Uncaged Book Reviews Covers

Book Cover Information and Pricing

eBook Cover only: Starting at $150 which includes:
2 Revisions
Author Name, Book Title, and a supplied author logo if applicable
$25 per revision after initial 2 revisions
$50 Series logo if applicable

eBook and Print copies: Starting at $250 which includes:
2 Revisions
Author Name, Book Title and a supplied author logo if applicable
$25 per revision after initial 2 revisions
$50 Series logo if applicable

PNG, PDF and JPG hi res format files in correct sizes during your time frame

What is not included:
Extra stock photos – if you have a specific photo set you want used, you would have to send them
Any paid fonts that I do not own (I have over 400,000)

Contact me at [email protected] for more information or for a questionnaire to learn more about your needs.

All the book covers below are available if they are not marked sold. Book covers will only be sold one time, then removed from the list.