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Uncaged Review – Sixth Prime by Dan O’Brien


Sixth Prime
Dan O’Brien

Conflict grips the galaxy. A tense peace treaty has been signed between the Sovereignty and the Commonwealth. 

On the other side of the galaxy an eccentric artist, Ale Euclid, on the cusp of real success seemingly jumps to his death, beginning an investigation that will unravel a connection between 16 individuals scattered across the stars. C. Gideon Jane, investigator for the Sluga Mining Trust, has been called in to discover what really happened. While investigating, he crosses paths with Moira Cossima, a mysterious friend of Ale Euclid, whose insight leads him deeper into a sprawling conspiracy.

Meanwhile, treasure hunters J’quar and Fei are hot on the trail of an artifact called the Pondus at the behest of the Sluga Mining Trust. Trapped aboard a mining tower on Quartus, twins Leda and Lorelei must face down strange creatures and a monster that dwells deep within the ice floes of the red planet. Not far from the two sisters, a wrongfully accused inmate is haunted by what he has done, and what he has been asked to do. 

An attack on the Dimidium-Bet waystation in neutral space by Grand Admiral Leahy of the Sovereignty tests an already shaky relationship between the two warring societies. Blaise Centauri, admiral of the Commonwealth fleet, and Nom Chatar, his second, arrive in time to save some refugees from the station, including Bar Thiel, a relief worker and doctor aboard the destroyed station. 

Even though they begin worlds apart from one another, the universe has set them upon a collision course with one another….

Uncaged Review: The Commonwealth and Sovereignty have only a tenuous peace. Many in the galaxy are anticipating and preparing for a war, and many can feel that something is coming.
On Nyan, an artist is found murdered. Inspector Jane, who has been sent by the Sluga Mining Corporation, is unable to find many answers, instead stumbling upon more and more confusing and unsettling realizations. Inside a prison in another part of the galaxy, a bitter and defeated prisoner is suddenly freed by a strange man with unknown motives.

On Quartus, a carbon dioxide mining planet owned by Sluga, the workers and technicians discover a horrifying presence.

In space, a Commonwealth ship comes to the defense of a waystation that has apparently been attacked by a Sovereignty vessel.

On A’galla, several groups search for a mysterious and powerful artifact.

Throughout these seemingly unconnected events, there is talk of “That Which Came Before” and “The Initiated,” and “Primes” keep being mentioned.

I really love so many things about this book. The creativity truly abounds. Mr. O’Brien is quite good at world building. I particularly enjoyed the sections about Inspector Jane and the sections about the prisoner. There were some fascinating elements included in the story such as augmented reality, sophisticated AI, and other cool technology. Any one of the sections could have been amazing expanded into a full novel. I am definitely itching to know how everything ties together. My curiosity was only partially sated in the end, and I am hoping that there is much more to come. This book seems like a pretty good setup for a larger series.
My main complaint with this is that it seemed a little too disjointed. The separate sections were very interesting on their own, and they clearly connect in some way, but it was a little difficult to follow the plotline. It seemed like a series of short stories that were all mixed together. Each had a very unique flavor. I did like the characters, though there was not very much time for real character growth. I did find many things confusing. There were so many new planets and ideas being presented that it was hard to follow at times. A glossary or some sort of summarizing chapter would help, I think.

I would be interested to read the next in the series, just to find out how everything connects! Good job, Mr. O’Brien, for an imaginative and interesting Sci-Fi adventure! Reviewed by Emily

4 Stars

Author Interview – Emma Prince


As seen in the January issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: What got you started in writing, especially historical? Have you ever thought of writing in other genres?

Ever since I was fourteen and discovered my first ever medieval romance (Almost Innocent, by Jane Feather) I was hooked on historicals! I loved the combination of a larger-than-life romantic tale blended with rich historical detail, so I felt like I was not only escaping to another time, but also learning something while getting swept away by the love story. Because I’ve always been fascinated with Scottish culture, Scottish romances were always a favorite of mine. Then back in 2012, my sister (historical fiction writer Sylvia Prince) encouraged me to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, where you try to write a 50,000-word novel in a month). I decided that since I loved Scottish medieval romances so much, I would write one just for fun. So I wrote the book of my heart, never expecting to let another soul read it (not even my husband!). I reached the 50,000-word mark, but the story was only about three-fourths of the way done. I left it sitting on my computer, hoping to come back to it one day. Then in 2014, the hubby and I took a dream-of-a-lifetime trip to Scotland just for fun. I was so inspired and moved by the visit that I decided it was time to finish my novel, which became Highlander’s Ransom (Sinclair Brothers Trilogy, Book 1). I’d recently learned about self-publishing, so I thought I’d give it a try, and to my surprise and excitement, people started buying my book! Ever since then, I’ve been lucky enough to write historical romances full-time.

I do dream of writing in other genres—I have more book ideas that I could write in one lifetime! I have an idea for a 3-book historical western series based on some amazing stories I’ve learned about living out here in the American West. I also have an idea for a paranormal/shifter series, plus other historical subgenres, including Regency and Victorian. Now I just have to find the time to write them all!

Uncaged: Can you give the readers more information on the different series you have out now?

I have a complete series, the Sinclair Brothers Trilogy (the first book is Highlander’s Ransom, the first novel I wrote), set in medieval Scotland. I also have a series of Viking romances called the Viking Lore series. When I was researching medieval Scotland for the Sinclair Brothers Trilogy, I learned about some of the fascinating Viking influences on Scottish culture, so I knew I wanted to delve deeper into that world with Viking romances! Now I’m back to medieval Scotland for my latest series called the Highland Bodyguards, about—you guessed it—Highlanders sworn to protect Robert the Bruce and the women who steal their hearts.

Uncaged: As a reviewer, I’m always curious as to what authors can take away from the reviews, do you read them and what do you take away from the reviews?

I do read all my reviews, because I really value what readers have to say about my stories. Reading negative reviews can be hard, but I’ve also learned a lot from them! I look for patterns, so if a lot of people say a particular section is slow, or they didn’t like a character as much, I take that into account as I’m writing. I always strive to improve my craft, and reviews can be really helpful in that way. And of course when they are positive, it totally makes my day! It’s such a strange and wonderful thing to imagine a stranger reading something I cooked up in my imagination and wrote down in my living room, and enjoying it or being moved by it enough to share that publicly. It’s deeply humbling, and also incredibly thrilling.

Uncaged: Can you tell us what you have coming up next?

Right now I am writing the seventh book in the Highland Bodyguards series, Surrender to the Scot. It tells the story of Jerome, a Highland warrior who has been sent on an important mission by Robert the Bruce, and Elaine, and English noblewoman who has led a sheltered life but who longs to join the Bruce’s cause for Scottish freedom. When their paths cross, romance—and adventure—ensues! I’ll be releasing this book in early 2018—I’m shooting for February if all goes according to plan.

Uncaged: How long on average does it take you to write a full book? What is your writing process?

It normally takes me about 3 months total from start to finish to get a book published. The first few weeks of that time is spent researching and outlining—I like to have a clear idea of the characters and where the story is going before I start writing. The actual writing time takes 4-5 weeks. I work Monday through Friday, roughly 8am to 5pm (since those are the work hours my hubby keeps, and I like to make sure I have downtime and non-working time). I aim to write about 4,000 words when I am in “writing mode.” Once the first draft is done, I do two rounds of edits myself—the first one I do on my computer, and I’m looking for larger issues like plot holes, inconsistencies, cutting repetitive sections, pumping up the tension, etc. When I’m done with that (usually it takes about a week) I print the entire book and read it on paper. For this round I’m editing more for flow, sentence structure, wording, etc. Then I send it to my wonderful proofreader, who does her own two rounds of edits to make sure it’s as clean as possible. And then it’s ready to go live!

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

There are so many favorite parts, I can’t choose just one. I love getting to linger in my own imagination as I come up with story ideas and write. I never cease to surprise myself as I’m writing, because something I wasn’t expecting always comes out, whether it’s something funny, heartwarming, thrilling, steamy, or emotionally moving. I also absolutely love interacting with readers. I know how much some of my favorite books mean to me, and how much I adore those authors. It is truly amazing to get to give that back to readers—to give them entertainment, excitement, escape, adventure, and ultimately a story that celebrates the power of love. I also love getting to work in my pjs and hang out with my cats all day. 🙂 One of my least favorite parts about being an author is that I wish I could write faster. As I mentioned, I have so many stories to tell, but my fingers can only go so fast, and my brain can only work so well. I wish I could transpose everything in my head into a word document—but then again, I would still probably just come up with more story ideas. Also, I need to find a way to not hunch over my computer so much, because it can really throw my neck and back out of whack. 🙂

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

When I’m not writing, I love to do yoga, go hiking, backpacking or camping with the hubby, travel, hang out with our cats (Bean and Oban), Facetime with my family, and read. Oh, and drink wine.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest?

The hardest part for me is always the middle—it’s where things need to get really tough for the characters, and sometimes that’s hard because I like to baby and protect my characters instead of put them through the wringer. I find the beginning, when everything is getting set up and the characters are just getting to know each other, and the end, when they have to fight for their love and find a way to overcome the fact that everything has gone wrong, both go faster for me. By the end, my fingers are normally flying, because I can’t wait to give the characters their happily ever after.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I love connecting with readers! Probably the best way to keep in touch is to join my newsletter (which you can do at I share special content like cover reveals and excerpts, plus new release info, sales, and lots of giveaways with my newsletter subscribers. I also love posting on my Facebook page ( with pictures and updates on my writing, the cats, my research and inspirations, and more. Speaking of inspirations, I make a pinterest board for each of my books with character inspirations, settings, research, and more, which you can find at Most importantly, I want to say THANK YOU to my fans—it is such an honor to get to share stories with you!

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Emma Prince is the Amazon All-Star and Bestselling author of steamy historical romances jam-packed with adventure, conflict, and of course love! Emma grew up in drizzly Seattle, but traded her rain boots for sunglasses when she and her husband moved to the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Emma spent several years in academia, both as a graduate student and an instructor of college-level English and Humanities courses. She always savored her “fun books”—normally historical romances—on breaks or vacations. But as she began looking for the next chapter in her life, she wondered if perhaps her passion could turn into a career. Ever since then, she’s been reading and writing books that celebrate happily ever afters! Visit Emma’s website,, for updates on books, future projects, inspirations, newsletter sign-up, and more! You can follow Emma on Twitter at: @EmmaPrinceBooks Or join her on Facebook at:[/symple_box]

Uncaged Review – Melting Hearts by J.E. Prim


Melting Hearts
J.E. Prim

All Devon Willem has to do is pick up a small mutt and find Ameliorate for Nina’s petite cousin, Madonna. Instead, he stumbles into Madonna Botanno’s crazy family, a rogue TGO operative, and a terrorist plot intending to poison millions of New Yorkers. 

Madonna Botanno clings to her good days, hopeful as she waits for a new heart. But then Devon Willem shows up and she regains her health, and then some. Everything in her world is magnified. Then her hunky house guest proves Vampyres are real.

Well, can life get any more crazy? 

Uncaged Review: Devon Willem is the head of TGO and his agent Tavis is in a fix, where his girlfriend’s dog is in New York with her cousin, Madonna. After a rescue they are in Detroit and need things brought to them. Without knowing why Devon offers to take care of everything once he hears Madonna’s name. Once in New York Devon finds out that Madonna is what he has been looking for for decades, his soulmate. After a few adventures all you can do is hope Devon, as a Guardian (vampyre) can convince Madonna to stay with him. After all he has saved her a few times.

I loved this book! I hope to read the next in the series! You can’t help but fall in love with Devon and Madonna. They just get to you and you want them to fall in love, see what other trouble they can get into together and just make it as a bound couple. Reviewed by Danielle

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Bastard Laird’s Bride by Emma Prince with Excerpt


The Bastard Laird’s Bride
Emma Prince

A forced marriage… A desire that can’t be denied…

To thwart a marriage alliance, Laird Reid Mackenzie kidnaps an English noblewoman en route to her fiancé. But to Reid’s horror, King Robert the Bruce orders that he now marry the bride he stole. With his legitimacy already in question, the last thing Reid needs is an English wife who will enrage his allies and embolden his enemies. Yet despite his opposition to marrying Corinne, her fiery spirit and matching beauty threaten to burn away his resistance and bring him to his knees with desire.

Corinne wants nothing more than to work as a scribe. With her wedding to a cruel fiancé looming, she decides to take matters into her own hands. But just when she initiates a daring escape, she is thrust into the arms of a dark Highland Laird whose stormy gaze leaves her breathless. Though she is desperate for freedom, her resolve begins to crumble under Reid’s heated touch. As she struggles to make a home in the Highlands—and in Reid’s heart—their union pushes the clan to the brink of war, forcing Reid and Corinne to choose between peace and their budding love.


“Where is she?” Reid demanded in a loud, cold voice. “Where is the de Reymont lass?”
The English guard’s eyes widened on Reid’s bloodied blade where it pointed at his neck. “I-I…she is in the wagon, milord.”
“Nay, she isnae,” Reid snapped. “I’ll ask ye again—where is she? Tell me now, man, or answer to my sword.”
The man moaned in terror, his eyes nearly bulging from his head. Reid resisted the urge to spit. This was the sort of man Lord de Reymont had sent to protect his only daughter?
“I-I-I swear, milord,” the man stuttered. “Last I saw her, she was in the wagon.”
“I’ll give ye one last chance,” Reid managed through gritted teeth. “Tell me where the lass is.”
When the Englishman’s gaze shifted back to Reid’s blade, his eyes rolled back in his head as if he were about to faint. Reid lowered his sword with a frustrated exhale. “Bloody Englishmen,” he muttered as he turned his back on the spineless guard. “Ye men, search the northern slope,” he said, letting his eyes sweep the dark forest. “And ye lot, take the southern side. The damned lass is somewhere.”
Just as he was about to turn and remount his horse, a rustling of leaves and a clattering of pebbles had him snapping his head toward the hill enclosing the southern side of the valley.
A little tumble of leaves and rocks was sliding down the hillside. A flicker of movement higher up snagged his eye. Through the trees, a shadowy figure stood frozen—and staring right at Reid. The weak light of the moon caught on the figure’s head, illuminating the thatch of cropped orange hair there.
Was that a lad staring back at him? The lad was slight and narrow-shouldered beneath his cloak, yet there was no mistaking that shorn flame-colored hair. Now was not the time for puzzling the mystery of the lad’s appearance. Reid let his body take over, bolting directly for the base of the hill.
“Follow me,” he ordered his men. He pointed first to the left and then to the right, indicating that his men should fan out to flank him. They spurred their horses, instantly following his command as he charged straight for the fleeing lad.
He didn’t bother remounting—a horse would move just as slowly as a man over that steep, rocky, densely forested terrain. Besides, the surge of battle lust still ran in his veins, now transforming into the thrill of a hunt. Whoever the lad was, there would be no escaping Reid. And he would be made to answer for the de Reymont lass’s whereabouts.
Reid drove himself up the hillside at a sprint. His legs devoured the distance between him and his quarry, who still scrambled upward ahead of him. At the edges of his vision, he saw his men urging their horses over the uneven ground. This wee fish would not escape his net.
In another three heartbeats, he was nearly within arm’s length of his prey. Reid dove forward, snagging his hand around the lad’s ankle. A high scream cut the night as the lad tumbled forward and landed hard on the sloping forest floor. Before the wee fish could wriggle away, Reid yanked forcefully on the ankle in his grasp, dragging the figure toward him.
But the lad was lighter than he’d expected. Instead of simply pulling him to a halt, Reid dragged the wee lad straight into his arms.
The lad screamed again, high and piercing, as Reid tightened his hold to keep him from escaping.
But as the lad writhed in his grasp, Reid began to notice things. The tangle of skirts beneath the lad’s cloak as he tried to lash out and kick Reid. The faint softness of the lad’s chest against his. And the distinct fragrance of lemon.
Just as Reid was about to abruptly release the lad—or rather, lass—the little hellion sank her teeth into his shoulder.
Reid roared as her teeth broke the skin. Before she could do more damage, he rolled on top of her and sprang up so that he straddled her hips, pinning her to the ground. With one hand around each wrist, he held her down. She thrashed wildly, screaming and bucking against him even though he had her completely restrained.
Just then, the yellow glow of torchlight fell on him and his struggling quarry.
“What in the bloody…” Alain mused, reining his horse beside Reid.
“This,” Reid said, tightening his grip on the writhing lass, “is de Reymont’s daughter. Isnae it, lass?”

Uncaged Review: This is the 6th book in a series, but I had no issues reading this one without reading the first books, it stands well on its own. Corinne is determined to escape her cruel father and his arranged marriage to another cruel man when she is kidnapped by the Highland Laird, Reid, on orders from his Scottish King, Robert the Bruce. With the war on the borders of England and Scotland, stopping the alliance that Corinne’s father was going to accomplish with her marriage, will help to weaken their stance on the borders. After Reid delivers Corinne to the King, he orders Reid to marry her. Already a Laird but not by blood, an English wife may have his own people turn on him, but Reid will carry out his orders.

This is a nicely paced Highlander, and the characters are engaging and endearing. The suspense knits tightly, and even though I was expecting something to happen, a couple things caught me off guard and I even fell in love with some of the secondary characters. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but definitely won’t be my last. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – His Life Plan by Sharla Wylde


His Life Plan
Sharla Wylde
Contemporary Western

Having his heart ripped out and stomped on years earlier convinces Aiden Tanner that love is not a valid reason to marry. It might be right for others but not him. The right woman will possess the temperament to handle the large family he’s planning. The oldest of seven brothers, he returns home from a tour of duty to find his father unable to manage the family ranch. Thrust into the new role, Aiden devises a plan: run the ranch, improve the cattle and horse herds, and find a wife.

Broke and desperate, Beth McNamara struggles with choosing between independence or moving in with her parents. Her sex life has been nonexistent since an abusive lover destroyed her confidence. Unable to make ends meet and unwilling to trust, Beth only wants the best life and future for her daughter.

After a stalker threatens her and her child, sanctuary comes in the form of an old crush. The sexy cowboy is overbearing and gruff but she remembers the gentle and compassionate man from before. Her body sizzles from his kisses and caresses. When he proposes marriage as a business deal, she’s desperate enough to accept. As he wrestles with admitting his growing love, she battles her inability to trust.

Uncaged Review: Aiden had it figured out He could run the ranch with his brothers, and have the children he wanted, and love never needed to enter the picture. Beth, a single mother, behind on her mortgage payments and low on options to keep her daughter fed and a roof over their head, she runs into Aiden. Aiden offers her sanctuary at his ranch when a stalker threatens Beth and her daughter.

This book was hard to put down, and the relationship between Aiden and Beth simmers slowly and the danger and suspense keeps the book paced well. I connected easily to the characters and the story and was completely engaged.
Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Author Interview – Regan Walker


As seen in the January issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: You started your career as a lawyer, what prompted your change to writing? Was being an author always a dream you had?

I was always a writer but did not always write fiction. In a hiatus in my career, I began reading romance for the first time. One day, I was speaking with my best friend about a story, the ending of which I did not find satisfying. She told me I needed to write one. So I did. By that time, I had fallen in love with historical romance and had my own review blog (Historical Romance Review). The rest is history.

Uncaged: You weave real historical facts and people in with your fictional characters to bring life to your books. How much research do you do for each book?

Hundreds of hours. I read history, original journals and delve into the biographies of the historical figures I want to use. I also look up historic inns, clothing, food and weather, etc. I try to get it “right” and put the reader in the time. It’s what my stories are known for.

Uncaged: The Donet Trilogy, the first two books, To Tame the Wind and Echo in the Wind are out now. You also have a couple other series out also, can you give us a rundown on the different series that are available?

Sure. So far, my Regency series, the Agents of the Crown, has the most books (4 to date, for which To Tame the Wind is the prequel, and 3 related novellas, all holiday stories. The Donet Trilogy has 2 so far and I’m writing the 3rd to be released in 2018: A Fierce Wind… set in 1794… love in the time of the French Revolution. And my award-winning Medieval Warriors series has 4 novels, all related. It’s now in a boxed set, too. You can see them all on my website and on Amazon.

Uncaged: As a reviewer, I’m always curious as to what authors can take away from the reviews, do you read them and what do you take away from the reviews?

As a reviewer myself, I try to be balanced, to always find the good and what was done well. We writers try hard to deliver a good story. I try not to be negative in my reviews of other authors’ work unless the issues are glaring and I know my followers would want to know. If someone writes a negative review of one of my stories without finding any good, I just ignore it, particularly if the other reviews are all praising the story. But if one or two things are noted that I can fix, I will. Often it’s just one person’s perspective not shared by others. The real takeaway for me is if the readers like the story.

Uncaged: Can you tell us what you have coming up next?

I may be relocating in 2018 so this is tentative but I have planned two releases: A Fierce Wind, book 2 in the Donet Trilogy (the trilogy books are all Georgian romances set in the late 18th century) and Rogue’s Holiday, book 5 in the Agents of the Crown, my Regency series. Then I plan to head to medieval Scotland for the Clan Donald Saga.

Uncaged: How long on average does it take you to write a full book? What is your writing process?

Six months from start to release. But that includes beta readers and editing. I always write to the cover so my covers for the next two books are done. (Don’t you hate covers that aren’t accurate for the characters or the story?)

Uncaged: What are your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

I love the research and developing my characters. Bringing it all together for a fast-paced story that readers will love is like pulling weeds.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

Long walks with my dog; dinner with friends; reading (I read historical romance all the time for my blog).

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest?

It depends on the book. Sometimes the beginning comes easy; sometimes it does not. Right now, I’m struggling with where to begin A Fierce Wind.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I love my readers. They are the reason I write. And they influence my stories. For example, they asked me to make Freddie West, a character in Echo in the Wind, the hero in A Fierce Wind, so I’m doing it. It’s Zoe Donet’s story. You can find me on Facebook (I’m there every day), my Website, the Regan Walker’s Readers Facebook page, on Goodreads, and on my blog, Historical Romance Review (which also has a Facebook page!). Oh, and I have Pinterest storyboards for my books, too!

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Regan Walker is an award-winning, bestselling author of Regency, Georgian and Medieval romances. A lawyer turned full-time writer, she has seven times been featured in USA TODAY’s HEA column and nominated six times for the RONE award. (Her novels, The Red Wolf’s Prize and King’s Knight, won Best Historical Novel in the medieval category.) In 2017, her novel The Refuge: An Inspirational Novel of Scotland won the Gold Medal in the Illumination Awards. To Tame the Wind won the International Book Award for Romance Fiction and the San Diego Book Award for Best Historical Romance. Years of serving clients in private practice and several stints in high levels of government have given Regan a feel for the demands of the “Crown”. Hence her romance novels often involve a demanding sovereign who taps his subjects for special assignments. Each of her novels features real history and real historical figures. And, of course, adventure and love.[/symple_box]

Uncaged Review – Fires of Hell: The Alchemystic by Maureen L. Mills


Fires of Hell: The Alchemystic
Maureen L. Mills

When her captain is murdered and her airship suffers a series of sabotages, airship engineer and rogue pyromancer, Amelia Everley, must put aside her dislike of her new employer, Josiah, and help him save her airship and crew.

But is the destruction aimed at their mysterious government passenger, or is the captain’s killer now after Josiah?

All Amelia knows is, if Josiah can’t learn to respect her skills, she may have to resign herself to working for his rival, Edmund Fairlane.

If, that is, she can bring herself, her crew, and her ship home in one piece.

Uncaged Review:
Amelia is a young phlogistologist (pyromancer) who is working as an engineer’s apprentice about the airship Mercury. When her captain, Edmund Rollins, is murdered, things begin to change. She receives a promotion, but the new captain (Josiah Rollins, the son of her former captain) does not know at first that she is a woman, much less a pyromancer. Since society views pyromancers as evil and dangerous, she cannot reveal her abilities to anyone. She struggles to prove herself to Josiah while helping him acclimate to the Mercury. At the same time, she attempts to find out more about the murder of Edmund Rollins. Strange things are happening aboard the Mercury. Can Amelia figure out what is happening and prove her worth to Josiah while keeping her pyromancy a secret? Or will everything fall apart?

This was the very first steampunk novel I have ever read, and I was not disappointed! It seems to be a very popular genre, and I never understood the reasons until now. I really enjoyed the setting and the technical aspects of the steam-powered airships (even though I did not understand everything.) This book was completely engaging. The characters were incredibly well-written, and the pace and plotline were truly fantastic. I loved the mix of fantasy, romance, action, and mystery. The main character was very likeable. She was a very talented and very kind person who did not come across as annoying. Although she did have something to prove (living in a society where women were less respected than they are now) it did not come across as anachronistic to me. She was simply doing what she needed to do to survive and make her way in the world. I thought the author did an excellent job of making her both intelligent and strong but also vulnerable and uncertain at time.

Her relationship with Josiah and, indeed, the rest of the crew was fascinating. I loved that they respected her but did not just fawn over her as I see happen with female characters in so many other books. Her story is very uplifting. She made her own choices and worked hard to do what she could to make her life what she wanted it to be. She never looked down on or judged her mother’s profession (prostitution), but she knew that she wanted more for her own life. The romance aspect was wonderfully described. Sometimes attraction is totally unexplainable, and I think this book portrayed this well. AND I loved that people were not just jumping into bed with one another. There was a sense of honor and propriety throughout.
I also really enjoyed the “alchemistic” aspects of this book. It was just the right amount of magic/fantasy to include. The story was more about her journey than about her abilities, but the alchemistic additions were very interesting. (I would love to read more about what the earth and water alchemistics do.)

I would love to read more from this author. I enjoyed every single word of this book. It held my attention from the first page to the last. I learned a few new words, and I got a great introduction into the world of steampunk! Reviewed by Emily

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Haunting of Dr. Bowen by C.A. Verstraete


The Haunting of Dr. Bowen
C.A. Verstraete

Gruesome deaths haunt the industrial city of Fall River, Massachusetts.

Dr. Seabury Bowen—physician to the infamous Lizzie Borden—swears he’s being stalked by spirits, though his beloved wife thinks it’s merely his imagination. But the retired doctor insists that neither greed nor anger provoked the recent sensational axe murders in Fall River. Rather, he believes the city is poisoned by bad blood and a thirst for revenge dating back to the Indian and Colonial wars.

Now, two years after the Borden murders, Dr. Bowen is determined to uncover the mysteries stirring up the city’s ancient, bloodthirsty specters. Can he discover who, or what, is shattering the peace before Fall River runs red? Or will he be the next victim?

Part mystery, part love story, The Haunting of Dr. Bowen reveals the eerie side of Fall River as witnessed by the first doctor on the scene of the legendary Borden murders.

A supernatural tie-in to the book, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter, but without the zombies. Based on real-life events and historic documents, though some parts have been fictionalized to fit the story. * Contains some light horror details.

Uncaged Review: The Haunting of Dr. Bowen by C.A. Verstraete is a companion novel to Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter. I have to preface this review by saying that to really understand and enjoy this short novel, you must read Lizzie Borden first– otherwise you are missing out on a significant building block for the story. Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter is an excellent novel by Verstraete, and I highly recommend it.

Now, on to the actual subject of this review: The Haunting of Dr. Bowen. This book is in the perspective of the doctor and family friend of the Bordens, who has since retired. Understandably, his involvement with the Borden case was a traumatic one, so it comes as no surprise that he’s haunted by the memories of it– but the ‘haunting’ part of the book’s title also has a more literal sense, as Dr. Bowen decides to do some investigative work of his own thanks to a ghost shadowing his life since he was a boy.

I really have to commend Verstraete on her portrayal of Dr. Bowen. While I thought from the start that Dr. Bowen might be on to something given the evidence he found, it was always a question as to whether or not he was really all there. I was not sure on a few occasions if what he was seeing was actually there, if it were a dream or a hallucination. I think that speaks volumes of the ability of the writer, and is exactly the kind of immersion you want to encourage in a first-person book wherein the protagonist themself is questioning their sanity.

Verstraete did an excellent job creating a neat little arc and including evidence here and there about what was really going on, all of which pieced together nicely in the resolution even though there was a lot that did not make sense when it was first introduced. Additionally, Verstraete added one last bittersweet surprise on to the end of the book that reminded me of the end of this story’s predecessor.

Overall, I found it to be an enjoyable story to go along with Lizzie Borden, and would recommend this book if you have read that one. Though it explores a slightly different facet of the paranormal genre, it fits nicely into the world that Verstraete had already built. Reviewed by Kaitlin

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – White Raven by J.L. Weil


White Raven
J.L. Weil
Young Adult/Paranormal


It only took one heartbeat to change my life–one chilling phone call in the middle of the night.

And then, as if my life didn’t already suck, my dad sends my brother and me to some idyllic island for the summer to live with a grandma we never met. WTH. Naturally, I rebel. In the end, I find myself shipped off to Raven Hollow…and bored to tears. 

Until I get an eyeful of the mind-bendingly gorgeous Zane Hunter. The dark-hair cutie makes my pulse go bonkers, and I think, maybe this might not be so bad after all. Six feet of swoon inducing looks, with a hint of Celtic charm in his voice, he was the type of guy that left a string of broken hearts in his wake. And I had all the heartbreak I could handle.

Yet, there is something uncanny, almost supernatural about Zane, and it’s not just his devastating smirk. No matter how much distance I put between us, Raven Hollow isn’t big enough, and the sparking tension between is undeniable. Of course, the one person I want to avoid becomes my salvation.

My past comes back to terrorize me. Someone wants me dead, and the closer I get to the truth, the more I realize my whole life is a lie. I am no longer sure what is more frightening–the attempts on my life or the guy whose heart and soul are synchronized with mine.

Uncaged Review: This is a promising first book in a trilogy – full of secrets and intrigue, splashed with humor, teenage angst and sarcasm with danger and love. The pros: a well thought out plot and the supernaturals are interesting, with some really good action sequences. The cons: almost too much angst and whining from our main character, Piper, who acted overly childish for most of the first half of the book. The storyline was also a bit slow getting to the point, and a bit slow for the main character to catch on.

All that said, it was a fun read and I’ll definitely look for book two. The full trilogy is out now, so if you get hooked, you won’t be delayed in reading. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Uncaged Review – Echo in the Wind by Regan Walker with Excerpt


Echo in the Wind
Regan Walker
Historical Regency

England and France 1784

Cast out by his noble father for marrying the woman he loved, Jean Donet took to the sea, becoming a smuggler, delivering French brandy and tea to the south coast of England. When his young wife died, he nearly lost his sanity. In time, he became a pirate and then a privateer, vowing to never again risk his heart.

As Donet’s wealth grew, so grew his fame as a daring ship’s captain, the terror of the English Channel in the American War. When his father and older brother die in a carriage accident in France, Jean becomes the comte de Saintonge, a title he never wanted.

Lady Joanna West cares little for London Society, which considers her its darling. Marriage in the ton is either dull or disastrous. She wants no part of it. To help the poor in Sussex, she joins in their smuggling. Now she is the master of the beach, risking her reputation and her life. One night off the coast of Bognor, Joanna encounters the menacing captain of a smuggling ship, never realizing he is the mysterious comte de Saintonge.

Can Donet resist the English vixen who entices him as no other woman? Will Lady Joanna risk all for an uncertain chance at love in the arms of the dashing Jean Donet?


Bognor, West Sussex, England, April 1784

Except for the small waves rushing to shore, hissing as they raced over the shingles, Bognor’s coast was eerily bereft of sound. Lady Joanna West hated the disquiet she always experienced before a smuggling run. Tonight, the blood throbbed in her veins with the anxious pounding of her heart, for this time, she would be dealing with a total stranger.
Would he be fair, this new partner in free trade? Or might he be a feared revenue agent in disguise, ready to cinch a hangman’s noose around her slender neck?
The answer lay just offshore, silhouetted against a cobalt blue sky streaked with gold from the setting sun: a black-sided ship, her sails lifted like a lady gathering up her skirts, poised to flee, waited for a signal.
Crouched behind a rock with her younger brother, Joanna hesitated, studying the ship. Eight gun ports marched across the side of the brig, making her wonder at the battles the captain anticipated that he should carry sixteen guns.
She and her men were unarmed. They would be helpless should he decide to cheat them, his barrels full of water instead of brandy, his tea no more than dried weeds.
It had been tried before.
“You are certain Zack speaks for this captain?” she asked Freddie whose dark auburn curls beneath his slouched hat made his boyish face appear younger than his seventeen years. But to one who knew him well, the set of his jaw hinted at the man he would one day become.
“I’ll fetch him,” Freddie said in a hushed tone, “and you can ask him yourself.” He disappeared into the shadows where her men waited among the trees.
Zack appeared, squatting beside her, a giant of a man with a scar on the left side of his face from the war. Like the mastiffs that guarded the grounds of her family’s estate, he was big and ugly, fierce with enemies, but gentle with those he was charged to protect.
“Young Frederick here says ye want to know about this ship, m’lady.” At her nod, Zack gazed toward the brig. “He used to come here regular with nary a con nor a cheat. He’s been gone awhile now. I heard he might have worked up some other business—royal business.” He rolled his massive shoulders in a shrug. “In my experience, a tiger doesn’t change his stripes. He’s a Frog, aye, but I trust the Frenchie’s one of us, a free trader still.”
She took in a deep breath of the salted air blowing onshore and let it out. “Good.” Zack’s assurance had been some comfort but not enough to end her concerns. What royal business? For tonight, she need not know. “Give the signal,” she directed her brother, “but I intend to see for myself if the cargo is what we ordered.”
Without seeking the position, Joanna had become the smugglers’ master of the beach, responsible for getting the cargo ashore and away to inland routes and London markets with no revenue man the wiser. She took seriously her role to assure the villagers got what they paid for. Their survival depended upon it.
“Zack, will you row me to the ship?”
“O’ course, if ’tis what ye want.” The frown over his hazel eyes revealed his displeasure, but Zack knew an order when he heard one, no matter how politely it had been phrased. He would never question her authority in front of the men.
Freddie lifted the lantern from the pebbled beach and slid open the metal cover on one side. A small flame flickered into the Channel, alerting the ship the coast was clear of the Riding Officer. The dying rays of the sun still danced on the rippling water, but the lantern’s light would tell the ship’s captain all was well.
Joanna got to her feet, tugging her felt hat over her ears and tucking strands of her long red hair beneath the brim. The hat and Freddie’s borrowed shirt and breeches rendered her one of the men. Even though his jacket was a bit short, she dare not borrow clothes belonging to her older brother, Richard. He knew nothing of her nightly pursuits and would not approve.
“I’m going with you,” said Freddie.
“All right, but stay in the boat.” When she’d decided to help the villagers in smuggling goods that kept brandy and tea flowing to England’s wealthy and food on the tables of Chichester’s poor, her younger brother had insisted on becoming her partner. Still, she tried to keep him from danger.
Out on the water, the ship’s crew lowered three longboats into the water, then scurried down manropes slung over the side. Dropping into the boats, they began to accept barrels and chests lowered from the deck.
With a word to her men, Joanna climbed into the small rowing boat at the water’s edge. Her two companions followed, and Zack pressed his strength to the oars.
With the first of the longboats loaded, the French crew pulled away from the ship, rowing hard toward the beach. Their boat passed her smaller vessel and she gave them a studying perusal.
Their bright neck scarfs and knitted jerseys, coupled with the set of their caps, rendered them decidedly French.
To a man, their hair was long and loose rather than plaited in pigtails as an English sailor might wear. The knives at their belts, their narrowed eyes and sneers made them appear cutthroats. Of course, to them, she and her brother were no more than young English “rosbifs” who had no understanding of a ship like the one on which the Frenchmen served. In that, they would be right.
She shivered and turned away from their harsh glares to fix her eyes on the ship and her mind on the task ahead.
The French brig loomed large as they drew close. A frisson of fear snaked down her spine when she looked up to see an ominous figure standing at the rail.
Like an apparition, he was dressed all in black, his features lost in the shadows beneath his tricorne. Even his hair, tied back at his nape, was black. One side of his coat was pulled back to reveal his hand resting on a pistol. From his waist hung a sword with a golden hilt.
She could not see his eyes, but she felt his penetrating gaze and shuddered. He appeared more pirate than merchant.

Uncaged Review

Most of the time when I read a series book, the first book in the series and the couple in that first book, remain my steadfast favorites throughout the series. This isn’t to say that I’ll not fall in love with characters in following books in the series, but the original couple normally remains my favorite. This did not happen this time. In To Tame the Wind, we met Claire and Simon, and against all odds, with him kidnapping her, I still cheered them on. They became a favorite story couple for me. With Echo in the Wind, they’ve been toppled from the pedestal that I put them on.

“Like an apparition, he was dressed all in black, his features lost in the shadows beneath his tricorne.”

I fell totally head over heels for Jean Donet, Claire’s father. This is his story, who finds love for the second time with Lady Joanna. Once again, we are treated with Ms. Walker’s writing, and the seemingly effortless way she weaves her fictional characters in with real history and real figures from our history. I almost feel like I’m going to have to take an exam when I’ve finished. After reading one of Ms. Walker’s books, I have to stop and let my brain process the story before starting a new book. This author is highly recommended, I can’t even give her enough praise to do her writing justice. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars