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Catch Up with Cheryl Yeko


Cheryl Yeko writes as herself, and with her writing partner Char Chaffin as CiCi Cordelia.

Uncaged: You were a Feature Author in Uncaged as both yourself, and as your pen name with co-writer Char Chaffin as CiCi Cordelia.
How was your experience with Uncaged?

As always, Uncaged is a gem to work with. Talented and professional in every regard.

Uncaged: You’ve just released two recent books, Loving a Hero and The Substitute Wife, what do you have for us in the near future?

CiCi (Char and me) just finished final edits for The Dance Hall Wife, and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome of Frank and Cat’s story. So much fun. Look for it in mid-summer.


CAT . . .
Cat Purdue has come a long way from the days when her father used her as partial payment for a gambling debt to a ruthless man. Reacquiring the saloon Father had lost, and turning it into a successful restaurant, is only the beginning of her drive for success.

FRANK . . .
Unable to reconcile the new, sophisticated Catherine Purdue from the saloon girl he once dallied with and foolishly spurned, Frank Carter finds himself blocking his growing attraction with sharp words and sarcasm. But when the Carters’ old nemesis escapes prison and comes back to Little Creede for vengeance, Frank’s only thought is to protect Cat, as well as his family.

Determined to lead separate lives yet bound together by danger and their growing desire, Frank and Cat will leave their mark in the new state of Colorado.

Uncaged: Are you planning on attending any conventions or in-person signings this year?

In July, I’ll be attending RWA Nationals in Denver, as an Editor for Soul Mate, where I’ll be taking pitch appointments and conducting a Marketplace event, along with my BFF and fellow Soul Mate Editor, Char Chaffin, who just happens to be the other half of CiCi Cordelia. It’s going to be a blast.

In August, I’ll be once again attending The Writers Police Academy in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I’m a volunteer for this amazing event and track and assemble donated items into pretty baskets for auction night. It’s a lot of work, but so worth it.

Uncaged: Tell us something unique about you.

I was born at midnight, in the cusp, and they set me back three minutes, so my birthday falls on the May 19th, instead of the May 20th.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Cheryl Yeko is a multi-published award-winning author and Acquiring Editor with Soul Mate Publishing.

She writes Romantic Suspense and Sexy Contemporary. Website: Where Love Always Wins

She also co-writes Paranormal and Historical Western with fellow Soul Mate Publishing Editor and BFF, Char Chaffin, under the pen-name CiCi Cordelia. Website: Writing From The Heart[/symple_box]



The Substitute Wife
CiCi Cordelia
Historical Western


Once his fortune in silver mining is secured, Harrison Carter finally sends back home for his fiancée. It’s been four years since he’s seen Jenny.

But it’s Retta Pierce, Jenny’s sister, who arrives by stagecoach with young daughter Adeline in tow. When this lovely, soiled dove brings devastating news and a written plea from Jenny to marry and care for Retta and little Addie, what’s a good man to do?

RETTA . . .

Fulfilling her dying sister’s request, Retta travels across dangerous territory to marry a man she barely remembers. But the hard miner who meets her at the stagecoach surely isn’t the same one her sister claimed was kind and honorable, a gentleman who’ll embrace her and her daughter as if they were his own. Has she made a mistake she’ll pay for, the rest of her life?


Thrown together in shared sorrow, Harrison and Retta struggle to forge a life in the brand-new state of late-nineteenth-century Colorado.


Am I really going to marry her?

Did he even have a choice? In her letter, Jenny had pleaded with him to wed Retta. She’d called him a good man. An honorable man. A man she could trust to provide for her sister and niece so she could die peacefully, knowing they’d be well cared for. What kind of a man would he be if he threw them onto the streets?

A real bastard, that’s what.

Rounding the bend, Reverend Matias’s church came into view, ending Harrison’s internal conversation. “Let’s just get it done,” he muttered under his breath, tugging on Copper’s reins.

Hopping to the ground, he finally met Retta’s blue-eyed gaze, reminding him so much of Jenny’s. Which angered him all over again, and for a moment he couldn’t speak as he fought to reel his temper back in. But he was angry with everyone right now.


This girl and her child.


Even the damned Reverend for what he was about to do, tying him to a woman not of his choosing.
Squaring his shoulders, Harrison walked to her side of the wagon and lifted his arms. “Give me the girl.” The words came out gruffer than he’d intended.

Retta lifted her chin in a defiant manner. Her clear blue eyes clouded with suspicion. “Why?”

He blinked. Her sharp response wasn’t what he’d expected. Retta’s timidity so far hadn’t been very inspiring, but now it was as if he saw her for the first time. The woman staring down at him appeared ready to do battle. Pink stained her pretty cheeks and her lush full lips pursed in annoyance. Long, pale curls escaped from her bonnet, framing a very appealing, sweet face.

His blood heated.

And that, too, angered him.

“We’re getting married.” Harrison didn’t even try to hide his annoyance when he spoke to her. “Now, give me the girl.”

For a moment, he thought she might refuse, and almost hoped she would, even if that meant letting Jenny down. But then Retta’s shoulders drooped, transforming her into the meek woman he’d met at the coach station. She nodded and handed down her daughter.

A sliver of guilt tamped his anger to a slow boil as he took the sleeping child and tucked her in the crook of one arm, holding his free hand up to help Retta from the wagon.

Twenty minutes later, he exited the church a married man. The Reverend hadn’t blinked an eye when Harrison showed up with a stranger to marry, though he must have wondered. But he didn’t so much as ask whose child Harrison held throughout the ceremony, while a tearful bride spoke her vows.

This book was rated 5 Stars from Uncaged Book Reviews. Click HERE for that review.


Uncaged Review – The Man Who Needs You by Mia Mae Lynne


The Man Who Needs You
Mia Mae Lynne
Contemporary Romance

It’s all fun and games until the man you’re after marries another woman.

And the man who needs you shows up at that wedding.

For Katie Pennington Leigh, love and family seemed to be out of her cards until a crazy woman teases her with a future she never thought she’d want.

Jack Williams wasn’t looking for a wife. Hell, he wasn’t looking for anything, too concerned with raising his daughters and mourning the love he’d lost years ago.

But when Katie and Jack meet, all bets are off as the two set off on a course that neither ever expected.

Can you learn to be a mother when the children you love aren’t your own? Can you learn to love the man who you never knew you needed and let him love you in return?

The answers are coming in.

Uncaged Review: This is the fifth book in a series, so I was actually coming into this series a bit blind. It does hold up well as a standalone, and I wasn’t lost, but I didn’t know the characters as well as I could have, had I read the first books. With that said, I didn’t like Katie in the first few chapters, but she did grow on me as I read along. I wasn’t very attached to Jack either, as times he seemed understanding, and then be quite demanding – but I loved Jack’s two daughter’s right away.

This is a nice love story of two people on different ends of the social spectrum and both needing each other more than they know. I felt a little detached, I was never fully immersed in the story, maybe because it was a dialog-driven story, but I did enjoy my time in their lives. Nicely done, and when I have a bit more time, I’m planning on revisiting some of the earlier books in the series. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton


The Forever Girl
Rebecca Hamilton
New Adult/Paranormal

This book is a free read on her website:

A cult. A murder. A curse.
At twenty-two, practicing Wiccan Sophia Parsons is scratching out a living waiting tables in her Rocky Mountain hometown, a pariah after a string of unsolved murders with only one thing in common: her.

Uncaged Review: I’ve read several books by this author, and I really enjoy her style of writing. A very unique look at the world of vampires and weres, in this story they are known as the Cruor and the Strigoi and there are other “elementals” in the magic mix. Sophia begins her journey learning on who she is, and why some very powerful people are after her.
In the beginning, I had mixed feelings on Sophia, I felt she was selfish, stubborn and immature. But what I did see, was a lot of growing up that she did within the story. She got to where she needed to be and I was rooting her on eventually. The romance was a bit on the strange side for me. I knew it was coming, but it went from zero to a well-established relationship without seeing it evolve, maybe because the book is told from Sophia’s point-of-view.
The action sequences were great and Sophia comes into her own and becomes a valued member instead of a handicap and it was fun watching her get there. This book does not leave on a typical tense cliff-hanger, but it sets up well for book two. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Author Interview – Mia Mae Lynne, Excerpt from In Ruthless Pursuit


As seen in the June issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about the different series you have going?

My series is titled “Southern Men Don’t Fall in Love” It is based in metro Atlanta, Georgia. It is about family connections, trials and tribulations, love and loss. It’s also about six degrees of separation. As the series progresses, my readers will see how the characters relate to their families beyond the romance. Immediate families have a major influence on our romantic relationships, which is the reason why I give them a present voice in the romance and don’t solely focus on the couple and their interactions with each other.

Uncaged: Why a romance series? How would you rate your books on a romance scale? Clean or Erotica?

I delved into a romance series because that was what the spirit brought to me. I’d been playing around with the idea ten years before putting it to life on electronic paper. After I quit my defense aerospace position in 2008, the ideas came back in full force. I took the time to write the stories and have really enjoyed all of the characters.

My stories are purposely in the midpoint of the romance range. I knew that the characters would be getting engaged and married. Sexual descriptions and acts are taboo for a clean romance. I had more to say in the development of the characters and wanted them to have a deeper connection with their audience.

Erotica fell out of the range for me because I wasn’t comfortable going too deeply into the sex realm but I did want to show intimacy between the characters. My editor, Lex helps me balance the content and length of the sexual situations so I can stay in the midpoint range.

My first book “Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelor” doesn’t have any sexual situations and has a few explicit words. The sexual situations progress in the second and third book as it relates to their engagement and marriage.

Uncaged: How long is your series and where would you like to see your series in the future?

With six books released and a trilogy on the way in the same series, I’d like to release at least fifteen books but who knows. When I move to other books, there will be new characters introduced. If my fan base has an interest in one of them or I get an idea for another story, I’ll add it into the series.
I would love to see my books as a miniseries or a movie. “Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelor” has several scenes around Atlanta and that would be a really good one to see on the big screen. I could see Katie Pennington’s story “Fulfilling Katie’s Needs” and her sequel “The Man Who Needs You” on a Hallmark channel or something similar.

Uncaged: What do you have coming up next that you can tell us about?

The title of my newest project is named but may be retitled. It is the first book of a three book trilogy in the “Southern Men Don’t Fall in Love” series. Greg Speaks and Maya Dunbar are the leading characters who have been introduced in other books in the series. Greg is best friends with Doug Bader and Maya is Lisa Dunbar Bader’s first cousin.

This romance will take a long time to develop and it’s been one of my favorite books in the series to write. Greg has characteristics that I would love to have personally as a leading man in my life and Maya’s strong personality resembles a lot of what I would do or say if I were in her situation.

Uncaged: Do you have any advice for new authors?

Yes. Write it and publish it. Don’t wait for others to dictate your dream. If traditional publishers aren’t looking at you then self-publish. If ISBN numbers are too expensive then Amazon will give you one. The point is publish it. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Find a really good editor, preferably one that edits in your genre and is up to date with the changes in the publishing world. There are several places that make covers and if you use Createspace, you can create your own cover through their cover creator.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

I love reading my reviews. I learn so much from them. I had a few critical reviews in my first book so I made a few changes in latter books based on the constructive criticism. When you are a writer, you live in the world of the characters and give the view as you see or feel through them. The feedback expands my view and sometimes gives me new ideas for future releases.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

It was from R. Riley on Amazon “Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down! It had me laughing so much, but the story was beautiful! Can’t wait to read Book 2!” Enjoyment of both humor and romance is the reaction I want to draw from my readers.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author?

I love being involved in the story. When I first started writing, spirit would wake me up between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. I would not be able to go back to sleep until the conversation was written down. I love sharing the story with people who’ve read the book and getting their reactions to the characters.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I like to sit on the sand at the beach. I don’t get to go very often but when I do, I love to hear the crashing waves, feel the wind and the warmth from the sun. Wiggling my toes in the sand, sipping lemonade and watching people play in the water. Savannah, GA and Jacksonville, FL are two of my favorite places to go for a beach vacation.

Uncaged: What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting or publishing your books?

The challenge in being an author is the marketing. I want to focus on writing but I also need an audience and a following to ensure the success of my books. My books are on Amazon because it is easy for an independent author to enter the Kindle market. I also publish through Createspace to purchase paperback copies for book signings, contests and giveaways.

I’m experimenting with book promotion sites. There are several sites that have inexpensive or free submissions. I’ve scheduled marketing around the free book days and have noticed an increase in readership on Kindle Unlimited after the promotions.

Thankfully, my son Carlos has assisted with the marketing effort. He designed the website . He also researched marketing and keywords that will help interested readers to find my site.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I’d love to hear from you! Please contact me with any questions related to the series. I also encourage you to join my email list and check the websites. I have several titles available on Kindle Unlimited and do offer download dates to receive titles for free on Kindle. I’m also available for book club appearances. Don’t be bashful! If you live far away, we could do video conferencing through the internet.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]I’m a writer who is passionate about writing romance. I started writing the Chronicles of Fate series in 2008.

Life events happened and the books were put away until 2015 when the first release was published. The series was renamed to “Southern Men Don’t Fall In Love” and the first book was titled “Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelor”. I have six releases in English and three releases in Spanish. My son Carlos translated the first book into Spanish and called two of his college friends to edit the books. I wasn’t sure which version of Spanish to release the book in so I have it released in Spanish of the America’s and European Spanish. All three books were released November 4, 2015 which is Carlos’s birthday. Although I’ve never learned to speak Spanish fluently, both of my children do. I believe it is important to have a second language and stressed at an early age that they learn Spanish. I would love to promote my translated books in the Spanish romance genre.

I am self-published through Book & Spirit, LLC and release twice a year. The second release date is April 26th which is my youngest son Marcus’ birthday. I may add additional release dates in the future. During the release of my first book, I met my current editor, Lex Hupertz. She designs my cover and edits my books. I could not stress enough the importance of an excellent editor and specifically one that understands your writing style as well as assists you with the development of your work. It makes a difference in a decent book to great reading. Her contact information is and email is [email protected] I was delighted when I was contacted by Victoria Forte through Goodreads. She offered her services as an editor/translator for my series. Carlos was well on his way in his career and didn’t have the same time to translate and I really wanted my books available on both languages. She’s translated El Soltero más Codiciado de Atlanta II which is available on Amazon. She’s just finished translating El Soltero más Codiciado de Atlanta III and that is due to be released November 4, 2018. Her contact information is [email protected] My younger son Marcus has been tasked with translating “Fulfilling Katie’s Needs” into Spanish. It’s a shorter book and his career project. I’m anticipating that he will finish translating the book prior to entering law school this fall. The translated version of the book is expected to be released on his birthday April 26, 2019. I’ll also release the translated version of the sequel “The Man Who Needs You.” Victoria will be the editor and translator for that book.

Along with writing, I have a major interest in the metaphysical arts so I take classes that interest me such as tarot, astrology, mediumship and any other related studies. I’m an Advance Reiki Trainer as well as psychic medium. I’m also a left-handed March 4th Pisces. All of that balances my analytical side of being a CPA for 20+ years with most of my daytime career in the commercial and defense aerospace industry. I also have a Master’s degree in Government Contract Administration.

I live in a two bedroom apartment, write like crazy when the spirit moves me and I’m a plant parent.[/symple_box]



glass with whiskey on a old piano

In Ruthless Pursuit
Mia Mae Lynne
Contemporary Romance

What’s a man to do when the woman he loves marries someone else?

Carter didn’t want to go to her wedding. He didn’t want to see her walking down the aisle to marry a man that wasn’t him.

He wanted her for himself.

But married life isn’t everything Terri thought it was going to be, and when her husband fails to keep his vows, Carter is determined to be the one who steps up to take his place.

He’ll take a marriage on the rocks with a side of sweet jazz, and that’s only the beginning of what he’s willing to do to get back the woman he let get away in the first place.

Can Carter convince Terri that he’s more than the strong shoulder he’s offered her? Will the chemistry between them finally click and lead to love?

All’s fair…


Carter spent his Wednesday nights pouring out his sorrow for the love that he’d lost over the keyboard at Noel’s House of Jazz.
Once a week was enough to release his tension and keep his fingers in shape for his musically talented hands.
Sometimes his selections were somber and sometimes they were cheery and soulful.
Occasionally he took requests.
Tonight, he faced his past.
There Terri sat, alone with her glass of white wine. He tried not to allow her presence to be a distraction. When it was time for break, he approached Terri. Sadness and distress were in her deep brown oval eyes. Her dark hair was pulled up and her face was puffy as if she’d been crying
He took an empty chair next to her. “I didn’t know you were coming. Thanks for being here.”
“I had to get away for a while. I didn’t know where else to go,” she said sadly.
“Is everything okay?”
“No, it’s not. Some white woman keeps calling me and hanging up the phone. I have her number. I asked Ricky about it and he got upset. I don’t know what to do.”
As his mother always said, the chickens would come home to roost.
He now understood what that expression meant.
Ricky was still playing around.
Carter didn’t want to be in the middle of their domestic dispute, but he couldn’t leave Terri. Because even though he hated seeing her hurting, the spark in him that held out hope was delighted that maybe, just maybe, this meant he might have a chance to win her after all.
He scooted his chair closer to hers, placed his hand confidently, comfortingly on her knee. Held her gaze. Tried to play the part of good friend consoling someone in need, offering the faint hope they both knew wasn’t real but was expected between them. “I’m sure Ricky has an explanation. Probably some old girlfriend is trying to start trouble. Don’t worry about it. I’m here if you need me.”
“There’s more. I’ve found lipstick on his clothes, some woman’s earring; he’s working weird hours and, sometimes, when I call him, he rushes me off the phone.”
“What’s his explanation?”
“The lipstick…he said that he went to see his mother and she kissed him. The earring belonged to some client that rode in his car. Sometimes I can’t reach him at all and his explanation is that his battery died on his phone and he forgot to charge it. This isn’t right. Something’s going on.”
“My heart hurts for you. I don’t like to see you in despair.” He lightly stroked her back, grabbed a clean linen napkin from the table, and offered it to her.
The heavens opened and answered his prayers. The heaviness in his heart was lifted. This was the beginning of the end of a marriage to a man who didn’t deserve her. His happiness with her was eminent.
“I shouldn’t have told you this. You and Ricky are friends.” She sniffled and sipped her drink. She brushed the hair back from her face.
He lifted her hand and caressed his thumb on the back of her palm. “You and I are friends too. My door is always open if you need me. I have to finish my set. Will you be here afterwards?”
“No,” she squeezed his hand. “I have to go home and settle this. Thanks for listening and being a good friend. I’ll see you soon. I still owe you dinner.”
He smirked. “I’ll hold you to that.”
He stood up to leave and finished his set. As his music, wound down and he readied himself to leave, Noel motioned for him to sit with her.
“Hello, Miss Noel.”
“Hello, nephew. Was that her that was here tonight?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I hope you have that situation under control. I don’t want any jealous husbands shooting up my place.”
Carter laughed. “No, ma’am. You witnessed it. I only spent five minutes with her.”
“But if the opportunity arose, you would spend more time with her,” Noel stated.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Creeping with a married woman in a troubled relationship can be dangerous.”
“How did you know she was troubled?” Carter asked.
“She came here twice without her man. There’s a reason for that. She needs you and she knows that she can’t have you.”
He sat back for a moment and thought about Noel’s strong words. He hugged her and thanked her for her motherly advice. He stepped briskly to his car, drove off and wondered what he should do next.

Uncaged Book Reviews – June 2018, Issue 23 Now Available


Featuring authors: Mia Mae Lynne, Maureen O. Betita, Pamela Fagan, Hutchins, June Kramin, Paty Jager, P.J. MacLayne, Skye Andrews and J.C. Michael.

Catch-up with Cheryl Yeko and Amy Shannon


Author Interview – N. Jade Gray – Review & Excerpt from All for the Love of a Cowboy


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about your debut novel, All for the Love of a Cowboy?

All for the Love of a Cowboy is a Time Travel Western Romance. My heroine, Rachel Morgan, finds herself in the past in a delusional cowboy’s bed after she crashed her car into a tree trying to play dodge the dog. Mitchell Reeves owns a ranch in the Durango, Colorado area and lives with his sister Becky. The Reeves’ take Rachel in while she is on the mend from her accident. Not only does Rachel find life in Eighteen Ninety-two challenging, but the love she begins to feel for Mitchell has her confused on whether she should try to find a way back home or stay with the Cowboy she’s come to love.

Uncaged: Did growing up on a farm inspire you to write in a western genre?

I believe there are several influences at play. Growing up on a farm in Oklahoma definitely influenced my love for cowboy stories. Along with a house full of men who loved to watch westerns. John Wayne was a household name. And what is there not to love about a cowboy’s swagger, hard work ethic, compassion and buns in well fitting jeans. 🙂

Uncaged: What are you working on next?

I have another Time Travel Romance in the works with Wild Rose Press. Wild Rose Press offered a contract on April 17th for my current manuscript Raider of Her Heart. A major event in history for Lawrence, Kansas is the burning of Lawrence by Quantrill and his Raiders. When the 150th anniversary of the event happened a few years ago, I began to think of what if scenarios and Raider of Her Heart was born.

Judson Levi Stone a Cavalry Scout for the Kansas Eleventh Infantry had simple instructions – warn the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas of the impending threat of William Quantrill and his Raiders. Ambushed Judson finds himself in the year twenty seventeen and regretting his failed mission.

Sadie Winters hoodwinked by her Grandfather, Walt Winters, finds herself taking care of two invalids. Both are unwilling to share the secret Judson harbors. As the days pass and Judson’s mystery is revealed, Sadie finds herself struggling with her attraction for Judson and the desire to help him get back to his own time.

Uncaged: You are an attending author at Wild Deadwood Reads this year. What are you looking forward to the most from this convention?

This will be the first time I’ve attended the reader’s conference at Deadwood or any reader’s conference for that matter. I’m excited to meet the many authors attending and at the same time I’m a little nervous. I’m a new author and not as well known to the readers as some of the other authors attending, but I’m looking forward to this great opportunity for the exposure.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Yes, I read the reviews. One of the hardest things to realize, as a writer, is not everyone loves your characters, story as much as you do. Everyone has their ideal type of book they enjoy reading. If your book doesn’t fall into what that reader was looking for there is a chance the review isn’t going to be as positive as you would like. With this first book I’ve taken the accolades from my friends and family as the encouragement needed to continue writing.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

All for the Love of a Cowboy appeals to both men and women. I received a hand written letter from an 88-year-old man who absolutely loved my book and story. He had read it twice before he sat down to write me his letter of appreciation for my book. He loved that it was a western story, but he knew how the story ended for my hero and heroine. He wasn’t left hanging on what happens to the characters at the end of the story. He ended the letter with he couldn’t wait for my next book.

Uncaged Follow-up: OMG, all the feels!!

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

My favorite part is holding my book baby in my hands. You can have received the letter from the publisher, completed all the steps for editing and getting the book ready, but the dream of becoming published sinks in when you receive and hold the printed copy of your book in your hands. You did this! You created a story!

I’m not sure about least favorite part of being an author, but the hardest part for me has been the marketing. I hold a full time job on top of being an author and having the energy and dedication to figure out marketing at the end of the day has been daunting. It doesn’t help that I’m a first time author trying to figure out what does and doesn’t work. This process is under constant construction.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I like to enjoy life. Sometimes I’m that little kid on the playground looking for the next adventure. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. One of my favorite places to “just be” is Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I love the area, the hiking, fishing and have had many great vacationing memories there over the years.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The hardest part of writing a book for me is making myself write. Unlike some of my fellow authors in some of the writing groups I’ve belonged, I don’t outline. I’m a pantzer. For those who don’t know the term – that is someone who sits downs and writes. No planning involved.

The easiest part is story ideas. I have tons of ideas popping into my head, usually when I’m at work and can’t think about the idea in depth.

My debut novel All for the Love of a Cowboy, are you sitting down, took over twenty years. Yes, twenty. I was a full time mom, full time employee and full time wife. So, if you have stories just waiting to be told don’t give up on them. My current book Raider of Her Heart took about three years. I’m on an upswing! My third book is started and the verdict is still out on how long it will take. 🙂

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I love to entertain people with a story. I want you to walk away with a pleasant feeling and maybe a chuckle or two after reading one of my books. We all need a little feel good in our lives.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers. She began reading romance novels in high school and was hooked. In an attempt to entertain her friends she began writing stories. The biggest hurdle she had to overcome with her writing was sharing her stories. Her former writing groups, the Wichita and Regional Authors and Low Country Romance Writer’s, helped with her confidence and shook the needed pom pom’s to get her motivated for publication.

She is also a former member of the Romance Writers of America. She met her husband, Nathan, while attending college and has two grown sons, Blake and Mason. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up, she’s held various jobs in the accounting and legal fields. She lives in Kansas with her husband, rescue cats Meera and Mango, and one spoiled dog-named Fabio. Yes, she helped name the dog. She chuckles when she hears her husband calling for his four-legged companion.[/symple_box]

All for the Love of a Cowboy
N. Jade Gray
Historical Western/Time Travel

Mitchell Reeves is in trouble. Someone is sabotaging his ranch, cattle are missing, his sister is testing her wings, and his quarrel with a neighboring rancher has heated to boiling. Adding a beautiful woman who claims to be from the future couldn’t come at a worse time.

Computer programmer Rachel Morgan understands machines, but fails with the opposite sex. When a dog plays chicken with her car, her bad week becomes worse when she wakes to find herself in the past—in a very hunky, very delusional cowboy’s bed.
Time spent in Mitchell’s company causes an unexpected glitch in Rachel’s determination to get home. Love. Found in the most startling place and time. Could she go home, if she had the chance, without knowing his true feelings?

When unwanted attention from another man turns to kidnapping, Rachel is torn between wishing she were home… and risking it all for the love of a cowboy.


Durango, Colorado—1892

Mitchell Reeves scanned the room as he stood outside the swinging doors of the Silver Spur Saloon. Where the hell was he? His nostrils flared as he reined in his temper. Finally, he found his prey. Sanders leaned against the bar with an arm around one of the bar maids.
The ornate mirror behind the bar gave away his approach. Jake Sanders turned to sneer at Mitchell as he crossed the room.

“Hey, Reeves. You look a little hot.” With an evil chuckle he asked, “Woman trouble?”
Mitchell controlled the growl clawing its way up his throat. “You know good and well why I’m here Sanders.” Silence filled the saloon like a fog hanging on the air. “I don’t want you near my sister, ranch, or cattle again. Do you hear me?” He poked Jake in the chest as he fired off the last question.

Jake shifted his weight, drew up to his full height, and clenched his jaw. “You threaten me, Reeves? You’d better watch your tongue. Accidents happen. Then I would have that ranch of yours and your little sister right where I want her.” Jake chuckled and smiled at a cowpoke standing nearby. “On her back.”

Mitchell felt his outrage bubbling in his throat mere seconds before his fist connected with his adversary’s jaw. Jake’s head whipped back from the force of the blow.
He wiped at the blood trickling from his lip. “You’ll pay for that, Reeves.” Lunging forward, he rammed his fist into Mitchell’s stomach.

Breath expelled from his lips in a hiss as he staggered. Regaining his footing, he gave a quick strike to his opponent’s nose.

Jake put a hand to his nose. “You sorry son of a …”

Mitchell braced himself but stumbled as Jake threw his body against his own. Losing his footing, he fell into a table and chair directly behind him. The men who had been playing poker scattered. Cards and chips went flying as he knocked the table over and landed hard on the floor.

He watched in a daze as Jake advanced and loomed over his sprawled position. He tried not to flinch as Jake grabbed his shirtfront and drew his fist back to land a blow to his face.
“Had enough?” A sinister look crossed the stubborn cowboy’s features as he gritted his teeth and punched.

Hooking a leg behind Jake’s, Mitchell jerked his legs out from under him. “I’ll tell you when I’m done.” Diving on top of Jake, he pummeled him in the ribs with fresh vigor.

The two locked in a bear hug and rolled a few feet, crashing into another table and chairs.
A shot rang out and echoed throughout the saloon. Both men stilled at the sound.

Bill Silver, the owner of the Silver Spur, held a smoking pistol in the air. “Enough! I’ll not have my saloon busted up by the likes of you, Sanders. Take this scuffle outside.”

Uncaged Review

I always get a kick out of time travel stories, specially that goes backward in history and seeing how the one person from the future tries to negotiate with people from the past, and it is definitely fun here. This debut novel from this author is a brilliant start for her, a love story with suspense and will keep you busy watching for clues on how Rachel will be able to return to her own world, but the real question is, does she still want to? I’m not telling, but it’s a nice, clean romance that will find it’s ending and won’t leave you hanging. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Author Interview – Danica Favorite – Review of Honor-Bound Lawman with Excerpt


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: What can you tell readers about your Love Inspired Historical series? What inspired you to write in the historical western genre?

My series is set during the silver mining boom in Leadville, Colorado. Believe it or not, I started writing historical westerns because my agent dared me to. I never wanted to write historicals because I love them so much that I was afraid of turning my first love into work. However, my agent twisted my arm, I tried it, and decided to write about an area I knew well- Leadville, CO. When my husband’s family came to America, they went to Leadville, so the area is steeped in family history, and we spend a great deal of time there. Fortunately, even though writing about Leadville is a lot of work, I still find it very fun and rewarding.

Uncaged: You also write in the contemporary genre, but all your books are clean and inspirational romances. Can you tell readers more about your other series?

I have a contemporary series, Legacy of the Heart, which is part of a larger series called Arcadia Valley. It’s set in Idaho and the series focuses on natural living and foodie culture, a couple of my favorite topics. Legacy of the Heart is about a group of grandchildren determined to keep their parents from taking Bigby Farm, which has been in the family for generations, from their grandmother. And, of course, they all fall in love along the way.

My third book in the series, The Taste of Romance, is out in June.

Uncaged: What are you working on next?

LOTS!! Because the Love Inspired Historical line is closing, I’ve moved to writing for Love Inspired. My first series with them, tentatively called Three Sisters Ranch, will begin in February 2019. It’s about three sisters who inherit a ranch from a long-lost relative, and use it as a means of rebuilding their lives after suffering tragedies.

In the meantime… I have a novella coming out right around the time of WDR as part of the Legacy of the Heart collection (different from above, weird, I just noticed it was the same name!). We have five different stories, two historical and three contemporary, based on a locket that is passed down from woman to women. My story, Heritage of Love, is a historical featuring a young lady who meets a member of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show at the Chicago World’s Fair and falls in love- but her family objects to his Lakota heritage.
I also have my first book with the Brides of Blessings series coming out in May. It’s called A Blessed Dream, and it’s about three sisters who come to the gold mining town of Blessings, CA during the California Gold Rush to avenge their father’s murder. Each of my three books will follow a different sister, and this one is about Louisa, who has given up her dream of being a schoolteacher to help her family, and ends up having to manage her neighbor’s unruly children. Love isn’t in the plan for either of them, but love always has other plans!

I’m also hoping to have another Brides of Noelle book out this summer.

Uncaged: You are an attending author at Wild Deadwood Reads this year. What are you looking forward to the most from this convention?

Wow, so much!! I’ve never been to Deadwood, so I’m super excited to just be there. Also, in case you haven’t guessed, I am a total history nerd, so I plan on doing ALL THE THINGS historical, and I’m really excited to be experiencing it with fellow history nerds. I love that I’m going to connect with people like me who love books and history, and I think it’s going to be so much fun!

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

No, I don’t! I’m too thin-skinned to be able to read them, especially because people can be really mean in what they say online. I hired an assistant who reads them for me, and she lets me know the things I need to know. The main takeaway she gives me is to let me know who my fans are and what they’re looking for. I can’t please everyone, but I really want to do right by the people who look forward to my books.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

Good question! Anytime a reader lets me know my books have made a difference in their lives is something very special to me. I’ve had that happen a few times, and I love knowing that I’ve been able to touch someone’s heart in a special way.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

I love writing. It’s kind of a sickness, because I would write 24/7 if I could. All I want to do is write. Anything that is not writing is my least favorite, and I’m doing my very best to let others do those things, because they make me grumpy.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I love to travel! Seriously, my dream life is to travel the world and write. But come home sometimes, because I also love being home. We bought our dream-in-progress home in the mountains three years ago, and while it is definitely a work in progress, I love being here. The joke is that when my kids leave, I will be a recluse and never leave my house, except to travel, because I love it so much. My other favorite place on Earth is England. If I could live there a month out of every year, I totally would.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The hardest part for me is the ending. I am so in love with the book, I don’t want it to end, but I’m also usually tight on word count, so I don’t have room to mess around. I just want to keep writing and writing because I seriously love to write.

The easiest is starting, because I love getting to know a new story.

Start to finish… ugh. I don’t know. I have a weird process. My books percolate for a long time, but when it’s time to write, I write! Percolation can take months, but the actual writing is usually less than a month.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I think my fans are awesome, and I love getting to know them.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. She and her family recently moved in to their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado. Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily ever after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.[/symple_box]

Honor Bound Lawman
Danica Favorite
Historical Western

Her Rancher Bodyguard

When Laura Booth’s dangerous ex-husband escapes from prison, she turns to the one man who can protect her: Owen Hamilton. Living with the widowed former lawman—who once helped put her ex in jail—and his adorable twin daughters on their Colorado ranch is a welcome respite. For the first time, Laura feels safe—but after her troubled past, she’ll never trust her heart again.
Owen would like to say only obligation draws him to Laura’s side. But in his gut he knows his feelings for the gentle beauty run deeper than duty—and it stops him cold. After guarding their wary hearts for years, can Owen and Laura give love a second chance?


Leadville, Colorado


Owen Hamilton shielded his eyes against the sun as he tried to make out the rider coming toward him. His small ranch outside of Leadville, Colorado, was too far from town to get many visitors.
His sister, Lena, stepped out of the house. “Were you expecting company?”
“No. Get inside and bar the door. Keep the girls close. You know what to do.”
Lena hesitated. “Should I get your shotgun?”
“I’ve got my belt,” Owen said, patting his hip. “No sense in drawing trouble if there is none.”
They’d had this conversation enough times that Lena gave a nod. “We’ll be inside. I’ll wait for the signal.”
Owen walked off the porch and headed down the path toward the oncoming horse. Now that the rider was closer, Owen recognized him.
He called over his shoulder at the house. “It’s just Will. Put on some coffee and see what you can round up for refreshment. I’m sure he’s tired after his long ride.”
Though he sounded cheerful, his stomach filled with dread. The only reason Will would come to see Owen unannounced was if it was about a case. When Owen had turned in his badge several months ago, he’d made it clear he wasn’t available to help his friend. Both Will and the sheriff had tried talking him into at least remaining a consultant. But after Owen’s last mistake, he couldn’t bring himself to potentially endanger anyone else. True, on that last case, no one had died. But Owen had gotten distracted, and because of it, a woman and her children nearly died. Though everything turned out all right in the end, he still couldn’t forget how easily things could have gone bad.
As Will dismounted, Owen walked over to greet him. “Go ahead and put your horse by the barn. There’s plenty of hay, and I’ll get some water for him.”
“Thanks,” Will said, sounding out of breath. He must have been riding hard. And from the horse’s sweaty flanks, Owen could tell that initial instinct that this wasn’t a social call was correct.
“Lena is fixing some refreshments. Then you can be on your way.”
“You haven’t even heard what I have to say.”
“I figure already I already know what you’ve got to say. When I turned in my badge, it was for good.”
Before Will could respond, Owen’s six-year-old twin daughters, Anna and Emma, came running out the door. “Uncle Will!”
“Pipsqueaks!” Will gathered the girls in his arms and gave them a big hug. Though Owen had no regrets in moving out to the ranch, sometimes he thought about how isolated they were out here. Living in Leadville, Owen’s children had the chance to socialize with a number of families, including Will’s. Though Will wasn’t their real uncle, their families were close enough that it felt like it at times. Leaving behind their social connections had been a small price to pay for his privacy. If he wasn’t living in town, no one could ask him to help on a case.
Maybe it sounded selfish, but Owen knew that if his fellow lawmen could just run down the street to ask for his help, keeping his badge hung up would be near impossible. Besides, he and Lena had grown up here. Lena hated the city, and they’d both agreed that they wanted the same kind of how childhood for Owen’s daughters that they’d had.
Lena had given up so much for Owen, quitting her job as a teacher to move in with him and help take care of his daughter’s when his late wife left him nearly six years ago. It seemed only fair that Owen took looked toward Lena’s comfort. Lena had no intention of ever marrying, and after Owen’s disastrous marriage, he wasn’t interested in finding a wife either. Which made being out here, several miles from town, perfect for both of them.
But as Owen watched Will laughing with his daughters, he couldn’t help but wonder if the best thing for him and Lena was not the best thing for his girls. Even though they had each other, the twins missed their friends in Leadville.
“Are you going to spend the night?” Emma asked.
“Why didn’t you bring Mary and Rosabelle?” Anna added. The girls loved spending time with Will’s wife, Mary, and doting on baby Rosabelle.
Will laughed and gave the girls another squeeze. “I’m afraid I’m here on business. I can’t stay long because I need to get back. But hopefully, you can come to town soon and stay with us.”
“Then you’d best come in and have some coffee, so you can be on your way.” Owen gave his friend a firm look. “Any business you have for me is no business I want. I told you, I put that life behind me.”
“You haven’t even heard what I have to say.”
Will’s stubborn expression matched Owen’s. They’d been friends long enough that they could spend hours staring each other down in this manner. They’d done so often enough in the past, with each of them having their share of wins and losses. But this time, Owen wasn’t going to lose.
“Don’t need to. I won’t turn a friend away without refreshment, but you might as well go back on the horse and go home. Nothing you have to say is of interest to me.”
Lena stepped out of the farmhouse, wiping her hands on her apron. “Now, Owen, that’s no way to treat a friend. After all he’s done for us, you at least need to hear him out. Will, nice to see you again.”
Growing up, Owen used to tease Lena that being a schoolteacher was her destiny because of the way she always bossed everyone around. Even having quit her job, she was still good at giving orders. Lena was also his elder by a couple of years, which meant Owen got more than his share of Lena’s commands.
“Good to see you, too, Lena. Mary sends her regards. Even though this is a quick trip on business, there are some cookies in my saddlebags that she insisted I bring.”
“Cookies!” The girls spoke and jumped up and down in unison. “Please, Papa, maybe go and get them?”
Owen sighed. Getting rid of Will wasn’t going to be so easy. Not that Owen wanted to get rid of his friend because entertaining guests was always a pleasurable endeavor. But business, that was another story.
“Let’s go get Will’s horse settled in the barn. Then we can get the cookies and bring them in the house. It’ll be a nice treat for all of us.”
His daughters didn’t need further encouragement. Laughing, they ran to the barn.
Owen looked at his friend. “I guess that settles that, then. Go tie up your horse, and I’ll get a bucket of water.”
Before Owen could head over to the water pump, Lena stopped him. “I don’t know why you’re being so prickly with him. You don’t even know he wants.”
“It doesn’t matter. He’s wearing his badge, which means it’s official business. This isn’t the first time he’s tried to drag me in on another case. I can’t do it anymore, Lena, I just can’t.”
His sister looked at him sympathetically. “I know it’s hard. Don’t you think he knows that, too? If anyone understands the difficulties you have with going back, it would be Will.”
“Then why is he here?” Owen shook his head as he looked at the ground. “All these years Will has been telling everyone that I’m the lawmen he knows. But I’m not. Will has more faith in me that he should. He’s better off without me.”
The crunch of boots on gravel made Owen turn. “I stand by my assessment of your abilities. That’s why I’m here.”
Owen stared at his friend. “You’re wasting your time. Our friendship has blinded you to my faults.”
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.”
Lena stepped in beside Owen. “That’s just what I was telling Owen.”
He’d been prepared to fight Will. But with Lena on Will’s side, it seemed almost impossible to consider doing battle.
“Fine. What you want?”
Will shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back on his heels. His face squeezed tightly into an expression of a man bearing the worst kind of news. Owen had seen that expression on his friend’s face often enough, probably too often, that had Will opened with this expression, Owen wouldn’t have had to debate with himself. The words that were to come out of his mouth were irrelevant. No matter what they were, Owen would help his friend.
“James Booth has escaped from prison.”
The words were shocking as if Will had pulled his gun out of his belt and shot Owen.
“How can that be? They had him in maximum security.”
Will’s brow furrowed. “Apparently not maximum enough. Two guards are dead, and they aren’t sure the third will last the night. When they catch him, he’ll hang for sure.”
“When did this happen?”
“A few hours ago. The prison sent a telegram right away. They think he’s headed to Leadville.”
Owen’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d promised Laura Booth, James’s ex-wife, that this wouldn’t happen. Every day, when he’d escorted her to the courthouse for James’s trial, Owen promised her that James would go to prison for the rest of his life and never bother her again. One more promise Owen had broken as a lawman.
“Does she know?”
Will nodded. “Laura’s scared, but she thinks he’ll head to Mexico, where he has connections, something he’s always talked about doing. Laura believes that James will value his freedom more than anything else. She doesn’t think he’ll risk getting caught again.”
Unfortunately, Owen knew better. The man thought he was invincible, which meant he wouldn’t consider the risks to come after Laura.
“Has she forgotten how many times he threatened her? At the trial, at his sentencing and even when I went with her to give him divorce papers. The last time she saw him, he was like a madman, giving in graphic detail a list of all the horrible things he would do to her before he killed her in revenge for testifying against him.”
When Owen had met Laura, she was terrified of her husband. James Booth was a womanizing charlatan, hurting everyone in his path who did not give him his way. He’d beaten Laura into submission, making her one of his victims. But Owen, along with Will and several of their friends in Leadville, had convinced Laura to testify against James in a case where he’d been accused of murdering his mistress. At the time, Laura had been hesitant to speak out against him. He had many friends and associates, and she feared that they would help them avoid the consequences of his actions.
Owen had been the one to convince her otherwise.
And now James had done the very thing Laura was afraid of. He’d gotten out of jail, and he was coming after her.
Will had been right to ask Owen to come out of retirement for this. He’d made a woman a promise that he would keep her safe.
Hopefully, Owen would be able to keep that promise.

Uncaged Review

A story about love, trust and second chances with a good dash of suspense and danger thrown in. When Owen comes to Laura’s boarding house to take her into protective custody as her abusive ex-husband has escaped from jail, Laura goes, with strong objections, thinking her ex will just high tail it to Mexico. But when the danger looms and people are killed, Owen takes Laura to his ranch, a hidden gem that very few people know about.

The two people will need to learn to trust each other, and also trust the feelings that they have for each other, brewing under the surface.

This is a nice romance, with enough humor, suspense and danger thrown in, along with some great family moments. Nice series. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Time Table by Caroline Mather


The Time Table
Caroline Mather
Historical/Time Travel

“Every so often we lose a ball . . . I wonder in what century they are rolling about?” Jeremy Finch, 1812

“. . . Tony Finch was never found . . .” Larry Fischer to Sophie Fischer, 2016

In the billiard room of Larry Fischer’s London home stands an antique billiard table that came with the house. 

Set up in the 1600’s by Phineas Finch as the craze for billiards dawned, the table was cut from a standing stone on the Finches’ north-country estate and shipped to London . . .

“They kept popping in and out, from the Restoration until . . .” Larry to Sophie, 2016

The lives of generations of Finches are intertwined with the modern-day Fischers and others through the curious properties of The Time Table. Travel with them as they seek the love that transcends time.

Uncaged Review: This is a time travel book. What is different is the method is via a pool table which was made from a standing stone. Things like shot glasses, balls and people disappear through the table, ending up in different centuries.

The book is writing in parts with a different person as the focus for each story. Throughout the book is a Larry Fischer who owns the house where the table was placed when it was made. It has been there for over two hundred years.

Part 1, Between Times, deals with Emily, the sister of Larry’s fiancé, Dilys and Jeremy Finch, whose family owned the house 200 years ago. Emily falls through the table and meets Jeremy. When she returns to present day, Jeremy follows her when he realizes he’ll never find another like her. They end up going back to his time to live.

Part 2 The Shot Glass, involves Tony Finch who, according to the family history, disappeared without a trace from his time period. He shows up in the standing stones where Sophia was at the time. He ends up staying in the present time.

Part 3, The Stone, is the story of Phineas and Davila where Phineas goes back in time.
Part 4 The Compass, involves a compass from Tony’s great uncle. He is aware Phineas went back to 1320 and returned to his time with the compass which originated in the 1600s and was use by a Captain Andrew Finch. Tony and Larry are studying the time travel and attempting to figure out how the various people and objects travel through the time and get to or from where they were.

Part 5 The Ivory Ball, deals with Dane Carter, Sophie’s ex-boyfriend (Part 2) and Cara. Cara goes to 1776 with an ivory ball she sees in an exhibit in 2021 to meet Garret Finch. She attempts to go back to her time but ends up in 2016 (present day) and meets Dane. They jump to the future after realizing they had been dreaming of each other for years.
I will admit, most time travel books I find trite and not all that interesting. This one was done in a format where it was short stories about each couple which weren’t boring. In fact, it was almost believable. I loved that she tied it all together with Larry and Dilys and the Finch family. (I have to admit I liked Tony a lot.) Unlike most time travel, there was nothing fantastic any of the characters did other than going to a different century. Ms. Mather deals with the adaptations of the one who jumps through time, and sets the stage for various romances. The only unbelievable part is the immediate acceptance of a person showing up out of nowhere who is totally different. That had me thinking, “Right! As if someone will act like it’s normal for strange people to pop out of nowhere.”

Over all, the book is one you can read Part at a time. It was fun to discover which Finch was going where and who they would meet. I give it 4 stars. As I said, the plausibility of belief was pushed too far when everyone seems to expect the unexpected and aren’t the least bit surprised when a strange person pops into their world.
Reviewed by Barbara

4 Stars

Author Interview with Meara Platt – Excerpt and Review of Garden of Shadows


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: Welcome to Uncaged! Can you tell readers more about the Dark Gardens series and what inspired you to weave fantasy in with historicals?

This series is a blend of two of my favorite genres, Regency romance and fantasy. Growing up, I was a huge fan of Ursula LeGuin and Mary Stewart, loved Ursula’s dragons and Mary’s spellbinding myth and magic. I was also a huge fan of Regencies: Jane Austen, Judith McNaught, Julie Garwood, Johanna Lindsay, etc. The Dark Gardens is my homage to these two fabulous genres, and – I hope – a perfect blend of both those worlds.

An ancient Fae prophecy is about to unfold in England’s charming Lake District, so it is written in the Stone of Draloch. I welcome all readers to venture into the Dark Gardens where bluebell gardens serve as portals into the realm of the Fae and the red mountain known as Friar’s Crag will lead you to the demonic Dragon Lords. A vicar’s daughter holds the key to Fae salvation. But who is she? And can the Fae king find her in time to save his people?

Uncaged: How many books are you planning for the series? Can you tell us what is coming next?

I’ve written four books so far and will write Dragon Lord Mordain’s story next. He is the red dragon, the guardian of the gate to the Underworld. These are all romances, so even Mordain (who happens to be a son of Lucifer) will find his mortal true love.

But I also have some other writing commitments so next up is more Farthingale series stories, more Brayden series stories, and a Pirates of Britannia story that will come out in November 2018 called Pearls of Fire. Now, that is an interesting tale – I met a real life gem hunter who told me about these mysterious pearls that are the magical colors of a sunrise. They are not made by oysters – but you’ll learn all about them in my story. I was so fascinated by them, that I had to write an action-packed romance around them.

Uncaged: Can you tell readers about your other series?

I’d love to! The Dark Gardens series is gothic and fantastical, but my traditional Regencies are lighthearted, warm, and humorous. My bestselling Farthingale Series is all about the madcap and meddlesome Farthingale family’s adventures when introducing their daughters into London Society. A simple matter, one would think. But no. The Farthingale sisters are notorious for getting into mischief. They don’t go looking for it, but mischief seems to find them. There are five sisters and each has her own stand-alone story. The youngest are identical twins Lily and Daffodil, and they are the little firecrackers who add the spark to all the stories, including their own. Of course, they fall in love with spectacular flair.

I also have a series called The Braydens, another traditional Regency series, but this one is about the big, brawny Brayden men. The first story, A Match Made In Duty was originally written for a military charity set to benefit our own US wounded veterans. When the charity run ended, I published the story on my own because it was too beautiful to hide away. It is a heartwarming novella about the power of true love. My hero, James Brayden, the Earl of Exmoor, returns to London Society after years on the battlefront fighting Napoleon’s forces. He is wounded, scarred, and no longer knows where he fits in Society. When he makes good on a promise and marries the sister of one of his friends who was killed in battle, he never expects that this promise made in duty will turn out to be his salvation.

Uncaged: You also work in a law firm, do the people you work with know about your writing? If so, do they read your novels?

Oh, yes. I am the managing partner in a NYC law firm and am very, very proud of the romances I write. I don’t go out of my way to talk about my writing career, but many of my clients know. Some do read my novels. Some don’t but are excited to tell me that friends or relatives of theirs are fans of mine! I work very hard at both jobs and rarely have any spare time – however, writing relaxes me. It is sheer joy and I’m happiest when I’m writing.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

I will read them on occasion, but usually try to avoid getting caught up in them. I look at them for a general overview to understand whether I’ve engaged the readers and touched their hearts. Every once in a while I’ll get a one-star review (every author does, it’s part of the rite of passage) – surprisingly, often around holidays like Christmas or Easter. I think of those reviewers as unhappy people who feel a need to bring someone down because they are feeling hurt and angry. But there are also reviews that are thoughtful and I find those very helpful (no matter what their star rating). I’ll read them with interest because they are constructive rather than just plain hurtful.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

For the Farthingales in particular, I’ve gotten some heart wrenching emails from readers who are going through very hard times (medically or financially or just struggling in general) and tell me how uplifting and fun these stories are. They finish the books with a smile on their face and a good feeling about themselves. A couple of readers have written to me while at the bedside of a dying husband or mother and told me how I enabled them to laugh amid the despair. Same for The Braydens series, and particularly, A Match Made In Duty – wives of military wounded have sent me blessings and told me it is one of the most beautiful stories they’ve ever read. That is so meaningful to me. I’m proud of my books, but I know I am not Shakespeare or Jane Austen or Diana Gabaldon! But wow, that my stories can move people, mostly to laugh and feel good about themselves, that is huge to me.

Uncaged: What are your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

That’s a hard question – I love so much about being an author. I love the process of writing each story and finding the perfect match for the hero or heroine (usually someone who should be the worst possible choice, but of course, he or she is the ONLY one they can ever be happy with). I love connecting with readers. I don’t view them as an audience, but as kindred spirits who love historical romance, and we’re all on this fabulous journey together. I have tremendous respect for my readers and count my blessings every day that they allow me to do what I love.

If I have a least favorite part, it’s probably having to meet a deadline. The creative juices don’t flow on command, so I try very hard NOT to put myself under deadline obligations. However, since I write for Dragonblade Publishing, those will come up and I always do my best to turn a polished book in on time. I won’t turn in something that is substandard.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

Ha, ha, ha – I am an Olympic gold medal couch potato. When I’m not writing, I love to turn into a vegetable on my couch and binge watch the Hallmark Channel or Turner Classic Movies. I also love the food network shows and Home & Garden shows. The closest I come to exercising is my daily commute (daily two mile walk, climbing about ten flights of train stairs and subway stairs coming and going). I also love gardening – flowers have a way of renewing my spirit and making me happy. You may have guessed my love for them by the covers on the Farthingale series and the fact that the sisters are all named after flowers: Lily, Daffodil, Daisy, Laurel and Rose.

My favorite place on Earth has to be England. I love everything about that magical, sceptered isle – London, Oxford, York, the countryside, the stunning flower gardens in every yard, Hadrian’s Wall, Windsor Castle, the Lake District (wow!), the people, the history, the War of the Roses, the Battle of Hastings, the Danelaw, the legends of Merlin and King Arthur and Robin Hood, Shakespeare, sheep, manor houses. The list is endless.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The hardest part of a book to write is the middle – that is probably the bane of every author’s existence. How do you keep a reader’s interest throughout the story? How do you keep them turning the pages in every chapter? The first part is probably the easiest because you have the reader’s interest and they want to know about the characters. The last part is next easiest, but not all that easy. You hopefully still have the reader’s interest and now must write the climactic ending. But to get them to that ending, you have to keep the story engaging and exciting as you develop the characters and have them undertake their journeys (meaning their inner growth) so that they’ll reach their happy ending.

Not all books are the same, even if they are of equal length. Some stories just write themselves and I find myself typing like mad just to keep up with the characters who are shouting their story to me in my head. My Fair Lily was that kind of story. Lily Farthingale talked to me throughout the book! She’s a bluestocking, but did she want a scholarly, professor hero? No! Give me Ewan, she kept saying, and put him in a kilt! And give him a good dose of Highlander attitude. And give him a dog. What? I loved Lily! She got her story. So did all her sisters. Their personalities were so clear in my head that I knew exactly which hero I needed to give each of them. And each sister had a distinct personality that played right into her story and meshed so beautifully with the other sisters. So many readers recognize their own big, mad, crazy loving family in these stories – or wish they had this big, mad, crazy loving family – and love that about the Farthingales.

The Dark Gardens books were also surprisingly quick for me to write – about three months per story, and they are full length stories. But once you know the characters, and who you must pair them with, then the stories just start flowing. I do a lot of historical research along the way as well. When I’m not writing, I’m reading about the foods of the day, the fashions, the weather, the indigenous flora and fauna, the architecture, the manners, the peerage. Even when creating my Dark Gardens Fae and Dragon Lord worlds, I wanted a level of authenticity that would feel exotic to the reader but also familiar. I hope I achieved that. I am extremely honored that EACH of the four books in the Dark Gardens series was nominated for major awards in publishing. I like to think that it is not a coincidence, but a result of my efforts to bring the readers into a magical world that resonates within their hearts.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I’d like to say THANK YOU! You allow me to do what I love. So thank you for your support, your encouragement and your friendship. Not a day ever goes by that I don’t acknowledge this gift I’ve been given.

Here are some links where readers can follow me – and if a reader emails me, I always respond personally. If someone cares enough to take the time to contact me, then I can surely take the time to answer.

Oh! And if I’m new to you, you can subscribe to my mailing list and download a newsletter exclusive and Farthingale novella, If You Kissed Me. Find the link on my homepage at

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]You can download a free Farthingale novella, If You Kissed Me, when you visit Meara Platt is a USA Today bestselling, award winning author, and an Amazon UK All Star. Her Regency romances are infused with humor and heart, and her paranormal stories add just enough darkness to keep her readers intrigued. She lives in New York with her husband and two children, and loves it except for the traffic. Her favorite place in all the world is England’s Lake District, which may not come as a surprise since many of her stories are set in that idyllic landscape, including her edgier, paranormal RONE award nominated Dark Gardens series.[/symple_box]

Garden of Shadows
Meara Platt
Historical Fantasy

Danger lurks for Julia Marsden, the daughter of the late vicar of St. Lodore’s Church in the quiet village of Borrowdale.

Julia doesn’t believe in faeries or magic or dreams coming true, but odd things have been happening at the vicarage lately that cannot be explained. Her orphaned cousin, Charlie, believes in mythical creatures and claims that faeries now inhabit the vicarage’s bluebell garden. The boy also claims the faerie king, Cadeyrn, has promised to make him a prince in his kingdom and teach crippled Charlie to walk again if he will cross into the Fae realm.

As the faerie king’s influence on the boy grows stronger, another threat emerges from the boy’s uncle – Douglas Hawke, the Earl of Eastbourne, who has come to wrench him from Julia’s guardianship. Julia is determined to fight both men, but as she and the boy begin to fall under the spell of the faerie king, Julia realizes that only her love for Douglas can save them.

But is Douglas capable of loving her, even at the cost of his own life?


Douglas followed Julia as she wheeled the boy out of the sitting room into the hall and through a quaint blue door with a rounded top. He couldn’t help but notice the soft sway of her hips as she walked, or that she was nicely rounded in all the right places. Her legs, he could tell by the outline of her gown, were long and slender.
“What do you think, Uncle Douglas?”
He forced his gaze from Julia and turned his attention to Charlie and the small room they had just entered. The walls were decorated with intricate drawings not only of St. Lodore’s Church, but of mythical scenes of faeries in their royal court and frolicking in meadows and gardens. There were also drawings of fire-breathing dragons, their rendering so real, he could make out the details of their shimmering scales. “The two black dragons are Brihann and Bloodaxe,” Charlie said. “The red dragon is Mordain. Necros is the amber dragon and Python is the emerald dragon. And these scenes are of the faerie king, Cadeyrn. He’s king of the Woodlands and that makes him High King of all the faeries.”
“Did you paint these?” he asked Julia, determined to stifle his admiration. Not only were they beautifully done, but revealed an intelligence and creative aspect to her nature.
She frowned lightly. “No, Charlie did.”
“Well done, lad.” In addition to talent, the boy had a vivid imagination and a knowledge of the surrounding countryside. Obviously, his mythical characters had been drawn in local surroundings, and though he did not wish to give Julia credit, he had to admit she had not kept the boy cooped up inside despite his infirmity.
Douglas surveyed the small room more closely and nodded his approval. The bed was sturdy, the linens fresh, and the curtains delicate but not feminine. The boy’s window overlooked the bluebell garden and bookshelves lined the opposite wall. A writing desk stood on one side of the bed and a functional nightstand with a basin and ewer stood on the other.
Whatever her faults, and he knew Julia had them, she’d taken good care of the boy.
“How big is your bed chamber at Eastbourne, Uncle Douglas?”
“Enormous, as big as this entire house.”
Charlie’s eyes grew wide in gleeful amazement. “I’d like to see it someday.”
“You will. I promise. Soon.”
Julia stepped between them, gently taking Charlie by the hand and leading him the few steps to his bed. “Enough dawdling, young man. Let me help you out of your jacket.”
She moved efficiently, stripping him out of his clothes and into his nightshirt, then helped him to wash his hands and face. “Don’t forget your prayers,” she said while folding his clothes.
“I’ve said them already.”
“You have?”
“Yes, Julia. I prayed and prayed, and that’s how Uncle Douglas came to us.”
“It’s time for bed,” she said, letting out a ragged breath as she bent down to kiss him.
Douglas bent over him, as well. “Good night, Charlie. Pleasant dreams. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He left the room, allowing the boy and Julia a moment alone. She seemed to need it, though he wasn’t certain why he should care. However, he remained near the doorway, able to hear the exchange between the pair, and was surprised when Julia began a simple bedtime story instead of issuing further warning against the Eastbourne family.
Once upon a time in a magical kingdom there lived a young prince. His parents, the king and queen, loved him very much…
Douglas turned away with a sigh.
He’d meant to take the boy away this very evening, but his plans had changed the moment Charlie had gotten up from his chair and immediately struggled to regain his breath. That incident had shaken Douglas. No wonder Homer had gotten so riled.
So he’d changed his plan and arranged to meet Julia in the sitting room after she’d put the boy to bed. He wasn’t certain what he was going to say, other than make clear the boy would come with him to Eastbourne with or without her cooperation.
Of course, gaining her cooperation would make matters simpler, avoid the unpleasantness of ton gossip, or the nuisance of a legal battle she could not possibly win. He had the law on his side, the influence and connections not only to remove her as the boy’s legal guardian, but to ban her forever from all contact with the boy.
Surely, she understood the futility of her position. And if she didn’t, he’d explain it to her in very blunt terms. His mind set, as it had been since learning of the boy’s existence, he entered the sitting room and crossed to the window in time to watch the sun’s golden rays fade below the horizon.
Sun? When had it stopped raining?
He shrugged, deciding it mattered little and stepped away to peruse the room. He lit a small lamp on a nearby table, but after finding little of interest to occupy his time, he returned to the window, his gaze drawn – indeed, suddenly compelled – to the unusual garden.
He watched, at first amused and then fascinated by the golden twilight as it washed across the flowers and began to play tricks on his eyes, began to take on human shapes, as though Charlie’s faerie king was holding court among the profusion of blossoms.
“Hello, King Cadeyrn,” he murmured with a chuckle.
One of those shapes seemed to nod back at him, soon followed by other golden shapes.
He blinked once, twice.
The images refused to disappear, though he knew such creatures simply could not be. They existed only in a little boy’s imagination. Indeed, Charlie had captured the magical sunset over the garden in several of his drawings, particularly in those renderings of the faerie king and his court.
“My lord, please help yourself to more tea,” Julia called out. “I’ll be another moment.”
“Tea?” In most of those drawings, the faerie courtiers held silver goblets filled with wine.
An instant later, he noticed a decanter of red wine and two glasses on the table beside him. Julia must have set them out in anticipation of their discussion. “I’ll have the wine instead.”
He poured himself a glass and took a sip, expecting an unremarkable vintage. To his surprise, the ruby liquid slid smoothly down his throat and left a very pleasant fruity taste in his mouth. He drank more, enjoying the warm sensation now spreading throughout his body and easing his tension.
He leaned a shoulder against the window pane and lost himself in the magical twilight, in the golden shapes that grew brighter as day settled into night, as the colors of the blue sky faded to gold, then amber-gray and finally to black.
A peaceful, endless black.
Douglas suddenly jolted awake as the empty glass slipped from his hand and shattered. “Damn.” He shook his head and glanced around, only to find himself still standing beside the window. He must have drifted off to sleep, but he wasn’t certain for how long. His limbs were delightfully numb, as though he were floating along an effervescent stream and soothed by its warm, bubbling waters.
Odd that he felt no aches after a long day’s ride.
He let out another muttered oath and knelt to gather the larger shards, setting them on the ledge for the moment.
“Miss Marsden,” he called out impatiently, the garden now a bleak darkness he found most unsettling.
“I’ll be right there,” she responded. “Please make yourself comfortable, my lord. I’m sorry for the delay.”
Kicking aside the smaller pieces of glass, he was about to walk to the hearth to stoke the dying embers when a glimmer of light suddenly emanated from one of the flowers and caught his attention. Silver specks of light soon filled the garden, shimmering like fireflies on a hot summer’s eve.
Was this another trick of the light?
But from what source?
“Miss Marsden,” he called out again as the flowers began to sparkle like diamonds, each diamond assuming the color of its flower. White for daisies. Pink for roses. Blue for the myriad bluebells. Yellow for honeysuckle.
In the next moment, he heard music and whispering laughter seeming to come from the bluebells and drift into the sitting room.
The scent of honeysuckle suddenly filled the air.
“My lord, I’m ready to listen to what you have to say.”
He turned to the sound of Julia’s soft voice behind him and watched with heightened interest as she crossed the room. Small and slender, she moved with an elfin grace, her slippers barely making a sound as she glided to his side. He inhaled her delicate scent, roses kissed by the moonlight. Even her golden hair sparkled in the odd, faerie moonlight.
He shook his head to clear his jumbled thoughts.
Flowers didn’t gleam gold one moment then turn to silver. Had Julia drugged him with that wine?
Douglas moved his toes and fingers, hands and feet, and found nothing wrong with his limbs, no lingering trace of numbness. Nor did he feel any pain in his stomach or his head.
“Is something wrong, my lord?”
“No.” He tried to make logical sense of what was happening. Where was the music coming from, the sound of violins and laughter? It had to be a trick of the wind blowing through the fells. And hadn’t Charlie added honey to his tea tonight? The scent must have lingered in the room.
But that didn’t explain the moonlight penetrating the storm clouds and flooding the room in silvery light… no, there had to be a logical explanation.
“My lord?”
“Miss Marsden, I was wondering… who tends to your garden?”
“My garden?” She regarded him curiously. “No one. It tends itself.”
“Impossible. It’s more magnificent than the gardens at Eastbourne and they’re considered among the finest in England.”
She nibbled her lip. “May I ask why we are speaking of my garden?”
“How is it that your flowers shine even in the darkness?”
“Lord Eastbourne,” she whispered, a little tremor to her voice. “You must come away. Here, sit by the fire.”
“Don’t you see those brilliant points of light? Can it be King Cadeyrn and his faerie court making merry in the night?”
“He’s make-believe, the creation of a little boy with a vivid imagination.” She placed a firm hand on his arm and turned him from the window. “Please, my lord. Come away. There’s a draft here and we have important matters to discuss.”
“Julia,” he whispered, taking gentle hold of her. “You’re as beautiful as this enchanted night.”
She let out a moan, but didn’t otherwise protest as he drew her into his arms.
He heard her soft gasp and felt the light heave of her breasts now pressed against his chest. A joyous heat coursed through his body as she melted into his embrace. Tears glistened in her eyes and her mouth parted to invite his kiss. He slowly lowered his lips to her beautiful pink mouth, her soft cries beckoning him closer… closer… then, as though by magic, their lips did touch.
Lightly at first and ever so gently.
Her mouth felt as soft as a dream.
A moonlit dream.
He deepened the kiss, pressing his lips more firmly against her delicate mouth and giving himself over to the sudden, ravenous yearning to possess her.
“My lord,” she said, her voice a velvet sob, “release me now, before this goes too far. Please.”
He opened his eyes as reality, and harsh, male laughter in the distance, suddenly penetrated his senses. “Merciful heavens! What have I done? I didn’t mean… I don’t know how this happened.” It was one thing to see a pretty girl and wish to hold her, kiss her. But to actually do it against her will… he’d kissed Julia Marsden! “There must have been something in the wine.”
“What wine?” Julia’s eyes were now ablaze and her fingers curled into fists against his chest as she tried to push out of his arms.
He let her go, stepped away as well, and pointed to the ledge, but the remnants of his broken glass were gone. He glanced toward the table, only to find the bottle and remaining glass were also gone. “It was here a moment ago.” He shook his head in dismay. “You must believe me.”
“Believe you? As Laura believed your brother’s sweet words and soft kisses? Your obvious ploy will never work on me. I won’t be seduced into giving up Charlie!”
“No, of course not.” He’d never intended to take her into his arms, certainly never meant to lower his lips to her soft mouth. But there was something about the girl, something irresistible that roused his protective instincts. In truth, that roused a dangerous hunger in him. Had her cousin possessed a similar sensual beauty? Is that how Laura Marsden had enchanted his brother? “Please accept my apology.”
“Why should I?”
He let out a ragged sigh. “I don’t know. Because it wasn’t me just then. It wasn’t me. I don’t know how else to explain it. One moment, I was staring into your garden and the next… I saw starlight, heard violins and distant laughter… and the next, I kissed you.”
At first, she didn’t seem inclined to believe him, but as the anger drained from her face, she turned him away from the now fading shimmers of light. “We had better speak in the kitchen.”
“You saw them, didn’t you? Those golden shapes?”
“No, my lord,” she replied shakily. “There’s nothing out there but a very wet, dark night.”
He was about to insist that it wasn’t raining, that the moon was out and the night clear, but one more glance out the window proved him wrong. Rain pelted the glass pane and a howling wind shook it dangerously. Bloody hell. “Yes, of course.”
But she knew. It was as though she understood what had come over him and was frightened by it. Not frightened of him, but of it… whatever it was.
“Miss Marsden, what’s out there?”

Uncaged Review

Lies, betrayal, love with a twist of a fantastical world, lying closely by in a garden of bluebells.
The book begins as a normal historical regency, but it pulls you into its world and when you start learning all kinds of truths a bit over halfway in, you will have a hard time putting this book down. This book combines both my love of historicals with my love of fantasy, and marries the two genres perfectly. An original story that slowly but surely grabbed on and didn’t let go easily, weaving its spell over me as almost as easily as King Cadeyrn seduced Charlie and Julia. The book takes some terrific twists to keep the reader on their toes. This is a nice start to a series, and I’m looking forward to book two.
Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Garden of Light
Meara Platt
Historical Fantasy

As battle looms between the Fae kingdoms and the powerful underworld demons known as Dragon Lords in England’s quiet Lake District, the Fae king, Cadeyrn, returns to the vicarage of St. Lodore’s where magical bluebell gardens serve as portals to the faerie world and the ominous red mountain known as Friar’s Crag becomes the battleground for Fae, Dragon Lords and mortals. Cadeyrn is desperate to find the right mortal girl who will save the Fae, for she is destined to love him and die a fiery death for that love, as foretold in the ancient Draloch prophecy. All seems lost, for the only girl who can see him is Melody Hargreaves, a very unwarrior-like young woman who has never fought dragons. How can she possibly be The One?

Melody is being courted by a wealthy lord who seems to adore her and is about to propose marriage, but she feels the powerful magic of her surroundings and is drawn to the world of the Fae and its handsome king. As Bloodaxe, one of the evil Dragon Lords, advances with his demon army, Melody must decide between a safe, comfortable life with the wealthy lord or dying a fiery death at the hands of the Dragon Lords. Melody’s heart belongs to Cadeyrn, and choosing wealth and comfort no longer seems the obvious choice. Cadeyrn has also fallen in love with Melody. How can he change the course of destiny and save her as well as his Fae subjects?

Uncaged Review

So difficult it was to put this series down and move on to other commitments as it’s such a fantasical tale, and Melody and Cadeyrn are the perfect match. Cadeyrn needs to find “The One,” the mate that will turn the tides in war with the Dragon Lords, or risk losing his people forever. But the Fae don’t have feelings like mortal humans – it’s been suppressed for centuries. Mortal people have trouble seeing the Fae, but Melody does, could he finally have found the mortal woman that can save the fae?

I can say that I liked Cadeyrn in the first book, but I LOVED him in this one. The development of the characters and the world building are in excellent hands with Ms. Platt, and I didn’t want to leave. I am going to be making time for the rest of this series.
Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Godspeed by Kathryn Le Veque


Kathryn Le Veque
Historical Medieval

Can a gruff, seasoned knight win over the love of his life in the midst of political chaos? 

1215 A.D. – Dashiell “Dash” du Reims is the eldest son of the Earl of East Anglia and a cousin to the great House of de Lohr. Much like his warring and politically-involved cousins, Dashiell is also waist-deep in the political turmoil that is sweeping England at this time. As the Captain of the Guard for the powerful – and senile – Duke of Savernake, his is in the middle of the baron’s rebellion against the king. Although his de Lohr cousins have been trying to lure him over into serving Christopher de Lohr, the greatest knight in the realm, Dashiell is reluctant for one very good reason –

A woman. 

Specifically, the duke’s youngest daughter, the lovely and sweet Belladonna. With the duke’s senility, there is an undercurrent movement from within the family to usurp the duke by two of his ambitious sons-in-laws. As a man with only three daughters, the husbands of the older daughters are plotting to steal the duke’s power and his seat, and Dashiell is the only thing that stands between them and the mad duke. He is also the only thing that stands between their wicked intentions towards Belladonna. 

Nothing will get past Dashiell when it comes to Belladonna, not even men who technically outrank him. He’ll fight to the death. Soon enough, the evil husbands are plotting to be rid of Dashiell as well, but not if the powerful de Lohr family has anything to say about it.

Enter a world of grand Medieval pagentry, passion, battles, and politics in Dashiell and Belladonna’s story, where love is the only thing that truly conquers all and family bonds are the strongest of all. It’s an all-out knightfest in this glorious Medieval epic.

Uncaged Review: This time the author gives us a wonderful romance with an older Knight – full of betrayal, suspense, action, danger and of course, love. I’m always “all in” when I read a novel by this author and I was a goner within a few pages. There were moments I was hanging on the edge sweating it out, and other times I was laughing out loud to the characters in the story. There is a lot going on, and a few subplots running right along with the main story, and did I mention puppies? Lots and lots of puppies. One of my favorite books by this author, that is, until I read the next one. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars