of her hands caused her moonstone ring to turn loosely on her finger. Shivering, Mira tucked the woolen blanket tightly around herself. She saw only a brick wall from the window. The view provided no hint of her geographic location, but she assumed she was in Paris.

The set designer in her catalogued her surroundings. The room’s furnishings reminded her somewhat of the Van Gogh painting, “The Bedroom.” Lilac-painted walls. Dull-yellow-painted headboard and matching bureau. Orange wooden table holding a pitcher, basin, and vintage men’s toiletries. A wooden slatted-back chair, with a lady’s wide-brimmed hat adorned with plumage and gloves resting on its the seat and her cape folded over its back. In the other corner, an articulated dressing screen with butterflies flitting among vines painted on its panels. A skirt and bodice and undergarments hung from it. Boots belonging to a lady sat on the floor beside it.

The raised voices of a man and woman drew Mira’s attention once more. She recognized their names tossed back and forth: Jaco, Bébé. Jaco was insisting Bébé not mention taking “that woman” to Susette again.

I assume he is referring to me as “that woman” but who is Susette?

Mira pressed her fingertips to her pounding forehead. Memory fragments began sorting into place, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, until she accepted the unacceptable fact: Le Veille transported her to 1900 Paris to do his bidding.

Vanish into the past which holds your future. Return only if you right the wrong destiny that has befallen him.

A paradox. I hate paradoxes.

Her body trembled, not from the cold but from remembering Carolyn’s unfinished text: Mira, catch the next plane. Your mother has . . .

That’s why she had been searching for her phone. What did the rest of the text say? She closed her eyes tightly, and tears slid from them.