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Uncaged Review: On a Gamble by Rose Lange with Excerpt!


To read an interview with Rose Lange, please see the February Issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.


On a Gamble
Rose Lange
Contemporary Romance

She’s at the end of her rope . . .

Charlie Anderson needs a farm hand. The moment the sexy, mysterious stranger sets foot on her grandparents’ land, inquiring about a job opening, he rattles her senses, her cage, and her equilibrium, the likes of which she’s never experienced before. She never anticipated her scandalous thoughts getting in the way. She’s terrified, but desire trumps fear, and she gives in to a sinful temptation.

He has a hidden agenda . . .

Alex McCray has a plan. A plan having nothing to do with romance. His discovery, that “Charlie” is a voluptuous, beautiful woman, leaves him shaken, and he needs to proceed with extreme caution. Working next to her, everyday, stirs up a raw hunger he desperately tries to ignore. And he should, since he has an ulterior motive. Alex should also resist her intoxicating sensuality, but he can’t, because he cannot get enough.


She held the check out to him, but he hesitated, and looked as if it might bite him.
“I don’t need it after all, you keep it.”
She frowned, taken aback. “What do you mean? You’ve worked hard for this. You’ve earned it.”
Ignoring him, she stepped closer, and placed it into his front shirt pocket.
“Charlie, really, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”
She scoffed, and turned away. As she gathered her tools, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him walk toward her, holding out the check.
“I don’t want this. Take it back, please.”
“And I told you, it’s yours. What the heck is your problem?”
“I don’t need it,” he shot back.
As this conversation grew more ridiculous by the minute, she collected her thoughts before she spoke. “Who would turn away a hard earned paycheck?”
She noted the way his jaw clenched and unclenched. Fists balled at his side, she sensed his anger, irritation, or both. Fine, let him be mad because this was just plain stupid, fighting over a check that rightfully belonged to him.
Charlie held her breath as he stepped closer, invading her personal space. A welcome one, she looked up into his handsome face, and didn’t move, or try to push him away. Never breaking the gaze, he held the check up, and tore it to pieces, sending them flying like confetti all over the barnyard floor. “And I told you, I didn’t want the damned check.” Authority and passion laced his voice.
He stepped even closer, until they were blessedly nose-to-nose and mouth-to-mouth. She swallowed the huge lump in her throat as his gaze burned into hers. Slowly, gently, he cradled her face within his palms of his hands, eyes lowered to her mouth. Her lips parted in anticipation, and hazy heat mixed with charged electricity.
The point of no return had arrived. And damn it, she wanted this.
An eternity passed before he finally spoke. “Charlie, may I kiss you?”
Staring brazenly at his lips, already envisioning how they’d feel against hers, she murmured, “Yes. Please.”

Uncaged Review: 

Sometimes all you need from a book is a nice romance that can take you out of your real life for a few hours. And Rose Lange delivers that with this book. Charlie lost her parents when she was very young, and was raised by her grandparents. When her grandparents needed help on the farm, Charlie moved back home. When the time comes to hire a helper on the farm, gorgeous Alex shows up and applies for the position. Charlie is immediately attracted to him – even though she’s been burned in the past. But Alex has his own mission, his father’s company wants to buy the land and dismantle the farm, and his assignment is to get on the inside of the owners and the land to report back to his father. But that was before Alex started to fall for Charlie…

This is a character and dialog driven story. There is not a lot of descriptive paragraphs in the book, but it still works. The author gives you a look at both Charlie and Alex’s feelings, instead of leaving you guessing on one or the other. The book isn’t real long, so it keeps a good pace and doesn’t drag out. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Dating Down by Alex Dunn


Dating Down
Alex Dunn
Young Adult/Contemporary

Tammy’s got everything: wealth, designer clothes, store cards with unlimited credit, and Ralph Forrester, a drop-dead-gorgeous first-year law student who is going to take her to the end-of-term dance.

There’s only one problem: Ralph Forrester doesn’t exist. He’s only alive in the pages of the Trudy Kensington novels, and unable to face being humiliated in front of the girls she longs to be like, Tammy runs away and headfirst into trouble.

Gary’s life is spiralling out of control after Grace dies. On a mission to prove he’s nothing like his physically abusive father, he comes to Tammy’s rescue and agrees to be Ralph for just one night.

But the lie that brought them together threatens to tear them apart forever when Tammy decides to continue the deceit, and without realising it, she puts Gary’s life at risk. Determined to make things right, she sets about trying to rebuild Gary’s broken home. But has she done enough to convince him he still has a family worth living for?

Uncaged Review: This is a young adult romance story. Meet Tammy who is unhappy in life with her mother, her weight and her lack of friends. Tammy loves to read romance books and makes up one of the lead male characters as her date to the prom. Knowing her date is made up to impress a group of girls she is at a loss as what to do next. Until a stranger called Gary comes along at the right time and love blossoms.

I haven’t read any of this authors books before. This is the first now I’m hooked on this author’s books. What made this book so good to read is the loveable characters and the storyline was very believable. I highly recommend you read this book. You won’t be disappointed. Reviewed by Jennifer

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Risking the Vine by Gemma Brocato


Risking the Vine
Gemma Brocato
Contemporary Romance

Jacqui Bishop’s dating life is dead in the water, but her professional prospects look outstanding. Promised a management position, she embarks on a team building course at a northern California winery. Shocked when her boss promotes a less qualified rival, Jac opts to chuck her job and revive the family farm.

Uncaged Review: This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and I hope it won’t be the last. In order for Jacqui to get the promotion she wanted and worked for, she has to attend a Team Building workshop. The workshop is located at a stunning vineyard, and the author describes the setting so well, you’ll be wanting to pack your bags for a getaway. Since she is the only one from her company going, she is paired up with Luke, a very gorgeous man she had met briefly at a company party.
The romance is pretty swift, and there are a few obstacles in the way – mostly their individual careers, but overall the story is well written and the romance is sweet and sexy. I think that the romance fell into place a little too fast, but the characters are likable enough and the Team Building workshop had its moments. Romance lovers that love a good smoldering sex scene, will enjoy this one. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Vampire Princess of New York by Susan Hanniford Crowley


A Top Read for February.

Vampire Princess of New York
Susan Hanniford Crowley
Paranormal Romance

Noblesse is the daughter of the Vampire King of New York Maximillion Vander Meer. In the over two hundred years, she’s been a vampire, Noblesse has never found a true love or discovered what happened to her mother who disappeared just prior to the French Revolution.

Noblesse has to choose between two men. Both profess their love. Both are keeping a secret from her. One wants to destroy her, and one wants to love her forever. But which one?

Uncaged Review: This book is the second I’ve read about in The Arnhem Knights of New York series, and in the first book, Vampire King of New York, we met Max’s daughter, Noblesse and I was thrilled that this book was her story. The relationships to the characters and their mates is a daytime drama’s dream. Even though a vampire shows up claiming to be Noblesse’s lifemate, she herself doesn’t have the feelings for him, but for another, Donovan – the human father of Evelyn (Max’s wife) and Laura. Donovan believes that Noblesse has found her lifemate and decides to step aside…but can Noblesse be happy without him?

Lot of new action, and the story doesn’t slow down. I enjoyed this story as much as the first one, and this one held even more intrigue and suspense than the first one. This is quickly becoming a go-to series for me. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Variant Conspiracy Series by Christine Hart, Excerpt from Terra Nova


To read an interview with Christine, please see the February 2017 issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Terra Nova is a Top Read for February. The 2nd novel in this series was reviewed in an earlier issue, but is revisited here.

In Irina’s Cards
Christine Hart

Irina Proffer leaves mundane small-town life behind when she experiences visions inspired by a strange deck of tarot cards. To get answers, she travels from her northern British Columbia home to the province’s coastal capital. She quickly discovers a world of fringe genetic science and supernatural mystery.

Working for Innoviro Industries, Irina is drawn in by a powerful first love and compelling, yet dangerous questions about the nature of the company’s business. Meeting other ‘variants’ brings Irina closer and closer to the dark truth about her origins. She finds herself at the heart of two overlapping love triangles as she scrambles to escape her employer’s grip. Before she leaves the city, Irina realizes she has merely scratched the surface of a frightening conspiracy on a global scale.

Uncaged Review:

In Irina’s Cards by Christine Hart is the first book in the Variant Conspiracy Series. I read the series out of order, but I am glad to say that getting to read book one has answered a few questions I had from the previous review I had done. Christine’s world is a little more full now with the first book’s information. I’m still not 100% clued in on everything that the previous had left me wondering, but that is the point of a good series. This series is by far one of my favorite Paranormal Sci-fi Mystery series. Once again, she hasn’t let me down.

Book one tells how Irina came across the group she gets involved with. This group of ‘talented’ people are what I would consider super-human or mutants. There are several people that Irina comes across that have unique abilities, some friend or foe, and she is left to figure out where they line up in her new world. She goes to Victoria from her home town of Prince George looking for ‘work’, but in reality she has gotten her ‘powers’ which has led her to Victoria seeking answers. This leads to her meeting other unique people, landing a job with them, and forming a interesting love triangle.

Christine does a wonderful job, yet again, describing the places that she is writing about for the setting. It’s almost like I can see it perfectly in my mind, or smell the scents she describes. It has a little bit of romance tied into the book, but overall I still consider it an Adult Sci-fi Mystery. I loved this book, as well as the series so far, and look forward to reading more of the Variant Conspiracy. My real only complaint is there were a few small places where it seems something got overlooked. A key to key card for example, or some wording felt wrong. Other than that, Christine delivered a wonderful book once more. Reviewed by Michael

4 Stars

The Compendium
Christine Hart

Irina and her renegade variant friends are scrambling to pick up the trail of their former employer, Ivan, and his globally catastrophic scheme. After strategically sharing their story with the media, the group heads south from Vancouver to Seattle hoping to recruit more experienced—and lethal—variants to their cause.

Their attention develops a laser focus on an engineered disaster mere days ahead of them. Ivan is using what staff and resources remain of Innoviro Industries to set off a violent earthquake in San Francisco. While they fight to stop the earthquake, Irina pushes the love of her life Jonah as far away as she can, trying to keep his unstable genetic degradation in check.

Irina’s friends think they’ve seen the worst that Innoviro could bring forth by the time they reach a secret facility in the Mojave Desert. As they near the property, the group uncovers a horror none of them had ever imagined.

Uncaged Review: The Compendium by Christine Hart is listed as a sci-fi, romance and suspense novel. I do agree with this to an extent, mostly because some of the things in the book seemed paranormal. I really enjoyed the book, though I didn’t read the first one in the series. It took me some time to get the same connection I probably would have from reading the books in order. So, I highly recommend picking up the first book and starting this series properly because even though I didn’t do it that way, I loved this book for what it was.
This book reminds me of some of the cartoons and comics I read as a kid. I loved that this group of ‘variants’ as they are called were going about recruiting and getting more people to help with their cause. The primary four in this book were a bit interesting with their relationships which took me some time to get used to. It was a well-written book with a nicely detailed world. The intimate scenes in the book were well-written and very enjoyable to read.
Overall, I loved this book and it makes me want to get the first one and the remaining books in the series when I can. If you enjoy series like X-Men and things like that as comics, give this author’s Variant series a shot. Reviewed by Michael

4 Stars

Terra Nova
Christine Hart

The end of humanity and an unrecognizable future Earth are now days away. After their first glimpse of the Terra Nova virus, Irina and her variant friends know their former employer’s plans are almost at hand. Their failed attempt to publicize Ivan and Innoviro Industries’ horrific activities has left them utterly reliant on their own wits and weapons.

After surviving a catastrophic earthquake in San Francisco and destroying a secret viral testing facility, Irina’s crew has traveled by a variant portal to London. On the other side of the world, they begin tracking when and where Terra Nova will be unleashed on the world. They know stopping Terra Nova is only the beginning of unraveling Ivan’s plans to reinvent the planet, but if they

can’t stop this virus, there will be no one left to save.


Faith returned with four glowing green drinks in a cup holder tray. Clear plastic cups, lids, and straws let the liquid inside glow through. It smacked of something that would spawn ninja turtles. “These are the Incinerator’s own toxic spills. They’re just vodka and sprite with a capful of that crap they put in glow sticks. Did you know you can drink that shit?”
Jonah reluctantly took a plastic cup. “Are you sure we should drink it?”
“It’s not going to kill us. No more so than the alcohol.” Ilya picked up a cup and took a long generous pull on his straw.
I took an experimental sip. It tasted like vodka and sprite. There was a mildly synthetic aftertaste, but nothing toxic. I took another, much larger sip. Aha – the warmth I’d been craving since my shower. I might stand a chance of sleeping tonight after all.
Jonah followed my lead and took a slurp on his straw, pausing to let the liquid do its work. He leered at me with a devilish grin and grabbed my hand, pulling me off to the dance floor. His touch radiated energy into me, right through my skin waking up every cell in my body.
He leaned down and kissed me, running his hands through my hair. His powerful grip felt restrained, as though his mind fought to control his body. The intensity surpassed our first night together. After we had spent so long mocked by his unstable mutation, first hurting me and then nearly killing him, we were both finally stronger than ever.
“I can’t help myself. I need to touch you. I don’t ever want to let you go. We’re going to make up for some lost time tonight.” His lips brushed my ear as he spoke. His fingers traced the line of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. So much for sleep!

Uncaged Review: Terra Nova by Christine Hart is book three in the Variant Conspiracy series and is my favorite thus far. This review will be hard for me to write as I do not want to give away spoilers of its amazing finale. I honestly hope she continues the series as a whole as I believe with that ending it could have another, but I feel like if she doesn’t it was a satisfying end to a great story. I began this series in the middle and was able to get the first and third book after reviewing the second. I regret nothing. Christine Hart does an amazing job with her series on keeping me clinging to the words for more. Each book was a pleasure to read and each one was better than the one before it.

This book continues following Irina and her group of Variants through their journey against Ivan and Innoviro Industries. Having met all of them through this company when they all worked for Ivan at one point, the group is now determined to right the wrongs of the evil man’s plans. After failing to do so in the second book, this book leads you on the final leg of their battle to save humanity as we know it.

I love books like this where the hero is an unlikely person and through the course of the series they develop into a person. From book to book Irina and her group grow as individuals and as a group. You see how they handle things, how they develop feelings and bonds to one another, then finally how they handle the final leg of their journey against Ivan. In the end I was very pleased with how Christine Hart wrote the characters, this world, and how she ended it. I would recommend this entire series to any reader who enjoys suspenseful sci-fi. Reviewed by Michael

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Storyteller of Pain by Loren Molloy with Excerpt!


To read an interview with Loren Molloy, please see the February 2017 issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Thank you to Loren Molloy for the ARC.

The Storyteller of Pain
Loren Molloy

How are you supposed to survive when you’re trapped in a lunatic asylum with 13 demons and a deadly surgeon?

Dr. Sinclair had no idea but if she didn’t do something soon, her demise would become just another tale for The Storyteller of Pain?


Lilian looked at the notepad with Delia’s case
notes from the initial meeting with the family, hoping for
some clue she missed. She could trace the issues back to the root like a necklace all tangled in a knot or one of those maze puzzles you did as a child. She could see each ending and trace its tangled path to its source. This ability of hers is why she was the youngest ever to hold such a powerful and prestigious position in the field. Only twenty-eight and she was already known to have solved severe cases of lunacy where others in the field were at a complete loss. She had even been published several times for her marvelous work in the prominent field of psychoanalysis. Lily opened Mrs. DelaCour’s case file and spread it out on the table.
Taking the last swig from her glass, Lilian looked back at the bottle of Jack Daniels with longing. ‘F*ck it,’ she thought and went back for the bottle and soda. Looking back at the table she thought, I am not sitting my ass down one more time unless I have everything I definitely need.
Hmmm… ah yes. Music! I need music to concentrate by. She went over to her radio and switched it on. Pachelbel was softly playing in the background. ‘Ahh, so much better,’ she thought as she sat down. Ok now…Lily breathed a sigh of relief and took a swig of her drink.

Looking down at Delia’s intake photo Lily said,
“Why Delia? Why? Why are you a map of scars?”
She searched for the answer long into the night to no avail. She looked at her clock, ‘Ugh 3:45 in the morning.’ She had to sleep. She had work in less than 5 hours. She put everything away. All the files went back into her bag and she went to bed.
Lilian dreamt of John Barkley. At first it was a naughty slice of deliciousness. Walking into her office taking off his sweat soaked shirt. He began slowly walking toward her. His abs were rippling with each step. Sweat was glistening on his sun kissed skin. The next moment he was tearing chunks of flesh from his body and trying to give them to her as tokens of his affection. She began to scream and back away.
With each step backwards that she took, he would take another one towards her, holding in his outstretched hand another new, glistening blood soaked chunk of his own flesh. This continued until she was backed against the wall of her office. She was still screaming as he approached her. There was nowhere to turn. She was trapped between the wall behind her back and the new monstrosity blocking her way out.
He kept ripping chunks from his body until all she could see was bits and pieces of the former man. Half of one cheek was missing. His top lip was gone showing all gum and top teeth. He kept trying to speak but what was left of his face wasn’t working right. Suddenly the bloody mass that was left was against her. There was a crater where John’s aristocratic nose should have been. His eyes were wild with lust. He leaned forward bringing that deformed, bleeding face toward her trying to pucker up for a kiss.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” She screamed and opened her eyes.
Lilian was sitting upright in her bed, sheets hopelessly tangled around her sweat soaked body. Gasping for breath and sanity, she looked around her room making sure the nightmare didn’t follow her into this world. It was just a dream. I’m ok! Lilian repeated it several times before she saw her clock. Shit! I’m late for work! She dived out of bed and got ready as fast as possible. This never happens to her. Why didn’t that damn alarm clock go off?

Uncaged Review:

the hospital, sees how the case is affecting Lillian and offers his help, and finding out that he’s seen something eerily similar during his time on the force, Lillian accepts his help and together they try to get to the bottom of this patient’s problems.

Be warned, this story is violent, and the author does not hold back on the descriptions. I did guess pretty quickly in the story what was going on, but I did not guess the outcomes and the author does a nice job making me squirm a bit. Always a good thing with horror. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Battered Not Broken by Charity West


A Top Read for February

Battered Not Broken
Charity West
Contemporary Young Adult

Battered and bruised, Wren has taken a lot from her father over the years, but when he throws her out of the house, she sees it as a blessing in disguise. She has no job, no home, and never finished high school, but what’s all that compared to a life without abuse? When she starts over in a new town, under a new identity, she makes it her goal to fly under the radar.

New town, new life. Only, there’s a corrupt deputy intent on stealing Deputy Gray Frampton’s family fortune, a slight case of aggravated identity fraud, and a night in the local jail. It’s enough to make any girl’s head spin. Wren Michaels has to find a way not to spend the next three years in jail, warn Gray that Deputy Pritchard is after him, and somehow hold onto the happily-ever-after that is finally within her grasp—assuming Gray wants a felon as his girlfriend. Who knew falling for a man in khaki could cause so much trouble?

Uncaged Review: Wren is a young woman who not only came from a very bad neighborhood, but was abused by her alcoholic father. When he beats her and tosses her out one night, it’s almost a blessing that she got out of the house alive. With some money her mother secretly gives her, Wren moves to a new county, with a crappy apartment in a bad part of town. But in her mind, it’s better than where she came from. After losing a job, and getting another as a waitress in a diner, she meets the local Deputy, Gray. And he makes no secret that he’s interested. But Wren is hiding her own secret, she’s changed her name and identity illegally, and isn’t ready to divulge her secrets. When she finally agrees to a date with Gray, she finally begins to see a new life.

There is a lot more going on, and it becomes even dangerous for Wren, but what I really liked about the story, is that I saw an abused, scared girl turn into a woman that fought back when it mattered, and quit being a victim. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Uncaged Review – Night and Chaos by Dignam & Martinez


A Top Read for February

Night and Chaos
Dignam & Martinez
Urban Fantasy

As night gathers, chaos rains down on the city of Ashwood like acid. The New Order of Void Weavers led by Isaac Moreau are gaining strength, but the shield separating the world of humans from the things hungrily waiting for their turn at the batting plate is fractured and weak, and repairing it is no small task. Meanwhile Alice Werner, the supernatural Bounty Hunter, has her hands full with an increasing number of contracts, and as Ashwood starts simmering toward a boiling point, it’s only a matter of time until something gives and all hell breaks loose.

Uncaged Review: The wrap up to this trilogy is a good one. Alice, Isaac and the gang are off to find and destroy Nyx. Along the way, the other Half-Lich is found in Cora, who wants to help so her life can go back to normal. A massive storm settles over Ashwood, and the only way to save the city, is for the group to bring it down, before Chaos is unleashed. This book wraps up and answers any remaining plot issues and brings it to a nice closure without being rushed or drug out too long as some series do. The storyline is fresh and original, plenty of action and a sprinkle of romance.

Even though I will miss the characters in the book, I will be very happy to continue on with this writing team on their next journey. And I know that the city of Ashwood has more to tell us.
Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Reviews – Blades of Honor Trilogy by B.J. Scott


Featured Author in February – to read an interview with B.J. Scott and an excerpt from Highland Hellion, please see the February issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Top Reads for February.

Highland Hellion
B.J. Scott
Highlander Historical

Arya MacEachan’s beloved father taught her to hunt, ride, to handle a sword, and shoot an arrow straighter than most men, things a proper lady did not usually learn. When he is killed at the Battle of Bannockburn, their holdings taken by Robert the Bruce, the spirited lass is left alone to care for her invalid mother, a task she does not take lightly.

Garrett MacDougall, leader of his displaced clan and their related septs, struggles to provide for his people on barren land where hunting is forbidden, forcing him to steal from the new Lord of Argyll in order to survive. When Arya, the woman he loves and wishes to marry, insists on accompanying the men on a raid, he knows better than to forbid her from joining them, so he reluctantly agrees.
But when a traitor betrays them, and Arya is captured, then sentence to death, Garrett is forced to accept help from his sworn enemy, the Fraser brothers, summoned by Arya’s dying mother to rescue her daughter, the sister they did not know they had until now.

Uncaged Review: 

This is the first book in a secondary trilogy of the Fraser family. The first trilogy, The Fraser Brothers Series runs before this set, so if you want to get the full impact and the stories of all the characters you meet, you could start there, but you will not have any problems reading this trilogy alone, or even reading any of the books as standalones, but all the characters are memorable, and reading the whole series is the best way to go.

This time out, we learn about a spitfire of a woman, named Arya. Taught to hunt, fish and handle a sword better than most by her father, Arya is a force to be reckoned with. After the war, her clan is forced out of their lands and in order to survive, her and some clan members, including the leader of the clan, Garrett, are ready to raid the keep of the new Lord of Argyle to get the supplies they need for the upcoming winter. But Arya is captured and sentenced to death…

But Ayra’s dying mother summons the Fraser brothers, whom she finally tells the secret of Arya’s parentage – she is their half-sister. But will the Fraser brothers be able to save Arya?

Well hashed out and memorable characters, a great storyline and backdrop to the series, with a romance that Arya shies away from, but Garrett has loved Arya for years, and he won’t give up easily. I really enjoyed Arya’s fighting spirit and Garrett’s loyalty. The Fraser brothers didn’t disappoint and the bits of humor scattered throughout was refreshing. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Highland Resurrection
B.J. Scott
Highlander Historical

Gravely injured during the massacre at Berwick on Tweed and with no memory of his past, Brother Lazarus was raised by monks until called upon by the Catholic Church to take up arms and protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. As a member of the ill-fated Knights Templar, he is haunted by the horror of battle and the atrocities he witnessed at the hands of the French King, Philip the Fair, in his attempt to destroy the once-sacred order. Aided by a disgruntled French guard, he escaped on the night before his execution and flees to Scotland, but remains a fugitive. King Philip is convinced he also absconded with religious artifacts and a valuable treasure.

Despite his attempt to remain sequestered with the monks who raised him, Lazarus visits Berwick, convinced it holds the key to his identity and past. While there, he prevents a lass from being raped—a Good Samaritan act that has him questioning his vows of celibacy and puts him and anyone around him in danger.

Sheena MacClaran, wrongly accused of being a whore, harbors secrets of her own, but finds herself drawn to the mysterious monk who tends to her injuries and befriends her wee brother. Has she finally found a man she can trust and love, or will demons from his past and a king’s wrath catch up with them and tear them apart forever?

Uncaged Review: 

I actually read this one first, a couple months ago, so I’m revisiting that review here, but also it was easy to read on its own, but it does end in a bit of a cliffhanger.

This is a nicely paced Highlander historical. Sheena, wrongly accused as a woman who lifts her skirts for money, is attacked on her way home from the markets. Brother Lazarus, who was raised by monks, sees the attack and comes to Sheena’s aid. Leaving her in the hands of a friend to get her home, he can’t stop the guilty feelings he has for not seeing her home herself. So he sets out to find her, and when he finds her, she’s very sick with an infection from the wound on her arm. Finding she is the caretaker of her younger brother, Brother Lazarus remains with her and her brother until she is well enough again.

But Brother Lazarus has secrets – and doesn’t know who he really is, and Sheena has secrets of her own. Unraveling the story around both of them, the author does a nice job interweaving the characters, with a bit of mystery, danger and action within the romance. Once you get to the halfway point, the book is hard to put down. Even though this is a series book, and this was not the first book in the series, I had no problems catching on, and can easily be read as a standalone. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Highland Deliverance
B.J. Scott
Highlander Historical

When Ian Fraser enters the castle of his enemy disguised as a servant, he has one mission in mind—to locate and free his cousin’s son, then return the lad to his home.

But when he meets Lady Roslyn, a stunning, high-spirited lass, who could very well be the love of his life, things change.

Can Ian rescue Quinn and win Roslyn’s heart, or will her ruthless brother, Roderick, laird of the Morgan stronghold, stand in their way of happiness?


Uncaged Review: 

For the third book in this trilogy, it starts off where we left off in book two. Sheena was accosted when she was young by an evil laird, Roderick Morgan. Her son by this union, Quinn, has been hidden from Morgan until now. Morgan has figured out that Quinn is his son, and kidnapped him from the Fraser castle grounds. The Fraser brothers along with their cousins, ride off on a rescue mission. But it won’t be easy, Morgan is a cruel man, and Ian Fraser, the brothers’ cousin, gets inside the Morgan keep disguised as a servant. He finds an ally in Rosalyn, Morgan’s sister who is abused by Morgan, and is being pushed to marry against her will.

All the previous characters from the other stories are back, and the plot and story is a page-turner. Never does this book slow down and bore the reader. It keeps a fantastic pace and the romance between Ian and Rosalyn is heartwarming. B.J. Scott writes woman with not only beauty, but strength and dignity. I will look forward to reading much, much more from this author. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Reviews – Rituals of the Nights Series, with Excerpt by Kayla Krantz


To read an interview with Kayla Krantz, please see the February issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Both books reviewed, are Top Reads for February. The excerpt will be from Dead by Morning, along with a review, and also a review of Alive by Sunset, the second book in the series.

Dead by Morning
Kayla Krantz
Psychological Thriller

Obsession is deadly. No one learns that better than Luna Ketz, a pessimistic high school senior. She wishes more than anything to graduate but things don’t always go as planned. Luna quickly finds herself trapped in a web of lies and murders, spun by the least suspected person in her hometown. It’s not long before she realizes she’s being targeted by the person she despises most in the world. When Luna figures out who is behind the killings, things make a turn for the bizarre when she is contacted by a friend she has not heard from in years. It is then Luna realizes she is very much in danger, but although she can avoid the killer in reality, she cannot avoid him in her dreams.


Reluctantly, she set her hand in his. His skin felt clammy beneath her fingers, like he had been sweating. Luna wanted to pull her hand back, but she forced herself to keep it there. He closed his fingers around hers and pulled her onto the dance floor. The music turned to a slow, sappy song, forcing them to slow dance. He forced her arms up onto his shoulders and set his hands on her waist. As he stepped to the music, she searched his expression for any sign of compassion. “Why do you do this to me?” “Do what?” “Make me go to things like this. I mean, I know you don’t like me. What could you possibly want from me?” He looked back at her, and for a minute, he didn’t speak, as if he had been caught off-guard by her question. “I can’t tell you.” “You can blackmail me into going on dates with you, and you can have your friends kidnap me, but you can’t tell me why you do it?” she asked in disbelief. “Look, you’ll find out eventually, and you won’t like it, I know. I try hard to get you to feel something toward me so that when you find that out, you won’t fight me,” he whispered in her ear. “Find what out? What could be so bad? Do Susan and Kate and all of them know what it is?” She pulled back to watch his face carefully. “No, they don’t. No one does. Just keep quiet, okay?” “Does this have to do with the thing you hide in your pocket?” Luna asked him a bit louder. “Do you have it on you now?” She reached her hand forward to try to touch the side of his pants. A couple people around them turned to look as she raised her voice to him. Chance caught her wrist easily in his hand, returned their stares, and smiled nervously before looking back at Luna. He had to resist the urge to shake her into silence as he let go of her arm. “I don’t hide anything in my pocket okay?” he snarled. “That’s all just your imagination, Luna. Now drop it.” Part of her was frightened by his sudden anger. He was hiding something from her…and from everyone else as well. “Okay, we’re setting up to play,” a voice called from the stage. “We need a volunteer singer to help us out.” “How about Chance does it?” Luna heard a nearby girl suggest. The anger dissolved from Chance’s face as he turned to the girl who had spoken. Luna realized all of his rage had been solely directed at her, and she felt oddly cold at the thought. “Yeah, I’ll do it. Why not?” she barely heard him say. He let go of her and moved through the cheering crowd toward the stage. The band took its place, and Chance stood at the microphone. He looked completely comfortable up there, normal, as if he weren’t the center of attention. The band began to play “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, and Luna studied Chance. He began to sing the words gently, and his voice surprised her. It sounded beautiful.
As Luna watched him, she knew he looked like any other teenage boy. The girls around Luna cheered him on, but she stayed silent. His eyes flicked to her as he reached the chorus of the song, flashing in the lights. There was something bad about him. Something that separated him from all
the other teenage boys and made him a danger to the people who called him ‘friend.’

Uncaged Review: 

Luna is a high school student, who keeps her head down and her grades high, so when the most popular boy in school starts paying a lot of attention to her, she is completely confused and tries to get him to leave her alone. But Chance won’t take no for an answer, and is obsessed with Luna and manipulates her and her parents, and she ends up spending more time with him than she wants.

But there is an evil lurking behind Chance’s eyes, and Luna can’t quite put her finger on what’s going on. When girls from school end up missing, she starts putting it together. When she has to go to the school dance with Chance, he ends up taking her to his home, where she stumbles upon a room with pentagrams and bones.

This book is a psychological trip, and it’s not just about a serial killer, there is a paranormal/fantasy element similar to the Freddy Krueger dreams, and when Luna has her nightmares and is shackled up in her dream, her wrists are bruised the next morning. And when her old friend Max comes back to town and tells Luna of his dreams, which are almost an exact match to hers, the danger is only just beginning. If Chance can unite with his DreamWorld self, he will be unstoppable. Will Luna and Max be able to figure out his weakness before it’s too late?

It had a satisfying ending, that I did not predict, and it left it wide open for the series to continue, and it ends with a note….

The author does a great job creeping you out and having you thinking about keeping that night light on when you go to sleep. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Alive by Sunset
Kayla Krantz
Psychological Thriller

Revenge can become an obsession of its own. After her high school experience, Luna Ketz moved on. She’s in college, studying to be a doctor, and lives an hour away from her old home in Lima, Ohio–where the worst of her memories lie. Three years have passed since her friend Violet’s death and the thought of that day in the woods hasn’t left her mind once. Every week, she visits the hospital where Chance Welfrey remains in a coma. She tries to move on…wants to move on…until once again, she receives a phone call from Max Cazmea warning her that things may not be over just yet.

Chance, having recovered from his recent coma, shows up on her doorstep. He has found a way into Luna’s life that she cannot escape–he’s dating her roommate, Amanda Grey. Back in her life once more, Chance has a list, and everyone on it ends up dead. As things escalate, Luna finds herself in a dangerous game of cat and mouse that will take all of her wits to survive.

*Warning: This book contains content that may be disturbing to some including rape and graphic violence.*

Uncaged Review: 

This book starts off three years after the events of the last book. Luna is now in college, and she’s living with her roommate Amanda. Chance has been in a coma for three years, and Luna has visited the hospital every week, just to reassure herself that he’s still there. The doctors tell her there is very little chance he’ll come around….

Luna’s friend Max is convinced that something is wrong in the DreamWorld, but with Chance in a coma, and even if he wakes he won’t know anything about his past, Luna has a hard time believing him, until killings begin again, and Chance is no longer in his hospital bed where he’s been in for three years.

The author really ramps this one up. This is an edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller, with horror and paranormal elements. And there is graphic violence. You get to see deep inside the head of this serial killer, and feel the fear of Luna and his victims. But the author also has you feeling sympathy for Chance, which I never would have believed I would, but I did. The characters are well flushed out, and the author leaves no stone unturned in taking you on this highly charged emotional sequel. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars