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Uncaged Reviews – L.A.M.P.S. Series by Bonnie Gill with Excerpt


Tempting the Light
Bonnie Gill

Bad luck magnet Abby Fitzpatrick gets fired, catches her boyfriend cheating with a mime, and is cursed by an evil genie who pops out of a tampon box. She’s bound and determined to remove the spell and, as fate would have it, the hottest guy she’s ever met is out to kill her.

River Stone, a Cryptid hunter for Legends and Myths Police Squad (L.A.M.P.S.), poses as sheriff for Abby’s hometown of Haber Cove, New Jersey. He’s out to find and capture a man-eating gnome and bag the legendary Jersey Devil monster. Little does he realize, the woman who catches his heart is the same creature that he was sent to destroy.


Abby Fitzgerald didn’t expect a surprise birthday party when she got home today. She didn’t expect bold colored daisies or pretty wrapped gifts. But most of all she didn’t expect to find her live-in boyfriend Burt, engaged in a spooge-a-paloosa fest with a chick dressed as a mime. Her crazy old grandmother warned her she would be cursed on her twenty-fifth birthday, but who would have believed it?
Burt slapped his body up against the mime from behind in a vigorous frenzy on the sleigh styled queen-sized bed. The woman’s hands and painted white face pressed up against an invisible window with his arm wrapped around her waist to keep her vertical.
Seeing Abby, her lips parted into an “O” breaking the sex-me-up red heart painted across them. She covered her mouth with her gloved hands.
Abby stared in horror at Burt with his mouth open and eyes closed, savoring the sheer ecstasy of screwing the mime. Her heart shattered shooting pulmonary shrapnel up her throat. He never looked like that when they were together.
“You’re freaking cheating on me?”
Burt’s eyes popped open, before he leaped from the bed. “Son of a . . .”
Abby dashed into the hallway bathroom, and rummaged in the crowded cabinet under the sink. “Where’s the damn Scrubbing Bubbles? Or better yet, the Borax?” She tossed a mildewed loofa and a half used bottle of honeysuckle hand lotion over her shoulder. They landed not far from Burt’s bare feet.
“Abby, I’m sorry. I was going to wait until after your birthday to tell you.” He placed his hands on both sides of the bathroom door trim and leaned into the room. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m trying to find something to scour the sick image of you and your mime girlfriend from my eyes. Better yet, I’ll get the melon ball scooper.” Unable to contain herself, she whipped a can of lemon scented shaving cream at his head.

He ducked but the foaming missile bounced off his hair-sprayed-until-bullet-proof hair. His nostrils flared like an enraged bull. Too bad that was all he had in common with the animal. “You’re acting irrational. Stop it.”

True. Right now she couldn’t even think straight. “Get away from me.”
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” he said under his breath.

She ignored his statement and shoved his skinny five-foot-four-inch unclothed body aside and marched back into the bedroom.

The mime perched on the edge of the bed with a sheet wrapped around her naked body. She held up both hands in a stop gesture and waved them back and forth.

“Abby. Please settle down.” Burt trailed behind her.

“Settle down? Do you know why I came home early?”

“No.” He glanced at his watch then looked absolutely baffled.

“Because I got fired today, Burt.”
He tilted his head to the side and wrinkled his rather large forehead. “Oh. Well, how were you planning to help me pay the rent then?”
She wished she had a gun to shoot the stupid out of him.
“Get out of my house.” She jerked on the mime’s cover-up sheet. The mime pulled back. Abby yanked again but then let go, the mime did a back-flip somersault off the bed. Her pasty white face popped up on the other side of the mattress like a demented rodent in a whack-a-mole game.
“This is my apartment,” Burt raised his voice louder and pointed at the mime. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”
The mime amplified her smile by pointing to the corners of her lips and twisting her fingers in her imaginary dimples, then she proceeded to skip and do a naked happy dance in circles around Abby.
Abby gave her a little shove out of her way. “What the heck is her problem? Doesn’t she talk?”
Burt shrugged. “I don’t know. She hasn’t said a word since we met. It’s one of her perks.”
Abby slammed her fist into the side of her leg to keep from punching the detestable smart-ass smirk that spread across his face. Her fantasy of a blissful marriage and white picket fence shattered in one measly, heinous moment.
“How long has this been going on? Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” She marched over to the closet, grabbed her blue duffle bag, and stuffed a few pairs of her size two jeans into it. She then looked down at his exposed mini-manly parts and raised a questioning brow.
Burt’s eyes widened to a bug-eyed look and then he scattered to pull on a pair of whity-tighties.
She stalked over to her dresser, pulled out different colored T-shirts, and a stack of clean underwear to shove in her bag. She hesitated for a moment. “The other day, I saw you in the jewelry store buying something. I—I thought you might.”
Before she could finish, the mime flashed the back of her hand at Abby. A pink princess cut rock set in a platinum setting adorned the ring finger of her left hand.
Burt sent a reprimanding scowl in the mime’s direction. “It just happened.”
Her heart went numb first, before the shredding feeling of a weed-whacker tore through it.
“Wonderful.” She stormed out of the room and into the kitchen, pulling worthless knick-knacks from their displayed posts and cramming them in her bag. A satisfied smile lifted her cheeks when she held up Burt’s prized Fifty States Commemorative Quarter collection for him to see.
“You wouldn’t dare. Put that back.” He swiped at the coins but missed.
“Yes, I would and I’m leaving you.” She jammed the cardboard display in the duffle, and swung her bag of belongings over her shoulder. “I hope you have many ugly clown babies.” She slammed the apartment door behind her.
While trudging to her car the whooshing blood of each heart beat thumped like sonic booms in Abby’s ears. She tossed her bag into the trunk and marched over to Burt’s pathetic yellow Volkswagon Beetle. She pulled back her foot and gave it a hard kick in the tire. I wonder how many girlfriends he can cram into that thing at one time?
She sat behind her steering wheel in silence. Too bad she couldn’t pull a do-over for the day. Her grandmother must have been psychic.

Uncaged Review

On the first day of her period, Abby becomes a Jersey Devil – literally, because of being cursed by an evil genie that popped out of a tampon box. Taking a woman’s mood swings during that time of the month to a whole new level. With her friend Pepper, they start searching for a way to break the curse.

This is a fun book. Ms. Gill doesn’t stick with the normal Supernaturals that are so common in many of the books these days, and goes off the beaten path with her twists on the characters. The characters are easy to like, and even with all the humor, there’s romance and action, and a hilarious twist near the end that made me laugh out loud. Even the secondary characters are interesting. When River’s partner shows up, more hilarity ensues. And you think those little garden gnomes are cute in your garden? Think again… Reviewed by Cyrene

4 Stars

Pursuing the Light
Bonnie Gill

L.A.M.P.S. hunter Leif Gunther grew up as an only child. He has a system for keeping order in his life while hunting Cryptids. He enjoys the solitude and quiet the job provides. Until a chatty redhead is assigned to assist him in his quest for the pack of Goochies terrorizing West Virginia and his systemized life gets turned upside down.

Cleaning up after Cryptids is not Holly McClure’s favorite job. She’d rather be hunting like her four brothers. Her boss pairs her with the same man who stole her hunter spot. Now she has an opportunity to show she’s a better hunter. Not to mention she has to keep her fairy godmother, who just happens to be a Sheepsquatch, a secret from Leif.
Leif just has three rules. Keep quiet, stay out of my way, and don’t touch my stuff. Too bad Holly can’t help breaking them repeatedly. Drawn together by the chase, Leif and Holly find that if they work together they make a great hunting team and their passion grows as they pursue their prey.

Uncaged Review

In this installment, we are following the adventures of hunter Leif, and a cleaner – Holly. Holly’s family are all hunters, her brothers and her father had been before. So all Holly wants is to pass the trials to become a hunter, and only one person is in her way, Leif. When Holly doesn’t pass the trials because of Leif, she is assigned as a cleaner – who cleans up the Cryptid messes from hunters. When she’s assigned as a cleaner to Leif near her family’s old property, things get to be a lot more interesting.

This book just slams out of the gate and doesn’t slow down. And it’s not only action packed, it’s also a whole lot of fun. The Cryptids that they are chasing are Goochies, small fluff balls that may seem cute enough, but will tear anything in their path apart. And let’s not forget Tilly, Holly’s godmother who is a Sheepsquatch. Fun ensues all along the way, and I laughed out loud many times. Where Ms. Gill comes up with her supernatural characters is a place many don’t even think about, and they are some of most uncommon ones you read about, if at all in today’s books. The romance between Leif and Holly is earned – by both the characters and the reader. Fun, action, danger and romance. There is not much more you could ask for.… Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Bill’s General Store by Myra Nour


Bill’s General Store
Myra Nour

The old general store was well-loved and iconic. After it is swept away by a tornado, the residents of the small town were devastated, none more than the elderly Bob. When a new store is built, it doesn’t take long for him to notice transformations every day. Changes that are reversing the newness back to the older version of the general store – old floor boards erupting through the tile and the chairs that used to sit near the front door mysteriously appearing.

Note: This is based on a true event. My Uncle’s General Store was destroyed by a tornado. A paranormal story set in a small town in the South, highlighting the colloquialisms of the region.

Uncaged Review: Bob makes the daily walk to the General Store to meet his friends, as he’s always done with his dog. His old, arthritic body hurts on most days, and since his wife died, he tries to keep moving. The old General Store was replaced by a new store on the same foundation as the store that was ripped away by a tornado, and it’s not the same. New-fangled technology has replaced the old, and the character of the store is lost.
Suddenly, things start turning up that were in the old store. The crates near the front of the store, the chairs that seemed to be from the old store – but those were blown away in the tornado. Bob notices, but little by little the character is creeping back into the store, and Bob’s mood is improving by the day.
A short story – so I won’t say more, but it’s a feel-good type of story and different from what I’ve read from the author in the past. The author keeps the characters and their mannerisms and way of speaking native to the area, and in these old stores all over, it’s almost easy to believe Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Author Interview with Laurie Olerich


As seen in the March issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about the Demons After Dark series? How many books are planned for the series?

Demons After Dark is set in the Primani world, but the main characters are demons who’ve been exiled from Hell. The demons are nicknamed “Trinity” by Raphael’s original Primani, Killian. While the Primani characters make occasional appearances, they’re not the center of these new stories. In the DaD books, readers get to know Lucifer and Raphael even more intimately because they are working together to prevent a fanatic secret society from overthrowing Lucifer and taking over both Hell and the human plane. Poor Raphael is stuck managing Lucifer’s Trinity demons as they learn to survive as humans and struggle to juggle their new lives and the women who turn them upside down. By the way, I love, love, love hiding Easter eggs so there are fun little surprises scattered in the stories. Readers who’ve fallen in love with the Primani world will spot these treats. Note, these books are funny, somewhat dark, and much, much hotter than my Primani Series. I’m planning eight books in this series, but am open to more if it seems right.

Uncaged: Your Primani series is the original series that the Demons series was born out of, is that series still ongoing and is there a set amount of books you have planned, or is it open-ended?

The Primani Series isn’t quite done yet. Each new book will be a standalone title so readers won’t have to go back and re-read the entire series. At this point, I have another novel planned and several novellas too. After that? I’m not sure. I adore the characters so much, but I’ve got several other projects that I’d like to work on. I have a contemporary romance spinoff I’d like to start and a paranormal buddy adventure I’ve already begun. And of course, I am pushing ahead with more Demons After Dark books in 2018 and 2019.

Uncaged: Will you be attending any events in-person this year or any conventions?

2018 is a little more relaxed than some years have been. I’m signing at the Wild Deadwoods Reads convention in Deadwood, SD, in June and am signing at the Alamo City Comic Con here in San Antonio, TX, in October. I think these are my two big events.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Yes, I absolutely read them. Glowing reviews lift my spirits while critical reviews help me see where I can improve my writing. It’s always amusing to hear how some characters or scenes are perceived so differently from how I wrote them. I love that!

Uncaged: Can you tell us what you have coming up next?

I’m really excited to say that I’m finishing up “Derick (Demons After Dark Book Four)” and plan to release it in April. Later in 2018, I’ll release “Hayden (Demons After Dark Book Five)” and another Primani Series novella. Possibly a full-length novel but I’m not promising that just yet. It depends on how quickly I can write.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

A lot of my readers tell me they feel as if they’re in the story with the characters. They say it’s like being immersed in a movie. I love to hear that! That’s exactly the experience I hope for. BUT, BUT, BUT, the nicest thing anyone has ever said was pretty funny. One reader recently said, “Your mind is a very weird place. I love it.” Best compliment ever!

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

I love creating the world and the lore that goes with it. My stories are meant to be an escape for readers. What better way to forget your problems than to lose yourself in a world that may or may not exist alongside our distressing one? Each book builds on the lore and the backstory so it unfolds in real time as you read. I love giving my characters unique psychic abilities that give them an edge on the bad guys and in the bedroom too–telepathy, telekinesis, energy exchange, teleporting… Imagine the possibilities! My paranormal world includes Primani (immortal soldiers), psychics, angels, and demons (both good and bad). Oh, and just because this is PNR, there’s no reason to leave out the occasional kinky character, is there? These guys have needs too! Now, isn’t that more fun than cowboys and bikers? Wink, wink!

My least favorite part is managing advertising and marketing strategies. Writing an awesome story isn’t enough. Authors have to become marketing savvy if they want to find readers to actually read their awesome stories. Managing ads and marketing campaigns in an ever-changing marketplace is exhausting and downright daunting some days.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

When I’m not writing, I putter in my yard, go for hikes with my dog, and explore new restaurants with my best girlfriends. My life is pretty quiet these days. I’m focused on getting healthy this year so I’m exercising and eating clean foods. I’d like to be able to travel more so getting my body in good condition is important.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

A book’s middle portion is the hardest part for me. It’s important not to fill it up with fluff. The center of a story has to keep the reader engaged; it has to propel a reader through the meat of the plot and still be exciting and necessary. It’s easy to inadvertently drag things out here so I always end up editing with a scalpel. The beginning is always the easiest! Once upon a time… comes easily to me. I’m not the fastest writer around so it usually takes me around four months to finish a book.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I love hearing from my fans via email, Facebook, Twitter…really, I just love to hear from people! Nothing brings a bigger rush of happiness than chatting about characters and their adventures. Please, please feel free to reach out to me anytime! The best way to get a quick response is by posting on my Facebook page. I usually check it throughout the day even when I’m working at my day job. If fans want to see what I’m up to, sign up for my newsletter. Also, I try to keep my Pinterest boards current with images pertaining to my works in progress and inspiration for books. I love the visual aspects of Pinterest!

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]For as long as she can remember, Laurie Olerich has been fascinated with all things paranormal. From the time she was a little girl, her vivid imagination led her on ghost hunting missions with her invisible friend. As an adult, Laurie has evolved that rich fantasy life into a love of travel and exploration that has sent her on expeditions from New England to Rome in search of old cemeteries and underground burial sites. Along with her studies of demonology and angelology, she uses inspiration from her travels to write action-packed urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels full of wickedly sexy characters and creepy places. An unhealthy love of hockey and a 20 year military career give her a penchant for strong men and big guns.[/symple_box]


Uncaged Review – Down Solo by Earl Javorsky


Down Solo
Earl Javorsky

The launch of a propulsive noir series with a paranormal spin.

Things haven’t been going well for Charlie Miner. His work as a private investigator involves him with an endless roster of shady characters. His ex-wife is borderline crazy. And he hasn’t been getting to spend anywhere near enough time with his teenage daughter Mindy, the one person in his life who truly matters to him.

When he wakes up on a slab in the morgue with a hole in his head, though, things get even worse.

Just before the shooting, Charlie was investigating a case involving fraud, gold, religious zealots, and a gorgeous woman who seemed to be at the center of everything. Even with a fatal bullet wound, Charlie can connect the dots from the case to his attack. And when his daughter is abducted by someone involved, the stakes get exponentially higher. Charlie needs to find Mindy before the criminals do the same thing to her that they did to him.

After that, maybe he’ll try to figure out how he’s walking around dead.

Uncaged Review: Right from the outset, the reader is introduced to the main character as a dead person. With this POV, you might assume that anything can happen, as this truly is uncharted territory. However, the author temporarily sets metaphysics aside and guides us through the mission that Charile Miner seeks to accomplish, namely solving his own murder. Principal and secondary characters are well presented and developed, and the storyline progresses quickly to keep the reader engaged to the very end. In the final chapter, the reader is still unsure what the outcome will be regarding Charlie’s state of being. The metaphysical questions return, then the reader must decide. All in all, a very well done suspense, drama, touch of paranormal story and mental exercise for a willing reader. Reviewed by Doug

4 1/2 Stars

Uncaged Review – Koivu by Laurie Olerich with Excerpt


Laurie Olerich
Paranormal Romance

Team Lucifer?

This Band of Brothers Will Steal Your Heart!
Introducing the Demons after Dark series! It’s hot paranormal romance featuring unlikely alpha heroes who will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. Known as Trinity demons, this band of brothers was stripped of their powers and violently exiled from Hell. Forced to live as humans, they’re left with no power and no weapons while a secret society quietly plots Lucifer’s demise. For these big, bad demons, adjusting to life as a human is, well, harder than Hell!
Former Hell’s Fury champion, Koivu, is desperate to return to Hell to reclaim his title and stolen life. As an extreme athlete, he had fame, glory, and more pleasure than he probably deserved. He was a freakin’ rock star! Being exiled in a broken human body is his worst nightmare. Stripped of his powers and unable to fight, he’s consumed by frustration, counting the seconds until he can go home. His future looks bleak until he meets a sexy, soft-hearted physical therapist who heals much more than his shoulder.
Physical therapist Micki Glass knows something about damaged people. She’s been struggling to get over her ex for three long years when this crazy man crashes into her life. He’s crude and intense but irresistibly charming. With his feral eyes and sexy smile, Koivu takes her on a sensual joyride that makes her feel like a woman again. As their affair heats up, she craves him like oxygen until she discovers what he really is. With more than her heart on the line, can she accept his past and love him for who he is now?
The day of reckoning is looming closer and the sacrifices have begun. Can Koivu stop the murders, find the rest of the Trinity, and convince the woman he loves to give him another chance before it’s too late?

Warning: This story contains intensely hot sex, an irresistibly-damaged hero, and a damsel with a steel backbone. Have a box of tissues handy. The author takes no responsibility for missed work or grouchiness from lack of sleep.

Note: This title can be read as a stand-alone story, but for the full backstory, start with “Vanek.”


Sunday night dinners were a Glass family tradition. Micki’s mother had four kids and expected each of them to show her the respect she’d earned by coming for dinner after mass. Her parents were good, faithful Catholics. They absolutely did not miss mass—ever. Death and childbirth were the only legitimate excuses available. Micki was raised in the church, but to her mother’s shame fell short of being faithful. Her brothers—Danny, Marcus, and Brody—were just as lax, but got much less grief about it. Apparently women needed communion more than men. Ha! On Sundays, since she rarely went to mass and was the only female child, Micki was expected to show up early to help her mother in the kitchen. Sexist? Maybe. In her family, male and female roles were crystal clear and written in stone. Her father, and later her three brothers, did the manly work; they mowed the tiny lawn, repaired the ancient Toyota, and unplugged anything that was stopped up. Her father could fix anything that had the balls to break down in this house. He passed that love of problem solving on to his sons. Back in school, when other girls snickered about her parents old-fashioned values, Micki only smiled. She wouldn’t trade her parents for the world. She was comfortable with old-fashioned. Her mother always said that men should be men. Micki tended to agree. She wasn’t interested in academic, polished, or glamorous men. She liked strong, arrogant men who were a little rough around the edges. Most of the time, anyway.
“Hi, Mom!” Danny exploded into the gorgeous new kitchen and caught Micki around the neck in a strangely affectionate chokehold. “Hey, baby sister.”
She dropped the mixing spoon and elbowed him in the gut. “Get off me, you moron! Can’t you see I’m working here? This potato salad’s not going to make itself.”
“Daniel.” Their mother tsked him from her side of the cluttered marble island and chided firmly, “That’s no way to greet your sister. You have no manners?”
Danny gave Micki a little shove and laughed, “She’s my sister, not the queen of England.” He talked a cocky game, but politely handed her spoon back and patted her on the head. “How’d your date go? I see you’re alive.”
Their mom perked up at the word date. “You had a date? Oh, baby, I’m so happy for you! Tell me all about him! Is he Irish? Is he Catholic? What parish is he from?”
All the important questions! Micki smacked Danny with the mayonnaise-covered spoon, hissing, “Thanks, jerk!”
“Yeah, Micki, tell us about your date,” her youngest brother, Marcus, chimed in from the dining room doorway. “Joey says you left the bar with—”
Her sharp gasp cut off his words. Was he a complete idiot? They had an unspoken agreement as siblings; no one shared their social adventures with their mother. Her disapproval was nearly a physical blow. None of them wanted to be on the receiving end. Marcus flushed a brilliant scarlet that clashed horribly with his carrot-colored hair. He cringed at the fiery glare in Micki’s eyes.
Mom set down her carving knife, the brisket forgotten. Her eagle eyes darted between her three children, assessing guilt, assigning blame, probably counting off the expected Hail Mary’s in her mind. “What bar?”
“Yeah, what bar?” This question came from the other side of the screen door. “Who’d you leave with, Micki?”
Micki groaned inwardly and turned around with her heart in her stomach. “What are you doing here, Jake?”
Her brothers turned into a couple of guard dogs, heading straight to the backdoor with hands clenched into fists. “You have some nerve!” Danny snarled on his way through the door. “I’ll beat your f**king ass!”
“Daniel!” Mom scolded.
“It’s fine, Mom. Danny, back off!” Micki pushed past Danny to tow Jake to the other end of the plant-covered porch. “Are you nuts? My brothers are just waiting for an excuse to beat the hell out of you. Why would you come here?”
His dark eyes glinted with a meanness that he usually reserved for opponents in the cage. His hands were clenched into fists at his side. He was clearly pissed off. Despite being in full view of the Callahan’s after church cookout crowd, he grabbed her by both arms and hauled her up against the side of the house. “You won’t see me, but you’re out f**king around with someone else?”
“Yo, Micki! You okay?” Danny’s buddy, Jamie, hollered from his lawn chair next door. Three Callahan cousins turned to stare. One by one, they set their beers on the picnic table and got to their feet.
Oh, great. Just what she needed. A Sunday afternoon brawl in her parents’ flower beds. God only knew the Callahans were always up for a good fight. Today wasn’t the day though. She wasn’t in the mood to disappoint her mother, so she affixed a plastic smile on her face and shouted back, “I’m fine, Jamie. No worries, ‘kay?”
Jake managed a stiff smile and a nod in their direction. Jamie and his cousins watched them for another minute then went back to their grilling and beer drinking.
“Have you lost your mind? Why are you being such a dick?” She’d never seen him like this. He was beyond simply mad. He was edgy, desperate, strung out like a caged lion. “You’re hurting me. Let go.”
Instead of letting go, he crowded her closer to the wall, his breath hitting her in the face. The reek of stale cigarettes and beer made her eyes water. She wrinkled her face and tried to turn away. His fingers dug into her skin. “Who is he? Who are you f**king?”
“None of your business! You’ve got everything you wanted back in Vegas. You made your choice three years ago. Get out of my life and go home. I don’t answer to you!”
He bounced her head off of the wall, snarling dangerously, “Is it that guy who was at your house yesterday? I’ll f**king kill him!”
Her vision was spotty; her ears ringing. She opened her mouth to shout for help when he smashed his mouth over hers, crushing her lips, drawing blood while she struggled to get free. Her knee connected with his balls; he punched her in the face. Twice. She must’ve screamed because suddenly all hell broke loose. Danny and Marcus barreled out of the kitchen. The Callahans sprinted into the yard. And the spots in her vision turned into one big sunburst that swallowed her up. The last thing she saw clearly was Koivu’s furious expression and a flash of black and white.

Uncaged Review

To start with, I did read this as a standalone, I had not read the first 2 books in the series, and I didn’t feel lost at all. I think reading the first books will only enhance each other, as the characters are recurring in this series. This book was about Koivu and Micki – and it will grab and use every single emotion you have within its pages. Anger, grief, humor, love and some very hot sex scenes will have you laughing one minute, mad the next, and standing in front of a fan the next.
This group of “brothers” are Trinity Demons, one of each of Lucifer’s origin families, exiled from Hell and trying to get back – even though it’s an impossible task. Finding all their brothers is priority as someone is torturing and killing them one by one. They’ll have to use all their skills to stop the murders in their human bodies.
I loved all the characters. I even enjoyed the exchanges with Lucifer and his demons, and with Raphael – an archangel – his brother. Uniting the whole story is two broken people, Koivu – an ex champion fighter from Hell, now exiled to a human body, and Micki – who’s had her heart ripped out and stomped on in the past.
I had a very hard time putting this down, and yes, I did miss some sleep from this book, but book hangovers are well worth it with some books, and this one is one of those. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Book Reviews – March, 2018 Now Available


Uncaged Book Reviews, Issue 20 – March 2018 Now Available


Featuring Laurie Olerich, Bonnie Gill, Jami Albright, Traci Wooden-Carlisle, Leah Grant, R.F. Hurteau, Jessica Victoria Fisette and Gerri Gray.

Special Feature – Uncaged talks with cover model, Vikkas Bhardwaj

Reviews, Short Story, Sneak Peeks

Uncaged Review – Lying in Ruins by Jami Gray


Lying in Ruins
Jami Gray

In a world gone to hell, it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad…

The world didn’t end in fire and explosions, instead it collapsed slowly, like falling dominoes, an intensifying panic of disease, food shortages, wild weather and collapsing economies, until what remained of humanity battles for survival in a harsh new reality.

Charity uses lethal survival skills learned too early in her work as a ‘Hound, sniffing out pivotal secrets for one of the most powerful people on the west coast. Her work is deceptive, deadly, and best performed solo, which means when she has a run–in with a member of the notorious Fate’s Vultures, she has no intention of joining forces in some mockery of teamwork. The man might be sexy as hell, but she travels alone. She will accomplish her mission and she will settle a score – hopefully with the edge of her blade. But fate has other plans.

As one of Fate’s Vultures, a nomadic band of arbitrators known for their ruthless verdicts, Ruin witnesses the carnage of corruption and greed battering the remnants of humanity, and he bears the scars to prove it. Now he has a damn ‘Hound showing up in suspicious circumstances, leaving every cell of his body sceptical – and painfully aroused. The woman is trouble, and Ruin has every intention of steering clear. But when they realise they have a common enemy, Charity and Ruin will have to set aside their distrust if they want to achieve their mutual goal – justice and revenge.

Sometimes, when the world’s gone to hell, it’s better to stick with the devil you know…

Uncaged Review: This is the first book in a new series for Jami Gray, and Ms. Gray is one of my favorite authors, and this book did not let me down. The author builds a new world from the ground up. Country, state and city borders are different now, and run by strong leaders. Charity is considered a “Hound,” someone who has a gift of being able to track and find anything, from people to information. While she is tracking a missing kid, she goes to Crane, another leader – only to find Raiders have attacked and Crane killed.

The author really ramps up the action and the romance between Charity and Ruin (a Vulture) brews at a satisfying pace. The danger and violence the two of them face in this new world is fast paced and engaging. One of those books that I kept thinking of when I had to put it down. Excellent world building and character building that Jami Gray is known for. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – The Coffin, The Scarry Inn by Shirley McCann


The Coffin, The Scarry Inn
Shirley McCann

When Clare, Lise, and Kelly arrive at The Scarry Inn just before a major storm, they’re thrilled to learn they’ll be staying in a room known as The Coffin, which is adorned with coffin beds and other macabre decorations. 

Little do they know that one of them will end up in a coffin for real–because a tornado isn’t the only thing threatening the inn’s grand opening. A killer is determined to make sure the inn doesn’t open at all. And that person will stop at nothing to achieve that end.

Uncaged Review: Scary Inn was definitely a page turner, when a murder mystery weekend turns into a real who done it. The inn and characters where bought to life in this thrilling book. A enjoyable read to the last page. Reviewed by Skye.

4 Stars

Uncaged Review -Crone by C.L. Marin


C.L. Marin
Young Adult/Paranormal

Tara is grief stricken over the death of her mother, and heartbroken about Connor’s kidnapping. She drives on, regardless, trying to tap into her authentic powers with the help of Isaac, while the Moodus coven grows impatient waiting for her to fulfill a prophecy she never wanted to know about in the first place. 

Going halfway around the world to find the woman who destroyed everything she’s ever loved, Tara ignores the greater issues of the coven for the chance to kill Karmin Cres, and it puts her right in the center of the Haddam fortress. With the world around them erupting into a burning war, will Tara be able to call upon the power of the Crone to assist her? Only one coven will rule when the fires die out, but who will it be? The Moodus or Haddam?

Uncaged Review: Without offering any spoilers, I will say I truly enjoyed this read. The story of Tara deals quite a bit with heartache. You find she is suffering from the grief of her mother’s death as well as the kidnapping of Connor. She isn’t able to take the time she needs however with her coven pushing her to fulfill a prophecy centered around her. With the help of Isaac, who wants to help her realize her full power, she takes off in search of the one who killed her mother, ignoring what her coven needs from her. Tara then finds herself in the middle of a war where her greatest chance is to call upon the Crone for help. The writer did a great job of laying out such a detailed story. In many parts, you felt as if you were there. I look forward to reading more of her work soon.
Reviewed by Rena

4 Stars

Author Interview – C.J. Bower


As seen in the February issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Uncaged: Can you tell readers about your Caked with Pleasure series? How many books are you planning for the series?

Someone once said “in order to write well, you must write what you know.” Well, here’s what I know. Baking and racing. With my love of writing, the two seemed to come together naturally.

Jacqui and Nick were supposed to be a one-off, however, her friends had other ideas. Peri and Cami insisted I give them their own stories. There are 2 books currently available in the series, with the third in progress.

There are possibilities for more, but for now I’m sticking to three.

Uncaged: On Track with Icing was your first full length novel, and honestly, I never thought about the pairing of a bakery owner and a racecar driver, but it works. What was the inspiration for these characters?

I drew on my own personal experiences when I created these characters. I’ve been a race fan for as long as I can remember, and I come from a family of bakers. I even worked in my family’s bakery for a few years, and drew on that experience to create Jacqui’s Bakery.
NASCAR brought me together with my husband, who spent many years working with a female driver at our local track, and he was a wealth of information when it came to getting the mechanics of the cars and accuracy of the on-track action.

Uncaged: You also have a “day job,” do your co-workers know about your books?

I honestly don’t think my coworkers are interested in reading my books. Or if they are, they haven’t approached me. I have the covers on my desk, but as yet no inquiries about them.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Of course I read reviews! I want to know what my audience thinks of my books, good or bad. If I don’t know where my mistakes are, I can’t fix them. Being a part of an amazing critique group, I see every review as an opportunity to improve both my craft.

Uncaged: Can you tell us what you have coming up next?

I get asked frequently about when Cami’s story, Knotted Up with Passion, will come out. I still have a huge, gaping hole in her timeline that I need to fill (because she’s in captivity and I don’t want to bore my readers when she’s stuck in her cell), and I need to get her reunited with her man (whom I have not officially announced yet, though readers will probably pick up on it pretty quick. I kinda left a trail of bread crumbs in the first two.)

In addition to Knotted Up with Passion, I’ve also started a massive project I call my Romantic American Tour. One romance story for each state. One of my favorite authors created her Americana series back in the 70s and 80s, and she inspired me to write my own series.

I’ll be writing my own stories, using different locations of the states as backdrops. I have Wisconsin and North Carolina done, with Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Maine currently in progress. I also have outlines for Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, and Virginia. Without outlines I would probably go stark raving mad with this project!

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

Someone told me once that Jacqui’s story made her cry, that she could relate to Jacqui’s inability to have children. Hearing how someone else, even if she’s just a fictional character, dealt with endometriosis and the subsequent consequences, helped her cope with a similar situation.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

My favorite part about being an author? Writing of course! Creating fascinating characters in exciting locations. I also love meeting fellow writers and readers. Encouragement from the readers helps keep me going.

My least favorite part? Probably everything else. Promotions are the hardest thing, because I’m extremely introverted. I’ve always hated drawing attention to myself, and now I’m forced to in order to promote my work. And there’s no magic formula for instant readership, so it’s constant trial and error.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

I love reading, of course, which inspired me to get into writing. I read a number of badly-written romances, and had the “brilliant idea” (said with a sarcastic smirk) that I could write better. So I put my pen where my mouth was, so to speak. On Track with Icing was the first novel that I felt was worthy of publication.

When I need a break from writing I enjoy crafting. Crochet, loom-knitting, counted cross-stitch, sewing. Last year for Halloween I made my own Ursula costume from a pattern I had left over for a different costume. I even turned my front porch into Ursula’s Lair, which was a huge hit with the kids.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The hardest part for me is probably just sitting down to write. Between the day job and other demands on my time, I have to make time to write. The easiest, I’d say, is the actual writing. Once I get in my zone, I can easily get several chapters written.

As for how long it takes to finish a complete book, well, it varies. On Track was 3-year project, however Icing the Competition was written within a few months. Knotted up with Passion is currently going on 2 ½ years from the first moment I started the first chapter.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

I want to thank the readers. Without them no author, me included, would be where they are. So please, show them your appreciation by leaving a review and passing along the word about their books.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Reading and writing have always been a part of CJ’s life. Ever since she can remember, she’s been putting pen to paper, creating complex characters in rich environments. She lives in Western Wisconsin with her husband and fur-baby. When she’s not working or writing, she enjoys baking, cake decorating, and of course, watching NASCAR. She picked up her first piping bag at age fourteen and started decorating full-time at age twenty-three. Using the experience she’d gained while working in her family’s bakery, along with her love of racing, she created the setting for her first series of novels. She also enjoys volunteering at the local animal rescue shelters and advocating for those who are unable to speak for themselves.[/symple_box]
