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Author Interview – N. Jade Gray – Review & Excerpt from All for the Love of a Cowboy

As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about your debut novel, All for the Love of a Cowboy?

All for the Love of a Cowboy is a Time Travel Western Romance. My heroine, Rachel Morgan, finds herself in the past in a delusional cowboy’s bed after she crashed her car into a tree trying to play dodge the dog. Mitchell Reeves owns a ranch in the Durango, Colorado area and lives with his sister Becky. The Reeves’ take Rachel in while she is on the mend from her accident. Not only does Rachel find life in Eighteen Ninety-two challenging, but the love she begins to feel for Mitchell has her confused on whether she should try to find a way back home or stay with the Cowboy she’s come to love.

Uncaged: Did growing up on a farm inspire you to write in a western genre?

I believe there are several influences at play. Growing up on a farm in Oklahoma definitely influenced my love for cowboy stories. Along with a house full of men who loved to watch westerns. John Wayne was a household name. And what is there not to love about a cowboy’s swagger, hard work ethic, compassion and buns in well fitting jeans. 🙂

Uncaged: What are you working on next?

I have another Time Travel Romance in the works with Wild Rose Press. Wild Rose Press offered a contract on April 17th for my current manuscript Raider of Her Heart. A major event in history for Lawrence, Kansas is the burning of Lawrence by Quantrill and his Raiders. When the 150th anniversary of the event happened a few years ago, I began to think of what if scenarios and Raider of Her Heart was born.

Judson Levi Stone a Cavalry Scout for the Kansas Eleventh Infantry had simple instructions – warn the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas of the impending threat of William Quantrill and his Raiders. Ambushed Judson finds himself in the year twenty seventeen and regretting his failed mission.

Sadie Winters hoodwinked by her Grandfather, Walt Winters, finds herself taking care of two invalids. Both are unwilling to share the secret Judson harbors. As the days pass and Judson’s mystery is revealed, Sadie finds herself struggling with her attraction for Judson and the desire to help him get back to his own time.

Uncaged: You are an attending author at Wild Deadwood Reads this year. What are you looking forward to the most from this convention?

This will be the first time I’ve attended the reader’s conference at Deadwood or any reader’s conference for that matter. I’m excited to meet the many authors attending and at the same time I’m a little nervous. I’m a new author and not as well known to the readers as some of the other authors attending, but I’m looking forward to this great opportunity for the exposure.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Yes, I read the reviews. One of the hardest things to realize, as a writer, is not everyone loves your characters, story as much as you do. Everyone has their ideal type of book they enjoy reading. If your book doesn’t fall into what that reader was looking for there is a chance the review isn’t going to be as positive as you would like. With this first book I’ve taken the accolades from my friends and family as the encouragement needed to continue writing.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

All for the Love of a Cowboy appeals to both men and women. I received a hand written letter from an 88-year-old man who absolutely loved my book and story. He had read it twice before he sat down to write me his letter of appreciation for my book. He loved that it was a western story, but he knew how the story ended for my hero and heroine. He wasn’t left hanging on what happens to the characters at the end of the story. He ended the letter with he couldn’t wait for my next book.

Uncaged Follow-up: OMG, all the feels!!

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

My favorite part is holding my book baby in my hands. You can have received the letter from the publisher, completed all the steps for editing and getting the book ready, but the dream of becoming published sinks in when you receive and hold the printed copy of your book in your hands. You did this! You created a story!

I’m not sure about least favorite part of being an author, but the hardest part for me has been the marketing. I hold a full time job on top of being an author and having the energy and dedication to figure out marketing at the end of the day has been daunting. It doesn’t help that I’m a first time author trying to figure out what does and doesn’t work. This process is under constant construction.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I like to enjoy life. Sometimes I’m that little kid on the playground looking for the next adventure. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. One of my favorite places to “just be” is Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I love the area, the hiking, fishing and have had many great vacationing memories there over the years.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The hardest part of writing a book for me is making myself write. Unlike some of my fellow authors in some of the writing groups I’ve belonged, I don’t outline. I’m a pantzer. For those who don’t know the term – that is someone who sits downs and writes. No planning involved.

The easiest part is story ideas. I have tons of ideas popping into my head, usually when I’m at work and can’t think about the idea in depth.

My debut novel All for the Love of a Cowboy, are you sitting down, took over twenty years. Yes, twenty. I was a full time mom, full time employee and full time wife. So, if you have stories just waiting to be told don’t give up on them. My current book Raider of Her Heart took about three years. I’m on an upswing! My third book is started and the verdict is still out on how long it will take. 🙂

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I love to entertain people with a story. I want you to walk away with a pleasant feeling and maybe a chuckle or two after reading one of my books. We all need a little feel good in our lives.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers. She began reading romance novels in high school and was hooked. In an attempt to entertain her friends she began writing stories. The biggest hurdle she had to overcome with her writing was sharing her stories. Her former writing groups, the Wichita and Regional Authors and Low Country Romance Writer’s, helped with her confidence and shook the needed pom pom’s to get her motivated for publication.

She is also a former member of the Romance Writers of America. She met her husband, Nathan, while attending college and has two grown sons, Blake and Mason. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up, she’s held various jobs in the accounting and legal fields. She lives in Kansas with her husband, rescue cats Meera and Mango, and one spoiled dog-named Fabio. Yes, she helped name the dog. She chuckles when she hears her husband calling for his four-legged companion.[/symple_box]

All for the Love of a Cowboy
N. Jade Gray
Historical Western/Time Travel

Mitchell Reeves is in trouble. Someone is sabotaging his ranch, cattle are missing, his sister is testing her wings, and his quarrel with a neighboring rancher has heated to boiling. Adding a beautiful woman who claims to be from the future couldn’t come at a worse time.

Computer programmer Rachel Morgan understands machines, but fails with the opposite sex. When a dog plays chicken with her car, her bad week becomes worse when she wakes to find herself in the past—in a very hunky, very delusional cowboy’s bed.
Time spent in Mitchell’s company causes an unexpected glitch in Rachel’s determination to get home. Love. Found in the most startling place and time. Could she go home, if she had the chance, without knowing his true feelings?

When unwanted attention from another man turns to kidnapping, Rachel is torn between wishing she were home… and risking it all for the love of a cowboy.


Durango, Colorado—1892

Mitchell Reeves scanned the room as he stood outside the swinging doors of the Silver Spur Saloon. Where the hell was he? His nostrils flared as he reined in his temper. Finally, he found his prey. Sanders leaned against the bar with an arm around one of the bar maids.
The ornate mirror behind the bar gave away his approach. Jake Sanders turned to sneer at Mitchell as he crossed the room.

“Hey, Reeves. You look a little hot.” With an evil chuckle he asked, “Woman trouble?”
Mitchell controlled the growl clawing its way up his throat. “You know good and well why I’m here Sanders.” Silence filled the saloon like a fog hanging on the air. “I don’t want you near my sister, ranch, or cattle again. Do you hear me?” He poked Jake in the chest as he fired off the last question.

Jake shifted his weight, drew up to his full height, and clenched his jaw. “You threaten me, Reeves? You’d better watch your tongue. Accidents happen. Then I would have that ranch of yours and your little sister right where I want her.” Jake chuckled and smiled at a cowpoke standing nearby. “On her back.”

Mitchell felt his outrage bubbling in his throat mere seconds before his fist connected with his adversary’s jaw. Jake’s head whipped back from the force of the blow.
He wiped at the blood trickling from his lip. “You’ll pay for that, Reeves.” Lunging forward, he rammed his fist into Mitchell’s stomach.

Breath expelled from his lips in a hiss as he staggered. Regaining his footing, he gave a quick strike to his opponent’s nose.

Jake put a hand to his nose. “You sorry son of a …”

Mitchell braced himself but stumbled as Jake threw his body against his own. Losing his footing, he fell into a table and chair directly behind him. The men who had been playing poker scattered. Cards and chips went flying as he knocked the table over and landed hard on the floor.

He watched in a daze as Jake advanced and loomed over his sprawled position. He tried not to flinch as Jake grabbed his shirtfront and drew his fist back to land a blow to his face.
“Had enough?” A sinister look crossed the stubborn cowboy’s features as he gritted his teeth and punched.

Hooking a leg behind Jake’s, Mitchell jerked his legs out from under him. “I’ll tell you when I’m done.” Diving on top of Jake, he pummeled him in the ribs with fresh vigor.

The two locked in a bear hug and rolled a few feet, crashing into another table and chairs.
A shot rang out and echoed throughout the saloon. Both men stilled at the sound.

Bill Silver, the owner of the Silver Spur, held a smoking pistol in the air. “Enough! I’ll not have my saloon busted up by the likes of you, Sanders. Take this scuffle outside.”

Uncaged Review

I always get a kick out of time travel stories, specially that goes backward in history and seeing how the one person from the future tries to negotiate with people from the past, and it is definitely fun here. This debut novel from this author is a brilliant start for her, a love story with suspense and will keep you busy watching for clues on how Rachel will be able to return to her own world, but the real question is, does she still want to? I’m not telling, but it’s a nice, clean romance that will find it’s ending and won’t leave you hanging. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars


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