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Uncaged Review – October Daffodil by Richard Malloy


October Daffodil
Richard Malloy

Every autumn after the first frost, hundreds of resplendent daffodils bloom behind the old gristmill. Teens Dick Ladson and Callie Ewing will always remember the moonlit haven where they loved, hoped, and dreamt.

In October 1960, they defy Callie’s controlling mother, vowing to share a life together. “Let’s lie in the mill flowers ’til it’s time for you to go,” Callie whispers, her words garbled with sobs. They exchange poignant goodbyes, hoping his enlistment in the Army will provide the means for their marriage. As they face an uncertain future, will the strength of their love survive? 

Uncaged Review: This was such a beautiful story surrounded by two lovers who battle through life’s struggles to be together. I enjoyed the journey with Dick and Callie and was very much on edge with their journey. A beautiful love story set in the 60s where boy meets girl. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Psychic’s Spell by Ella Summers


Psychic’s Spell
Ella Summers
Urban Fantasy

In the immortal war between gods and demons, one woman’s past holds the key to humanity’s future.

One year after joining the Legion of Angels in New York City, Leda Pierce returns home to visit her family in Purgatory, a rough and rugged frontier town that borders the plains of monsters. Leda’s family reunion is cut short, however, when her little sisters are captured by supernatural mercenaries.

Together with her angel lover Nero, she sets out to save them. Besieged by monsters, assailed by powerful foes, Leda knows this rescue mission won’t be easy. What she doesn’t expect is that it will bring her face-to-face with the secrets of her buried past.

Uncaged Review: Almost as soon as Ella Summers releases a new installment in this series, I drop whatever I’m doing to grab it and continue the journey. This series is THAT good. I’ve run out of praise for the series, every review I’ve given this series, still stands and then some with this installment, the sixth book in the series. This time out, Leda’s sisters have been kidnapped, and we finally are getting some long overdue answers, to both Leda’s sisters and herself. Psychic’s Spell is the sixth level of magic that Leda is trying to break through to, and to do it, she’ll need the help of a god. And she’ll need the help of the both her family and the legion to rescue her sisters.

I was completely hooked from the time I started reading. The action, magic and the revelations will thrill the readers, and her bond with Nero is stronger than ever. One of the best urban fantasy series out there, if you like Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series, this series may hit the mark for you. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Author Interview with R. Weir – Review of The Front Range Butcher with Excerpt


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about your Jarvis Mann detective series?

Jarvis Mann is your classic hard-boiled private detective, living in Denver, going the extra mile for his clients. He is smart, tough and funny, with as many faults as virtues. There have been seven books so far dealing with all kinds of cases, including a missing baseball card, a client who is being stalked, a blackmailed college football player, helping his brother out of a jam with a brutal mobster, and so on. And I’ve surrounded Jarvis with a rich cast of characters, both friends and foes that keeps him on his toes. There is a lot of mystery, suspense, twists and turns, and a little bit of lust in books to keep readers entertained.

Uncaged: What are you working on now?

I’m working on book 8 in the Jarvis Mann PI series, tentatively titled Mann in the Crossfire. Some storylines from the last book, The Front Range Butcher, will carry over into this book. Much of this new book will be spent in Southern California, where he is trying to figure out who murdered an associate of his. He will be neck deep in danger in this next chapter in the series.

Uncaged: What inspired you to write the Jarvis Mann series? Do you take anything from real life, i.e., people, places, today’s news?

I wanted to create a character in the classic PI mold, like Sam Spade or Phillip Marlowe, but update the stories with more modern plots and twists. And I do borrow from today’s news. In the fifth book in the series, Dead Man Code, Jarvis tries to solve the murder of a computer engineer and goes up against Russian mobsters, Chinese government thugs, and internet hacking, all real-world news that is happening right now.

Uncaged: You are an attending author at Wild Deadwood Reads this year. What are you looking forward to the most from this convention?

Talking to readers and potential readers of my books and what they most enjoy about reading. Those interactions and conversations are priceless.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Yes, I read every review and try to respond to the reviewer when possible, thanking them for taking the time to post, whether the review is good or bad. Fortunately I’ve not received too many bad reviews. But I take to heart every word written, helping me to be a better writer.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

There have been so many nice things written about my books, but I’d say when someone tells you how they got emotionally invested in the story, finding it hard to put the book down, is the greatest thing to hear.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

My favorite part is talking and hearing from readers about my books and how much they enjoy them. The least favorite is having to handle most of the marketing side myself and how much time it takes.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling in our RV, working in my yard and riding my motorcycle. One of my favorite places to be is high up on Trail Ridge road in Rocky Mountain National Park at night, staring at the sky full of stars.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

The re-reading and editing are probably the hardest part of writing. But the actual writing is what I find is the easiest, as once I get going it flows out of me quickly. First drafts can be written in two to three months, but the rewriting and editing can add two to three more months to the process.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

Thanks to all of them out there who have supported me through the years. And be sure to always leave a review, for it’s so important for indie authors to help build their success. You can follow me on my website and through the following social media links. Don’t be shy as I always have time to talk and interact with people.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]

I live in the Mile-High city with my wife, daughter and dog, where the Rocky Mountain High isn’t always achieved with an herbal substance. When not glued to the computer for work and writing,


I relax by enjoying the outdoors; playing tennis, traveling in our motorhome and riding a motorcycle wherever the wind takes me. My writing beckons back to the days of detectives and dames, but with modern plots and twists. PI Jarvis Mann is tough, resourceful and a man with as many faults as virtues. His oddball sense of humor is much like mine, though I’m not nearly as tough and fearless as he is. Though no evil stands a chance against my written word![/symple_box]

The Front Range Butcher
R. Weir

Twenty-two years ago, the slayings began, a new body nearly every month, front page news for all to read. Gruesome in nature, the victims nearly all female, the killer terrorizing the residents of Colorado’s biggest cities. Until one day the murders stopped leaving no clue, or closure. No one knew who he was, his motive for slaughtering them, and why the urge to kill suddenly ended.

Now, more than two decades later, the urge has resurfaced. Carved remains of loved ones left to be found, lives of families ruined, the slayings echoing an all too familiar case from a past once forgotten. Bold headlines return to the local papers, the police and FBI still just as helpless, even with today’s modern advancements. Has the killer resurfaced again? Why did they disappear for so long? How many more will brutally suffer the same horrendous fate?

Hired to find the serial killer, private detective Jarvis Mann digs deep, fighting FBI resistance, with life threatening danger lurking around every corner. His cunning leads to a man he must match wits with, a man the FBI can’t touch. Interrogating to get into his psyche in an all-out attempt to stop the insanity and bring him to justice. Cold and calculated, intelligent and coy, the man, wheelchair bound, holds the answers and the secrets. For he is the only one who could be the evil manifestation of: The Front Range Butcher.

Can Jarvis outwit such a mastermind, or has he met his match?


They were waiting for me when I got home. The parking lot was dark, though bright enough from a security light on a poll and the lamp from my stairwell to see where I was going. A dark sedan, either a BMW or Mercedes, sat there, the motor running. I parked the motorcycle a couple of spots over from them and dismounted. I had my .38, placing it in my jacket pocket, my right hand tucked inside, helmet in my left. There was someone behind the wheel and another waiting in the stairwell, the smoke of his cigarette trailing up into space easily seen, thanks to the light.
“May I help you?” I yelled out, still holding my distance, the bike between me and them.
“Jarvis Mann,” replied the voice from the stairwell. “We are here to talk.” There was an air of confidence in his voice.
“About?” I had regained my composure after what happened with Milani.
“A mutual acquaintance.”
I didn’t care much for riddles. “A name would be helpful.”
“I can’t say. But you know him.”
“I don’t like dealing with those I can’t see. Step out where I can see you. The one in the car too.”
My hand tensed up waiting for any aggression. The man in the stairwell walked up, cigarette still in hand, taking a long draw, before dropping it to the ground and crushing it with his foot. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and I could see the outline of his frame, covered in dark slacks and sports coat, his hands tucked into the pockets. When clear, he waited for the other in the car to step out. Both were decent size, taller and heavier than I was. The one in the car was wearing a jacket over jeans, the jacket not fitting him well, a dark ball cap on his head. This could be round two to convince me to leave Simon alone. This time though it wouldn’t be cordial.
“If you’re here to tell me to leave Simon Lions alone, that isn’t going to happen.”
“Never heard of the name,” he said. I didn’t believe him.
“Then why are you here?”
“It will be apparent soon.”
With his words, I sensed someone behind me and I turned quickly, swinging the helmet in defense. I caught the man on the side of the head, a loud crack sounded but he didn’t go down. Adrenaline flowing, I fumbled to pull out my gun, as he hit me with something hard on the side of the neck and I hit the asphalt. My head was spinning, and I tried to focus getting my gun out and firing, though I couldn’t see anything. I got off two shots before it was pulled from my hands, apparently missing the mark.
Attempting to stand I was struck again on my shoulder, the pain all too real. I tried to roll but couldn’t get anywhere, my path blocked. Something kicked me in the ribs, the wind leaving me. I tried to suck in what air I could, considering options, but there were none. I heard footsteps but couldn’t see a thing. I knew I was done for, if they wanted me dead.
Someone grabbed me by the hair and spoke into my ear.
“Quit messing where you don’t belong, or you will end up dead,” said the voice. “Do you understand?”
My mind wavered on what to say. How to answer.
“You should gargle before heading out to rough up people. Your breath stinks.” I coughed out.
He wasn’t laughing. “I heard you were a funny guy.”
“We can go inside. I have some Scope in the medicine cabinet you can borrow.”
It would be my last words as he punched me in the face, my head striking the ground. There was little I could do as I felt another kick or two, before hearing sirens, the noise of those two gunshots saving me, and then all was still.
My mind drifted in and out. I heard voices, some I knew, others I didn’t. Was I taking that long walk to purgatory, a chance to cleanse my sins, the weigh station to heaven or hell? Would family be there to greet and make me feel welcome? I saw lights. They were bright and sounds of human traffic all around me. Someone asked, “Is he going to make it” with a positive response from another voice. All seemed peaceful, and numb, until pain started to wake me up. And it was wall to wall. There was only one word for it.
“F**k!” I said, to whoever was there listening.
“He is coming around. Jarvis, can you hear us?”
I didn’t know the voice that was calling my name, but I had a feeling I had to answer. “Yes. Who is this?” My eyes weren’t open or if they were I couldn’t see much.
“Denver paramedic. You’ve been injured. Likely beaten. Can you tell me where it hurts?”
“Be easier to list where it doesn’t. Side, ribs, neck and my jaw for certain.” I groaned.
“You may have some broken bones. We are going to take our time checking you. How does this feel?”
He started probing me on my left side, his hand checking for injuries. It wasn’t pleasant.
“F**k!” I said again.
“Painful there.”
“F**k yes. The more f-words I use the worse the pain.” I gasped as I took a breath and felt pain shoot across my chest.
“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor,” he chuckled.
“As long as I have it and my teeth, life is good.”
The paramedic laughed and continued the exam. If he missed any injured spots, it wasn’t from trying. There wasn’t an inch on my body that wasn’t hurting. Soon they had me strapped to a backboard and a brace around my neck. I was on a gurney and in the ambulance, when I heard a familiar female voice.
“Couldn’t stay out of trouble,” said April. “My last night of work, and you end up in the hospital. Now I get to spend the night in an uncomfortable chair and not in your warm bed.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were planning to stop by.”
She leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I was going to sneak into your place, crawl in your bed and do unspeakable things to you.”
“That might be the one part of my body that isn’t hurting,” I replied, coughing. “I always wanted to do it in a hospital bed. Tonight, could be the night.”
Leaning down she kissed me, before climbing out of the ambulance. “Once my shift is over, I’ll stop by and check on you.”
The ride wasn’t too long, and I was wheeled into the ER at Swedish Medical Center. They ran all types of tests, finding nothing broken, but lots of bruising. The doctors, nurses and techs were nice enough, but I still hated hospitals.
I talked to so many people, having to explain repeatedly what happened. The police included. I’d have been happy to tell them I knew who the attackers were, but I didn’t. I was tired, and hurt like hell, even with the pain meds.
Several hours passed and I finally fell asleep, though it wasn’t good rest. If there were carnal activities awaiting tonight, I’d have to perform them in my sleep.

Uncaged Review

I went into this well-established series, this is the 7th installment, without reading the others and the book stood well as a standalone, not once did I feel lost in the book. This has a classic crime/suspense noir feel to it and the detailing of the different cases was just right, not overdone to slow down the story, but enough that even us lowly citizens can follow along and understand. There was enough humor to offset the nail-biting moments.

When I get some extra time, I’m definitely going back and reading more of this series, even though this genre isn’t on the top of my go-to list, it was enough to make me a fan. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Happy Mother’s Day from Uncaged









“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” ~Princess Diana

Uncaged wishes all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day.

Uncaged Review – Brownlow Baby by Katie Hamstead


Brownlow Baby
Katie Hamstead
Contemporary Romance/Sports

Julia Saxon has been in love with her best friend since the moment she met him. The problem is, Lachlan Daniels was already in love with his model girlfriend. But she just dumped him, and on the night of the Brownlow Medal ceremony—the most prestigious award in Australian Rules Football—Julia is determined to win him over.

For one night, she believes she has succeeded, until in the morning he runs out in a panic, apparently regretting their passionate time together.

With the support of her friends, she tries to move on, and even manages to snag herself a boyfriend. Then, the vomiting starts.

When the pregnancy test shows up positive, Julia knows exactly who the father is: Lachlan. But that is all kinds of complicated as he continues to pine after his ex, who has moved on, although, she still toys with him.
When Julia makes the decision to keep the baby, her boyfriend leaves, unable to watch her carry his teammate’s child.

As the following months ensue, Lachie discovers the pregnancy and vows to stand by Julia. The pair struggle through a tumultuous and complicated relationship. When it comes down to it, Lachie will have to choose between Julia and their baby, or his ex. But Julia won’t go down without a fight for her happy ending, whether it’s with Lachie or not.

Uncaged Review: Julia is friends with Lachlan, a footballer who has invited her to a awards ceremony. Julia’s life is about to take a dramatic change. I really enjoyed this this book. I don’t go for sports romance books but this is a hidden gem. You really feel for the characters and get caught up in the story. I highly recommend this book as I enjoyed it very much. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Author Interview with P.J. Fiala – Review & Excerpt from Ford


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about your Bounty Hunters series? How many books are you planning on for this series?

I’m currently only planning three books in this series, Ford, Lincoln which releases in September in a box set and January on its own and next April I’ll release Dodge, the final of the three.

Uncaged: What are you working on now?

Right now, I’m writing Lincoln. I love these books and this series. The characters are more salty and they’re different and yet so darned exciting. And sexy!!!!

Uncaged: What inspired you to write? Who were some of your inspirations?

I’ve always wanted to be an author. Trouble was I didn’t know what to write about. Then, Fifty Shades hit and I was in a place in my life where I felt strong enough to dip my toe in the water. The thing is, I’m not a twenty something and a billionaire has not swept me off my feet. Never will. I wanted to write stories about mature people without perfect lives finding love. That’s when it hit me that I had stories to tell and I’ve been writing them for five years now.

Uncaged: You started a charitable foundation called Authors4Veterans. Can you tell us more about that?

Yes, my friend and fellow author, Stacey Joy Netzel, and I both have children in the service. Stacey has her oldest son Cody, who just came back from Afghanistan and her husband also served. I have two sons who have served and been deployed, a daughter-in-law who served and most of my family, father, grandfathers, brother, all have served. We wanted to do something but weren’t sure what. Then we heard about Fisher House and loved the organization and what they do, so we started up our own non-profit, Authors4Veterans, Inc., then set out to work our mission. We gather 30 authors twice a year to donate a small monetary donation and books, swag, comfort items and anything else they are willing to donate. We purchase nice tote bags with the money, then fill them with the items the authors donate. We take them down to Fisher House and they hand them out to families when they check in. It’s a fabulous organization and your readers can check out our website and the generous authors who have donated there:

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Sometimes I do. I’m very fortunate in that I get mostly good reviews, so that’s a positive. I look at the five stars and create teasers from some of them. I’ll glance through the negative ones, and if they’re constructive I’ll try to learn from them. If they’re nasty I quickly move on. No one wants that negativity in their life. Honestly, I know I’m not going to please everyone with every book, but I’d sure appreciate a constructive negative review besides one that is just hurtful and mean.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

Oh, I’ve gotten a lot of emails from readers telling me how much they love my characters. Many mature ladies who are thrilled to find characters they can relate to. I’ve heard from readers who want their second chance at love and are encouraged after they’ve read one of my books. It makes me feel so darn good.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

I love telling stories. And I’ve got tons of them rolling around in my head. I’ve found once I get them on paper, so to speak, I can move on with another story. It’s freeing in a way, to be able to put those thoughts on paper and not feel weighed down by those characters who want to come out.

My least favorite part is the same as most authors, the marketing. It’s draining wondering if I’m doing the right thing and trying to stay a step ahead of the curve.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

If the weather is nice, I like being on the motorcycle. My husband and I are bikers and we travel around a lot. We take a big trip each year (2 weeks) and then we take weekenders and day trips during the summer. If we aren’t on the bikes, I love being with the grandkids. They are such a joy to be around and honestly, I look at those little faces and I’m amazed and what wonderful people they are.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

Hardest part is knowing where to start for me. You only have a paragraph or two to grab a readers attention and I struggle with where that part is.

Easiest, the sex scenes. I love the sex scenes.

Start to finish, if I’m being good, about 2 months for me. I still work part time and trying to fit everything in can be a struggle sometimes.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

First and foremost thank you. For every reader who has purchased one of my books to followed me on social media or on my blog, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without readers, I can’t be a writer.

I’d also like to thank you for interviewing me, it’s been fun.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Writing has been a desire my whole life. Once I found the courage to write, life changed for me in the most profound way. Bringing stories to readers that I’d enjoy reading and creating characters that are flawed, but lovable is such a joy.

When not writing, I’m with my family doing something fun. My husband, Gene, and I are bikers and enjoy riding to new locations, meeting new people and generally enjoying this fabulous country we live in.

I come from a family of veterans. My grandfather, father, brother, two sons, and one daughter-in-law are all veterans. Needless to say, I am proud to be an American and proud of the service my amazing family has given.[/symple_box]

P.J. Fiala
Contemporary Romance/Military

Sometimes the flames of desire run hotter than a mere fire.

Ford Montgomery is working the case of his life. Trailing the arsonist who killed his parents, the former bounty hunter will soon make this guy pay for his crimes. After that, Ford plans to reclaim his house from his ex-wife and retire to his home in the mountains.

Megan Marshal thought she’d ditched her ex husband, until she finds out the lying scumbag stole from a man nobody steals from. Megan has no clue where he is now, but the cartel is convinced she’s the key to getting their product back and they’re determined to make her talk.

When Ford rescues Megan from a burning building, their paths abruptly align. However, Ford keeps secrets from her, and she’s had enough of men and their secrets. Can they work together to accomplish their goals? Or will they get scorched by the blazing passion sparking between them?


Rummaging in the cupboards to find something to scrounge up for dinner he tried relaxing his jaw. If he kept it clamped tight like he was doing now, he’d end up with lock jaw, or arthritis or something equally awful. But, he was irritated that he was here, in this house, that he swore he wouldn’t come back to until it was his, completely, lock stock and barrel. Trouble was, when he tried to think of a safe place to keep Megan, this was the first place that came to mind. He knew it was safe, he’d built it with safety in mind. In his line of work, it wasn’t uncommon for some of the people he had to locate to have angry family members or associates and he didn’t want to be taken unawares. Which reminded him. Walking to the desk in the corner of the living room, he unlocked the top drawer. Lifting the lid on the laptop he kept in there he waited for it to wake up, logged in, pulled up his security system. Turning all the cameras on and monitoring the entire property via closed circuit monitors, he went back to the kitchen to finish looking for something to eat. Tomorrow he’d have to see if Emmy could bring some food up here.

A few cans of soup, some crackers, and some cans of peaches would be lunch. Pretty bleak, maybe he’d call Emmy to bring supper up here. Turning he spied the wine rack, ah things were looking up. Selecting a nice, full bodied red sangria, he set it on the counter as he pulled a pan from the drawer below the stove to heat the soup in. Setting to the task of pulling bowls and spoons from their respective spaces, he set their eating places at the counter. Wiping the dust from the wine glasses he set them in front of the bowls and opened the shallow drawer that held the wine opener.
Popping the cork from the top, Megan entered the kitchen, a soft smile on her face. “How long have you lived here?”

“About eleven years.”
She walked to the french doors and looked out over the scenery. “But, you don’t live here now?”



“It’s a long story.” Pouring their glasses of wine. “It’s also temporary.”
She turned toward him, crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him. “Where do you live since you’re not living here?”

He took a deep breath. Figures she’d want to know all about him. He didn’t usually share much of his life. Still too much up in the air.

“I have a little cottage down the mountain by my sister’s house. I stay there when I’m not working.”

He watched her move toward him, the sun streaming in the French doors perfectly outlined her body in those sexy jeans and pink t-shirt. Purely sexy from head to toe. He’d bet she didn’t even know it. Her full breasts jiggled as she walked and his mouth went dry. It’d been far too long. Unfortunately he hadn’t thought this through completely. Staying here with her just might be harder than he thought.

“So, you work so much you have a house in the mountains you don’t want to live in because it’s a long story so you stay in the cabin down by your sister. And then you go to work. Is that about right?”


She chuckled. “Well, I don’t know how I’m going to get any peace here what with you talking so much and all.”

Turning to the stove, he stirred the soup, twisted the knob on the stove to turn the burner off and filled both of their bowls.

“Vegetable soup and crackers and wine. It’s not much, but it’s all I have. I’ll call Emmy to bring up some food later. I also have some meat in the freezer downstairs that I can thaw if Emmy’s busy.”

He sat next to her at the counter and they began eating in silence. Or so he thought.

“What does Emmy do for a living?”

“She’s a defense attorney. A damn good one too.”

“Is your whole family involved with criminals?”

He chuckled, “Nah, just Emmy and me. Dawson is a plumber and owns his own company. He deals in shit, just not the same kind as Emmy and I.”

She giggled. “That’s a good one.”

“So tell me about Waylon. Why did you marry a piece of scum like him to begin with?”

She bit into a cracker and stared straight ahead. “Gosh damn, but isn’t that the million dollar question right now? I’ve been kicking myself since the first year.”

She sipped her wine and he watched her swallow, the graceful curve of her neck, her unblemished skin, her auburn hair looked thick and shiny and he wanted to touch it. Run his fingers through its softness. Tuck the strands that had escaped her ponytail behind her delicate ear.

Uncaged Review

One of the things I really liked about this book is that the characters are not the average younger adults, instead the author has given us mature, older adults and showing that love can be even better the second time around and just as hot. With both Ford and Megan, two people that have already have well-tuned backgrounds to draw from and can really believe that their less-than-perfect lives have made them who they are today.

This is a book with well written descriptives that doesn’t distract from the story, with just enough suspense, action and a heavy dose of hot romance. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Soul Song by Mikea Howard


Soul Song
Mikea Howard
Paranormal Romance

Dottie thought she had it all: a successful singing career, a handsome fiancé, and a starlet’s wardrobe. Sudden betrayal brought it all crashing down around her. Those she trusted most played her as nothing more than a pawn. One misstep while fleeing the scene trapped her in another world alone, save a mysterious visitor. 

Guatimozin, an eagle shifter, has spent ages assisting people through the realm between life and death, leading them to join loved ones on either side. No one had ever made him want anything for himself until he discovered this city girl.

Forces plot against them and time is short. Soon, their chance for a happily ever after might come too late.

Uncaged Review: If you love books that are about soulmates then sit down and enjoy!

While fleeing from her cheating fiancee Dottie ends up in another realm. Tim, an owl shifter and servant of the horned God is on his way to the birth of a dear friend’s baby when he senses Dottie and crosses over to help if possible.
From the moment Dottie and Tim lay eyes on one another you can sense the connection forming. Their story is just a short and sweet read that you just can’t help but fall in love with.
While this is a very well written love story it also has its sense of danger and adventure, which just makes it all the harder to set down.
In a world of shifters, weres and the complete unknown to a human, can Dottie and Tim seal their soulmate bond and live happily ever after or will something try to keep them apart? Reviewed by Danielle

5 Stars

Catch Up with Beth Carter – Review and Excerpt from Chaos at Coconuts


Beth Carter was a Feature Author in July 2017. This month she is back to tell us about her new book, Chaos at Coconuts, the sequel to the award-winning Thursdays at Coconuts.

Uncaged: You were a Feature Author in Uncaged in July, 2017. How was your experience with the magazine?

I was thrilled to be featured in Uncaged nearly a year ago. This literary magazine is top-notch. I always appreciate the professionalism of the staff, answering questions about my work, the writing process, and most of all, the chance to connect with new readers and fellow authors!

Uncaged: You’ve just released Chaos at Coconuts, the follow-up to the wonderful Thursdays at Coconuts. Can you tell readers about the series?

The main theme behind my Coconuts series is friendship, although there’s plenty of romance, humor and suspense. I love my girlfriends and working through all of life’s complications together. With my Coconuts series, my plan is for readers to laugh, cry, and cheer for the unbreakable bonds of friendship. I also love a happily ever after and page-turning thrillers, so I incorporate plenty of plot twists, surprises, and giggles along the way.

My main characters, Suzy, Alex, and Hope, have known one another since high school and are now in their late thirties. They each have chaotic personal and professional lives, so their weekly (or more!) Happy Hour ritual at Coconuts is their form of friendapy. They tell each other everything and I mean everything! Suzy is a wedding planner who often has neurotic brides and fun, themed weddings. Her son, Jon, brought home a shocker from Europe in THURSDAYS, and in CHAOS, he delivers even more of a bombshell. Alex is a bank marketer involved with a sexy, bad-boy cop whose ex is stalking her, plus she has a marketing intern from hell. Hope is a high school counselor who advises both at-risk and honor students. She grew up with hippie parents, hates her frizzy hair and looks, and deals with a monster tornado barreling toward Hilltop High. In Book 2, Cheri Van Buren arrives on the scene via a limo and paparazzi. The three best friends aren’t sure whether they’re threatened by the gorgeous, wealthy socialite or if they’ll invite her to their tightknit group.

THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS won a RONE Winner for Best Women’s Fiction/Chick Lit and I was named “Best Debut Author” by BTS Books in 2015. Happily, I’ve received over 230 reviews for this novel. CHAOS AT COCONUTS picks up where THURSDAYS left off (but both may be read as a standalone.)

Uncaged: Are you planning on keeping this series going?

Yes! My Coconuts series will be a five-book series. I’m about one-third finished with Book 3. I’m not a plotter, which is a struggle with a series and probably slows me down, but I enjoy being surprised by my characters. It makes the writing process more fun. I do use bullet points for major scenes now and have character bios. Plus, my readers are a great resource! I’m trying to write faster. A few readers have seen me out shopping and informed me I should be writing!

Uncaged: What’s coming up next that we can look forward to?

Last fall, I released a holiday novella, MIRACLE ON AISLE TWO. I love writing Christmas stories and may write another one this year, but I’m focused on Coconuts Book 3 (title not yet revealed.) I also have some non-fiction projects vying for attention.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]After being a bank vice president and a hospital public relations director, Beth Carter shed her suits and heels and reinvented herself. She doesn’t miss the eight o’clock meetings whatsoever and now happily writes from home in her pj’s. While drinking copious amounts of coffee, she pens award-winning novels and children’s picture books.

Winner of a 2015 RONE Award, Named Best Debut Author, and a 2017 RAVEN Award runner-up, the author’s novels include: THURSDAYS AT COCONUTS, CHAOS AT COCONUTS, SLEEPING WITH ELVIS; MIRACLE ON AISLE TWO (A Christmas novella); and SANTA BABY, a novelette. Carter’s four children’s picture books are: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE?, SOUR POWER, THE MISSING KEY, and SANTA’S SECRET. Her work also appears in four six-word memoir collections and numerous anthologies. The author splits her time between her home state of Missouri and sunny Florida where she is often found writing at Starbucks—if she isn’t shopping at T.J. Maxx.[/symple_box] 

Chaos at Coconuts
Beth Carter
Contemporary Romance


To most, Coconuts is simply a bar. But for three best friends, it’s their oasis. That is, until everything comes crashing down.

Socialite Cheri Van Buren makes a splashy, paparazzi-filled visit to Coconuts. Secretly dabbling in disastrous online dating, the wealthy caterer desires normalcy away from the society pages. A few girlfriends would be nice too.

Hope’s life is routine, if not dull. The most exciting part of her day is counseling students until a monster tornado heads toward Hilltop High. Now she’s in shock—and not just from the devastating twister.

Alex oversees a marketing intern from hell who appears intent on stealing her job. Her relationship with her sexy cop boyfriend isn’t so sexy, especially after his ex-wife stalks her.

Suzy’s new marriage is challenged by her surly teen stepdaughter, a unique Halloween wedding, and her son’s ever-changing nuptials. If that isn’t enough, the family discovers an astonishing revelation requiring a giant leap of faith.

Will the women overcome the chaos or will it tear them apart?


“Who the hell is that?” Alex jumped off her bar stool to get a better view as a shiny, black stretch limo stopped in front of Coconuts.

Her two best friends, Suzy and Hope, swiveled their heads in an obvious attempt to follow Alex’s gaze. Hope’s eyes widened as she waved a salsa-laden chip in the air. “Looks like we have a celebrity in Crystal City.”

Suzy craned her neck around the fake palm tree near the front. “Nah. My money’s on a Branson entertainer.”

The threesome observed the hubbub as Gus, the flip-flop wearing server, inquired about refills. The women nodded affirmatively without taking their eyes off the scene. Soon Gus plunked fresh drinks on the table—a chardonnay for Alex, a margarita for Hope, and a merlot for Suzy.

Alex concentrated on the entrance, so she wouldn’t miss a second of the commotion as a driver opened the passenger door. A toned leg wearing expensive red-soled heels appeared underneath. Photographers leapt out of the bushes and dozens of cameras flashed. Alex rubbed her hands together. “This isn’t a local. This is going to be good.”

Uncaged Review: This is a sequel that I was looking forward to all year and the author didn’t disappoint. Set after the events of Thursdays at Coconuts, this book hit the nail on the end on almost every level for me. The three ladies I fell in love with are back, and this time the author added a wonderful new addition with Cheri and I really am looking forward to more about her. The author ramps up this story with a tornado, a whacked-out ex-wife and a teenager you’d like to throttle. Add in a few twists and turns, and the amazing friendship shared by these women, and it’s a recipe for success.

Even though you could read this as a standalone, I highly recommend you read Thursdays at Coconuts first as you will get the full-on background of the ladies. I was only upset that the book ended too soon, but the author assures us there is more to come, if there wasn’t, I’d probably pitch a tent and camp out in her backyard until she changed her mind. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars


Uncaged Review – Heart of a Highlander by Collette Cameron


Heart of a Highlander
Collette Cameron
Historical Highlands

Prequel to Highlander’s Hope, Castle Brides Book 2

How can she love the man responsible for her husband’s death?

When Giselle McTavish left France as the wife of a Scottish laird, she never expected to be widowed two years later and left with a toddler to raise. Filled with animosity toward Highlander, Hugh Ferguson—the man she holds responsible for her husband’s drowning, and a man she must see every day because he, too, lives at Craiglocky Keep—she’s determined her son, the next laird, will be raised in Scotland, nonetheless. Her struggles to overcome loneliness and homesickness are compounded as it becomes more difficult to fight the warm feelings Hugh now stirs in her.

Hugh has loved Giselle almost from the moment he laid eyes on the petite Frenchwoman. But as the wife, and then the widow of his dearest friend, he has refused to act on his feelings. He blames himself for his friend’s death. Guilt as well as the belief Giselle hates him, keeps Hugh’s lips firmly closed and his heart sealed. That all changes one providential Valentine’s Day when he risks everything by using Scottish folklore and legend to at last proclaims his love.

Uncaged Review: A short prequel novella to the Castle Bride series and it truly sets the mood and grabs hold of you right away. I’ve come to expect I’m in for a nice read when I pick up a Collette Cameron book, and this is the shortest I’ve read from her yet. It amazes me how much back story and character development the author squeezes into these pages. Something a bit different is the fact that Giselle is French and along with the Scottish brogue, the French words are interwoven and gives it even more depth to the book.

My only complaint is it was way too short. I wanted more Hugh and Giselle. A worthy prequel for a terrific author. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Author Interview with Brooke May, Review and Excerpt from Roosted


As seen in the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Uncaged: Can you tell readers more about your Moto X series? What inspired you to write about these racers? How many books are you planning for this series?

Like all my books, Moto X started off as just an idea. I originally tried to convince my best friend who isn’t an author to write it with me, her doing one perspective and I would do the other. But neither of us ever had the time to sit down together and I continued on dreaming up ideas on my own. Well, after Deadpool came out, Axle’s voice came to me, loud and wild. I sat down and wrote all three books in a six month period.

I’ve always like motocross and thought it would be fun to do racers and a romance through the man’s eyes. I also thought that there are great books out there written where the woman saves a broken man, so why not a man saving a broken woman? Tada! Axle and Paige!

There is three books for Axle and Paige, I am planning three more for down the road but I write where the voices in my head takes me and it isn’t back to that little universe yet.

Uncaged: What are you working on now?

I just finished up the second book in a were
wolf series I have been working through for years. The one I just finished was originally the first book, but I switched it up. There will be six books in this series with the possibility of a novella. Now, I’m getting ready to work on a secret project that I will be releasing next year.

Uncaged: You also have a couple other series running. Can you tell readers more about those series?

I have my debut series, My Cowboy which has three books about three different couples from a small town in Wyoming. Emma and Cade’s book is the first one and it is a pseudo second chance romance where Emma’s childhood crush, Cade comes back after ten years of being gone. Faith in My Cowboy is focused on Tucker, Emma’s brother, and Maddi. Tucker is in the military and ends up injured and lost. Maddi fights to keep hold of their love. The third, but not final book, is Loved by My Cowboy which focuses on Emma’s best friend, Libby, and her man, Justin. I had fun with this story. Libby fought against Justin’s advances for years, but things change when he comes home. Each story has a sort of healing undertone to it.

My other series is the Predator Series, also three books, though one is a novella. This series was a complete change for me. I set it in Boston, a place I’ve never been so I relied on Google Maps to familiarize me with the areas I was writing about. The first two books are a duology centered around K.C. and Chamberlain. The first book you get only K.C. and how she fell in love with the Predator himself. In part two, it is both Chamberlain and K.C. telling the story. Both of them overcome a lot to be together.

The novella of the series is called Wildfire Knockout and is a short story between Chamberlain’s best friend, Scott and K.C.’s best friend, Beth. It was fun and light with some heavy undertones to it.

Uncaged: You are an attending author at Wild Deadwood Reads this year. What are you looking forward to the most from this convention?

Everything! I don’t get to attend the side events because I still have to work up until the day before, but I’m excited to see familiar faces I met last year and new ones this year. I love meeting and talking with fellow authors and sharing a love of books with readers.

Uncaged: Do you read your reviews? What do you take away from them?

Occasionally, I will read them. I write because it is my passion and I want to share it with the world, so I try to view any and all reviews for other readers who might be interested in my books. I feel like I’ve grown a lot since I first published My Cowboy and continue to grow, so I hope the reviews reflect that.

Uncaged: What is one of the nicest things someone has said to you about your books?

Someone told me once I’m very transitional. I can float from cowboys to fighters and then to a foul mouth, bad boy with ease and that I like. I don’t want to be pegged as one type of an author or another. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I want to write about anything and everything in the world of romance. Being transitional is something I strive for so having a reader tell me I am makes me pretty happy.

Uncaged: What is your favorite parts about being an author? What have you found to be the least favorite?

My favorite parts are the actual writing and formulating a new story. I love losing myself in a different life. I especially like writing in the male perspective.

My least favorite? I’m not sure if I have one. I guess finding and getting reviews? It is so difficult anymore to have readers post reviews and they are helpful to the readers.

Uncaged: What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? Where is one of your favorite places on Earth?

I love being outside in the mountains close to my home. I was born and raised in Wyoming and the mountains have always been my true home. I feel at peace there, especially with no cell service and away from all technology. My family and I hike, fish, and hunt together so I love doing that with them, especially exploring a place I’m familiar with but my family isn’t.

My favorite place is a canyon called Little Horn Canyon. It is pretty, but I remember watching a bear chase three cow elk when I was little and I’ve loved it back there ever since.

Uncaged: What is the hardest part of a book to write? What is the easiest? From start to finish, how long does it take to finish a complete book?

For Moto X, the hardest part for me was writing something that could affect two people in such different ways. Paige and her twin brother Parker have had a hard life and writing something bad happening to children is difficult for me because I think of my own kids.

The easiest part is the chemistry to bring to people together, even though I run out of date ideas. I have a dry sense of humor so humor to me is funny in my books but I don’t know if others laugh at it.

It depends on the book. Last month, I wrote a short story about a cupid that only took me a couple of weeks. Moto X took me six months to write all three books and my secret project will probably take me a month and a half.

Uncaged: What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

That I love and cherish you. I could easily publish for myself and not have a single person read my work, but having readers and fans to share in the adventure and fall in love with my words makes it that much better.

I have a lot of social media pages so whatever you prefer, I’m sure you can find me there.

[symple_box color=”black” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Romance author Brooke May spends her days writing whatever her overactive imagination has brewed up and her evenings reading while she works alongside her mom. Telling stories is second natural to her, from a young age she has told anyone who would listen what she had thought up.

Now, a mom of two, she splits her time writing, playing with her kids, and of course, hiking, hunting, fishing, and four-wheeling in her beloved Bighorn Mountains. While on maternity leave with her youngest, Brooke was putting laundry away when she looked at a poem she had written in high school that was framed in her son’s bedroom. That poem triggered the idea of My Cowboy and soon she was sitting in front of her computer with her infant next to her writing her first love story that wasn’t a fanfiction.[/symple_box]

Brooke May
Contemporary Romance

Living day to day in a never ending hell he created himself, Axle Ryan’s life is an abyss of torture. Constantly questioning what happened to his life and how he lost himself after two epic blunders until she stormed into his life. Paige Bartin thundered into Axle’s life in the form of a dark, tattooed goddess who would soon rock his world in more ways than he ever thought possible. With her, Axle feels he is finally getting something wonderful. This woman may be shrouded in mystery but she brings much needed sunshine to his soul. But the enigma of her is only enticing for so long. She has no plans on sharing her past or opening up to Axle. He should stir clear of her, but he won’t. Everything in Axle is telling him she is meant to be his, even if she doesn’t want to be.



Don’t f*ck the boss. This should be rule number one; the very first f**ing thing anyone tells you when you reach adulthood. Work hard, stay focused, do your best each day, and—the best f**king one—strive for greatness. Yeah, it’s all a bunch of bullshit. All of that is shit your teacher and professors tell you as you graduate from secondary school or whatever university you found yourself at. They should just be real and tell you the truth. Kiss their arses, but don’t f**k them. Keep your mouth shut, and be a yes man kind of person. Oh, and the second most important thing; your education—the degree you put blood, sweat, and tears into—doesn’t amount to anything and doesn’t guarantee you the f**king job you deserve. But the most important is to never, ever f**k your boss, or your boss’s wife, daughter, son, husband—you get it; the list can go on and on. No matter what you think certain p***y will taste like, control your f**king dick. Keep it in your pants. Don’t beat off to thoughts of them in your head; don’t even look at them when you are at work. Keep your nose down and stay focused on the real reason you are there. To bloody work! This shouldn’t just go for us guys. No, it should go both ways. Ladies, you get a job and you think your boss has a fine arse and can give you everything your heart desires just because they’re rich, leave it the f**k alone. I don’t care what those novels you read tell you. F**king the boss never ends well.

It sure didn’t improve my life six years ago after I moved to the States. At the time, I was unstoppable—bullet proof, if you will—and I f**ked myself over. Not only did I put a damper on my professionalism and career, but my ego took a massive hit as well. That’s what leads me to where I am at today. I’ve been with Havre and Bell Accounting Firm since I landed on this side of earth. Since I’ve been here for six years, you would think my seniority would mean a better job, but it doesn’t. Stuck in an entry-level position is just the start of my woes. Expendable, useful at times, but overall, I’m a f**king grunt worker. My education goes to being the aid to my boss, Candy—the very one I f**ked by the way—bringing in new clients to keep our firm going. And let me be clear; Candy Havre is the only daughter of one of the firm’s owners. I’m a legend around here now and not a good one. Think Clinton-Lewinsky kind of fame. The new people quickly learn about me and advance while I stay where I’m at. In a tiny arse cubical forgotten in a corner.

I overlook work functions unless they are mandatory. Every company picnic, Christmas party, or any other function my attendance isn’t required is one I stay the f**k away from. I don’t care to be around people who judge me by my appearance. They see the typical bad boy with my arms, back, and chest inked. My nipples and d**k are pierced, too, but no one aside from Candy knows that. Hell, they even judge me based on my haircut. F**kers. It doesn’t matter that I work hard; researching, providing estimates, and so on to draw new clients in. I help sweet talk them, and then get cast away. No one sees my other side; the good guy who wants to do a good job and has dreams.

Why don’t I leave my shithole job? I like the United States. Don’t get me wrong, I love my homeland of Australia, as well, but I feel freer here. I’m away from my family and allowed to be myself. I love my parents and little sister, but they don’t let me breathe when I’m there. Not after what I went through. My parents are blue-collar workers, and great. My sister, Priscilla, and I never went without. As kids, we knew we couldn’t ask for a whole lot, but we never felt deprived. My dad is a full-time mechanic at an auto dealership in Sydney. He’s been working on vehicles since before I was born. I was lucky enough to spend an exuberant amount of time during my childhood under the hood with him. It was his dream I would do something great with the knowledge he passed down to me, or at least follow my own dreams of becoming a professional motocross racer, but I didn’t.

Instead, I chose a profession no one would have guessed—accounting. What can I say? I like numbers. It’s steady, and I don’t have to make regular trips to the doctor’s office to set a broken bone or get any scans. My mum is a sweet little soul. By day, she cleans the homes of wealthier people, and at night, she cleans a couple of small businesses. She made sure Priscilla and I was able to attend college and neither she or my dad would accept a single cent from my sister or me as payment for our educations. They were heartbroken when I left for the States, but they understood why. At twenty-two years old and fresh out of college, my life was racing with my best mate, Jax, who happened to be an American.

Until my last race.

We ended up in a pileup, which stole Jax’s ability to walk, and I couldn’t live with the guilt. I still can’t handle it most days, and I refuse to get back on a bike. Part of my mind knows it wasn’t my fault, but it still feels that way. Well into the race, I was following the rider in front of me too closely, and Jax was right on my arse. It happens with races; everyone is gunning to get to the front and take the win. But I should have been paying closer attention to the rider in front of me. He was unfocused by the corner, and I was far too close to react when he slammed on his brakes. I tried to turn, but I had nowhere to go. My front tire slammed into the side of him as Jax’s bike hit me from behind. It continued until we were in a massive pile. Most of us walked away with a few scrapes and bruises, but not Jax. I could still hear his screams as we pulled him from under the mountain of mangled machines. That day changed everything. No matter how much Jax tried to get me to realize it wasn’t on me, I couldn’t look at another bike, another race track, or anything related to the sport again and feel the same joy I had before. I tried to push the pain away, but I still carry it with me.

I sold my bike, forced the money into my parents’ account, and settled on where in the world I would go. Sandy, Utah, the southern part of Salt Lake City, is where I decided. Jax’s hometown became where I would hang my hat if I wore one. I helped him through rehab, physical therapy, and when he healed he tried to encourage me to get out on my own, but I still live with him. I want to make sure my friend is always okay. Jax is still part of the motocross world with his own work. He, along with our other American friend, Levi, tell me daily to go for it again; to get back on a bike, and to fall back in love with the one thing that always made me happy. I was too good to hang up my gear. I brush it off, but I’ve come to realize how much I hate my bloody life.

Uncaged Review

This is a different type of book than I normally read, and one thing that was cool about the book is that it’s all told in Axle’s point of view instead of the woman. Even though I prefer third person narration, the author does a fantastic job with this and I never felt like I was missing any kind of information like sometimes happens in first person narratives.

Don’t go into this book thinking it’s your mother or grandmother’s romance book, this is a hard hitting book and there is a lot of swearing. But if you don’t mind that part, which I don’t, then you find a well written romance about two people trying to put their lives back together after some rough pasts. The author doles out information on the backgrounds slowly, but knows when the reader needs to know more. This is the first book in the series, and there is still quite a bit to learn about our couple of Axle and Paige, both together and separate. It did end on a mild cliffhanger, but it’s nice to know book two is already available. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars