Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Uncaged Review: The Boy Inside by Ross Greenwood


The Boy Inside
Ross Greenwood
Crime Suspense

How can you make the right decisions if everything you’ve been told is a lie?
With absent parents and broken friends, twenty-one year old Ben is making choices, which are ruining his life. In jail, again, he and his cellmate, Jake, take a hostage in a futile gesture against a system they can’t control.
This powerful, beautifully written novel gives a vivid and realistic picture of those we send to prison.
Who would you rely on if you were locked up?
Do we ask the most from the ones who have the least?


Uncaged Review: Ben one day gets told some bad news at a football game as a child. Then shortly after no time passes at all his Dad dies of cancer. Ben gets in with the wrong people and shortly begins a life of crime. Shoplifting and drug’s he goes out with a girl who is money mad and they have a child together. Ben spends alot of time in prison.

I really enjoyed this story as it focused on the things people do to land in prison. Which was interesting to learn about and read. In this book there’s some characters that are mentioned in Ross Greenwood’s first book. Lazy Blood.

I really can’t wait to to read what Ross brings out next. As this was a fabulous read. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review: Stained by Kayla Krantz


Kayla Krantz

Blackouts have always been Melissa’s problem, but now she has a new one. People are missing, and she isn’t entirely convinced she’s not responsible.

Uncaged Review: A very short story telling you the horrible nightmare of a young girl called Mel who is being plagued by sleepwalking and dreams of blood filled nightmares. She is desprate to get to the bottom of whats going on.Then she learns the shocking truth that a young girl around her age has gone missing .Will she be next?

A very short read but its very action packed and you jump. Right into the story from the first page.
Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review: The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde


The Unlikeable Demon Hunter
Deborah Wilde
Urban Fantasy

The age-old story of what happens when a foul-mouthed, romance impaired heroine with no edit button and a predilection for hot sex is faced with her worst nightmare–a purpose.
Ari Katz is intelligent, driven, and will make an excellent demon hunter once initiated into the Brotherhood of David. However, this book is about his twin Nava: a smart-ass, self-cultivated hot mess, who is thrilled her brother is stuck with all the chosen one crap.
When Nava half-drunkenly interrupts Ari’s induction ceremony, she expects to be chastised. What she doesn’t expect is to take her brother’s place among the–until now–all-male demon hunters. Even worse? Her infuriating leader is former rock star Rohan Mitra.
Too bad Rohan’s exactly what Nava’s always wanted: the perfect bad boy fling with no strings attached, because he may also be the one to bring down her carefully erected emotional shields. That’s as dangerous as all the evil fiends vying for the bragging rights of killing the only female ever chosen for Demon Club.

Odds of survival: eh.
Odds of having a very good time with Rohan before she bites it: much better.

Uncaged Review: This is a fun book, and a great start to a new series, and fits right under the Urban Fantasy landscape comfortably. I loved Nava’s wit, humor and sarcasm as she’s thrown into a world where she always believed her fraternal twin brother belonged in, but not her. When a ritual to initiate someone into the Brotherhood fails for her brother and chooses her instead, Nava is tossed into the world of the demon hunters, or Rasha. Something her brother has been working for his whole life. Now Rasha will need all the training she can get since she’s the first female Rasha, and will have a huge marker on her head to the demon world.

The cast of characters are terrific, the group of Rasha that takes her, begrudgingly, under their wings to train, you will rally behind. The action sequences are terrific and the humor will have you smiling. Nava is the underdog you will cheer on – and I’ll definitely be reading book two, that will be out in June. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Rock My World by Lee Piper with Excerpt!


To read an interview with Lee Piper, and to get a sneak peek at the next book in the series, Rock My Body, please see the May issue of Uncaged Book Reviews

Rock My World
Lee Piper
Contemporary Romance

High school teacher Grace Thompson didn’t want to be a mentor. And she sure as hell didn’t want to mentor Levi Mondez. They got off to a rocky start, but it wasn’t entirely her fault. How was she to know he was the lead singer of local rock band, Mondez? How was she to know he considered her short temper a turn on? And how was she to know her best friend, Riley, would fall for him? If he wasn’t so damn gorgeous it might have made the whole mess easier to handle. If he didn’t transform Grace into a blazing furnace of need, and if he hadn’t confused the hell out of her already bruised heart, life might have turned out a heck of a lot differently. She was screwed.


We were alone.

Guess it had to happen sooner or later.

I took a deep breath and turned to face Levi. He hadn’t moved from behind the desk and was watching me closely with an unreadable expression on his face. Once again, I lost the power of speech. This was going to become a real problem over the next six weeks if I didn’t get a handle on it soon and I desperately hoped I wouldn’t have to resort to communicating with him in other ways … like through interpretive dance.

Levi slowly stood, never once breaking eye contact with me. He put his notebook and pen away in the leather satchel before swinging it over his shoulder and slowly making his way towards me.

I gulped.

This man held me completely spellbound by the intensity in his gaze. And if I didn’t do something in the next few seconds to break the magnetic pull between us, I would either internally combust or beg him to put me out of my misery.

“We, ah, should really be heading back.”

Genius. Pure genius, Grace.

He completely ignored me and stopped a few inches away before slowly leaning down to murmur in my ear. “You were amazing.”

My brow furrowed and I stepped back, staring squarely up at him. “I was helping students draft their work, Levi, not solving the world hunger crisis.”

“When are you going to learn to take a compliment, kitten?”

“At about the same time you stop giving them.”

He smiled down at me and a small grin played about the corner of my lips. Parrying with him was growing dangerously enjoyable. I quickly turned and grabbed my belongings from the spare desk I’d dumped them on at the start of the lesson.

“We should really be going. I’ve got a double free period next but we’ll probably need that time to clear out some desk space in my office and find you a chair.”

“Yeah, that might take a while.”

“Look…” For some reason I felt the need to grow defensive over my non-existent organizational habits. Don’t ask me why. “I wasn’t exactly expecting to have a student teacher when I first arrived at school today, okay? And I sure as hell wasn’t ready for it to be you, so just—” I paused mid-sentence. Levi’s face broke into a grin of swoon-worthy proportions and I was having a hard time remembering where I was going with my rant.
He stepped towards me again and this time I didn’t move back. I mean, I honestly didn’t trust my legs with any given movement. So I also didn’t stop Levi as he gently brushed the backs of his fingers down the side of my face before tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Relax, kitten,” he all but purred.

Easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one currently fighting a losing battle against gravity.

“We’ll get it sorted out. There’s no need to get your panties in a twist.”

My eyes popped open in shock. “Don’t think for one second that you’re having any effect whatsoever on my panties,” I growled out.


He just grinned wider and brushed his thumb across my bottom lip.

I couldn’t help myself. I opened my mouth and bit down on it.

Levi inhaled sharply from my involuntary assault and his pupils dilated to an alarming degree.


What was I doing?

So, before Teacher Grace could appear and cane my sordid ass, I released his thumb from between my teeth, spun on my heel and wrenched the door open. To say I essentially bolted back to my office would not have been an understatement. And to be blunt, I honestly didn’t give a shit if Levi followed me or if he got lost along the way.

Uncaged Review:  Two almost broken people come together, but will they be able to leap the hurdles of their past to trust each other? Grace is a teacher, and whose roomie and best friend, Riley, finally gets her to loosen up a bit and go out to see a live band at a local club. Grace feels an immediate attraction to the drop dead sexy Levi, lead singer of the band, Mondez. And when Grace returns to work and finds she is being assigned a student teacher to work with, and it’s none other than Levi, will she be able to fight the attraction and keep it professional?

This book is full of wit, sarcasm, and it’s a smart and fun romance. Seeing if two people can learn to trust each other, and get through the obstacles of not only the past, but their future, is a great ride and I didn’t want to miss a word. Bottom line, I loved the book. Well written with characters you can get easily attached too, and I’m hoping there will be more of Grace and Levi in the future. Levi can serenade me any time. Reviewed by Cyrene

5 Stars

Uncaged Review – Return to Ruby’s Ranch by Rhonda Frankhouser with Excerpt!


To read an interview with the author, please see the April issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Retrun to Ruby’s Ranch
Rhonda Frankhouser
Contemporary Western Romance/Ghosts

Ruby Lattrell inherited Ruby’s Ranch after the death of her grandmother. Before she can begin to live her own life, she has to answer the questions that have haunted her for the two decades since her father dragged her away from the only true home she had ever known. What really happened to her beloved mother? And what drove her poor Granny Rube insane?

When Ruby returns to the ranch, her chance at true happiness comes in the form of a handsome cowboy named Billy McCallister—who has loved her since they were kids. Will the truth about her mother come between them? In the end, Ruby finds all of her answers with the shocking death of someone dear, and a surreal family reunion that will give the reader unrelenting hope for happy endings.


The old, beat-up Chevy pickup came to an abrupt stop about a foot from the back of Ruby’s prized Jeep. She scowled with disapproval as the driver shoved open the door and dropped to his booted feet before the engine even had a chance to shut off.
“Help you, miss?” he asked, with a slow, deep twang, wiping the dirt from his hands with a handkerchief he’d pulled from his back pocket.
She squinted against the midday sun a little harder now as his voice rang a touch familiar. She watched him for an over-long moment, the mother cat twisting her lithe body around his legs in greeting. Sweat glistened on his tanned, muscular arms as he bent to pick up the kittens that came out to join their mother.
She smiled. There had to be something special about a man who elicited the love of animals. He was at least six foot two, and built like he could lift a hundred pounds straight over his head with no problem at all. A smudge of dried mud followed the line of his strong, stubbled jaw. He could be the most handsome man Ruby had ever seen. Not a sophisticated, city kind of handsome. More a Russell Crowe, gladiator, kind of handsome.
The irritated scowl returned to his face after he put the tiny, tabby kittens down, almost like he’d just remembered he wasn’t pleased about being pulled away from something important. This made him all the more interesting. Part of Ruby was glad she’d been such a bother. The day just became more intriguing.
“They’re adorable. And they seem to like you.” She tried to break the awkward silence.
Curious, soulful green eyes peered out from under his dusty Stetson hat. He gazed first at her well-worn Justin cowboy boots, then slowly up her long legs to the khaki shorts, pausing momentarily at the denim shirt she had tied loosely around her waist, showing just a hint of pale skin. His gaze stopped momentarily at the mess of red-blonde hair she’d pulled away from her face, before he finally met her eyes.
Ruby held her giggle as he finished his perusal, not wanting to make him self-conscious since she’d recognized him. Billy MacCallister. Had to be. My, how he’d grown from the runny-nosed brat who used to follow her around so many years before. He’d been the pain-in-the-butt, kid brother of her best friend.
But, this grown up Billy MacCallister was a whole different creature. Mercy, he’s definitely a full grown man now. Ranch life looks good on him.
“So,” Ruby avoided his eyes to keep him at a disadvantage for just a bit longer. She reached down to pet the dogs again, calming them. “How’s your sister these days, Billy?”
He stopped wiping the dirt from his jeans and searched to get a better look at her face.
“What’s the matter, Billy? Think you’re seeing a ghost?” A smile crossed her lips.
“Ruby?” he asked, quietly at first then louder. “Ruby?” This time with unashamed excitement. Billy took two long-legged strides toward her, tilting his hat to get a better look. “Well, look at that, it is you.”
Before Ruby had a chance to respond, he lifted her off the step and twirled her around, not caring at all that she now wore half the dirt he once had all over him.
The enticing scent of musk shampoo, salty sweat, and horses swirled around her, drawing her in. How could a man smell that good after working in the mud? It took all her strength to keep from leaning in and making a fool of herself. He smelled like home to her and she had to admit, it felt good to be held.
“Billy, good grief, put me down.” She tugged at her shirt to keep it down, embarrassed. The pups jumped up, anxious now to play, as Ruby tried to gain composure. Not an easy task when being twirled around by a handsome cowboy.
“Ruby Lattrell, it’s so good to see you. How the hell are you?” The honest joy in seeing her poured from him. “Oh my God, you look fantastic!” He set her down and brushed the hair away from her face, looking her over now with those same hungry eyes he’d had as a love-struck kid.
She glanced away, self-conscious. When she finally mustered the courage to gaze up at him, she couldn’t help but return his infectious smile. There was no worry there, or pretense. The tiny lines around his joy-filled eyes showed only that he knew how to smile. How to laugh. Something she’d forgotten how to do a long time ago.
“Well, that’s certainly more of a welcome than I expected.” She stepped back to get some space and a better look at him. He had to be coming up on thirty now. Strapping. Still driving his mom crazy with that unruly chestnut hair tucked behind his ears, no doubt. Same innocent, broad smile that held secrets.
He continued talking and following her every move, anxious to know everything all at once. Where had she been? How had she stayed so perfect? Finally, he realized she hadn’t said a word. He stopped then, smiled that secret smile again, his eyes slowly filling with concern. “Ruby, I’m sorry I’m just going on. How are you? Are you all right? Oh Lord, I’m so sorry about your grandmother.”
Ruby flushed when he caught her staring. “Oh, I ah, I’m fine. Thank you, though. I can’t believe she is gone. This place will be really weird without Granny Rube here.” She took a step back toward the door, gathering herself, hoping she’d find the key in the usual hiding place so she could make a graceful exit.
“You don’t act fine.” He caught up with her, supporting her elbow like a real southern gentleman. “Let’s get you inside.”
Ruby didn’t protest. She kind of liked the fuss he made. This was someone she’d known for nearly all her life. It felt good to know he’d missed her.
“Just wait till Claudie finds out you’re home. She’s going to just die.” He reached behind the rusted iron pot for the key and turned it in the lock. “She’s not living out here anymore. She’s got a place in town. Married a nice city guy who moved here from Arizona, Mike Calloway. They bought old Fike’s Market and fixed it up real nice. Doing real well with it. She likes living in town so much better than out here.” He kept talking as he closed the door behind them.
The familiar smells of the house hit Ruby first, distracting her from what Billy was saying. Gingerbread cookies, Pledge furniture polish giving off an ever-present hint of lemon.
Ruby stopped in the entry, closed her eyes, and visualized her mother and Granny Rube laughing in the kitchen, handmade aprons tied around their waists, shoving cookies in that old Wedgewood oven, sharing private giggles.
Ruby stood for a long while as she replayed the memories over in her mind, only vaguely aware Billy had gone silent and held a supportive hand at the small of her back.
“Welcome home, Ruby,” he whispered, his sweet eyes searching hers.
She didn’t know why, but just then she couldn’t keep herself from turning and wiping the dust from his cheek, feeling more true compassion from this one understanding look than she’d ever felt before.
“Thanks, Billy.” She realized suddenly her eyes filled with tears. “Thanks for making me feel so welcome. I’m glad to be home.”
She felt as if she’d stepped back in time. She was just a teenager when she left home almost two decades ago. Nearly everything in the house remained in the same place. The fireplace room still held the same worn velvet couches and mahogany side tables. The faded ivy wallpaper she’d helped Granny hang curled at the corners where moisture and age had gotten to the glue. The heirloom rug passed from her grandfather’s family, now worn and fraying around the edges.
The same photos capturing a more innocent time continued to be displayed on the dusty river-rock mantle. Yellowed images of Granny Rube’s parents looked too small and frail to have endured such a rough pioneer life. Next to that picture, Ruby saw the photo of her Grandpa Mac, taken only days before he was trampled to death by his prized bull, Heathen.
Ruby picked up the tarnished frame and held it close, realizing only now how handsome a man her grandfather had been, tall and lanky, his deep set eyes full of the devil. Reminded her of her mother.
“Granny used to say it served him right to get taken by the one beast on the ranch that was ornerier than him.” Ruby wiped the dust from the frame and replaced it back on the mantle in the exact place it was before. “Momma told me Granny put Heathen down herself with a twelve-gauge shotgun the night he killed Grandpa Mac, but I still don’t know if that’s true. She had such a flair for the dramatic, it was hard to tell fact from fantasy.”
“Your granny was a good woman, Ruby,” Billy finally offered, a measure of respect in his voice. “Always remember that. She helped me out more times than I can count.”
“I’m just sad I missed so many years with her. All I have are old memories of how things used to be. Silly stuff like, I remember when she calmed Jake and me during those hell-raising thunderstorms, and chased us into the pond when we were driving everyone nuts because we were so bored.” Ruby turned away from the photos and took in the room once again. “She always had time for us. I can’t believe I let her die alone.”

Uncaged Review: Completely not what I expected when I picked up this novel. A contemporary western, a romance and a mystery all in one. Ruby has inherited her grandmother’s ranch, a place where she had nice childhood memories of, but after her mother disappeared, her father took her and her brother away. Now an adult, and her father in a home for illness, she goes home to the ranch, with plans to stay and bring the ranch back. Her neighbors, and best friends, Billy and Claudie are there to welcome her home, and in Billy, she may find the love that she has looked for all her life. But the mysteries and the ghosts from the past will need to be laid to rest before Ruby can begin her life.

This is a cleverly written, feel-good story that is never boring, and the mystery is a pretty good one with some surprises and twists that you won’t expect. Great weekend read. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars


Uncaged Review: Inner Voice by Sarah Northwood


Inner Voice
Sarah Northwood
Medical Romance

Every day is a fight against the darkness for Emma and she certainly can’t handle a relationship. She already has a full time job dealing with her lifetime companion anxiety but when she meets the man in the corner her whole life is turned upside down. Who do you trust when everything you knew is wrong and you can’t even trust the voice within?

Uncaged Review: Emma works at a research center trying to find a cure for cancer. Emma doesn’t want to get in a relationship as she is still a bit sore. From the last one. Emma’s a bit of a worrier her inner voice is always working overtime. Emma meets Robert at the research center. They are both shy but strike up a conversation one day. Then Emma slowly start’s to trust Robert.

This book has a lot of key life issues in it. It’s even brave enough to touch on Mental health and self-harm.

There’s a lot of dark twists and turns and Emma has to overcome a lot in this book. But who said life is ever easy. I’m glad I read this.
Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review: An Imperfect Engagement by Alyssa Drake


An Imperfect Engagement
Alyssa Drake
Romantic Suspense

Kidnapped by the man who murdered her father, nearly beaten to death and severely poisoned; so far, Samantha Hastings’ engagement to Lord Benjamin Westwood has been tumultuous at best.

The killer revels his venomous, revenge plot had assistance, forcing the Hastings and Westwood families to reach out for help, but can they trust every friend? Samantha develops a risky plan to draw the accomplice out of hiding, but this scheme may cost her more than she is willing to sacrifice.

The masked ball approaching and Samantha may not survive until her wedding day because – by the end of the evening – at least one person will die….

Uncaged Review: We follow Samantha adventures once again as. She finally finds out who was responsible for her father’s murder and many more. Samantha is kidnapped and barely escapes with her life intact. But Samantha and company find out that the killer of her father isn’t working alone, so they must try to find out who it is and stop them.

This is a rollercoaster of a read and we find out lots more information in this book. I highly enjoyed it and had laughter at some of Samantha witty remarks.

As the book ends in a cliffhanger I find myself counting down the days until I’m able to read what happens next. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review: Lazy Blood by Ross Greenwood


Lazy Blood
Ross Greenwood
Crime Suspense

Will has drifted through life paying little attention to the decisions he made or the consequences of his action.

From his prison cell he finally understands how his casual descent into serious crime threatens to destroy everything.

Looking back over thirty years Will examines his friendships, the frailty of life and how your world can fall apart in the blink of an eye. 

This laugh out loud and harrowing drama follows the story of an average man and explores what goes on behind prisons walls. 

Full of very real characters and no nonsense prose this book is not to be missed.

Uncaged Review: In this story we are introduced to Will and how he came to be in prison. We meet Will and his three friends and how they cope with life. Each friend has problems from childhood to adulthood.

This a story very much based on friendship and how far that goes. Will’s friends and him generally make up the bulk of this story.

I thought this story was a great read and was surprised to read how your life could change from just one wrong choice. The ending was even a surprise I didn’t see it coming. It was really interesting to read a little of prison life. This book is worth a read. Reviewed by Jennifer

5 Stars

Uncaged Review: Wrathbone and other Stories – Jason Parent


Wrathbone and Other Stories
Jason Parent
Horror Shorts

Introduced by Kealan Patrick Burke

Terror follows those who let it into their hearts

Uncaged Review: A short collection of dark tales from a gifted storyteller. From a gentlemen who loses his mind after watching a murder of a president at the theater. To lawyers who have voodoo dolls made of them.

I think the best story in this twisted collection is For the Birds. A dark tale of a parrot called Joji that loves meat.

The stories in this book are all dark twisting and page turning. I would highly recommend you do not eat any food while you are reading this. Reviewed by Jennifer

4 Stars

Uncaged Reviews: Ice Rift and Ice Rift Salvage by Ben Hammott with Excerpt!


To read an interview with Ben Hammott, please see the April issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.

Ice Rift
Ben Hammott

In Antarctica everyone can hear you scream!

Humans have always looked to the stars for signs of Extraterrestrials.
They have been looking in the wrong place.
They are already here, entombed in a spaceship beneath Antarctic ice for thousands of years.
The ice is melting and they will soon be free.

A huge rift in the ice is discovered in Antarctica that stretches for 18 miles, (29 km) and 820 feet (250 meters) apart at its widest point.
When environmental scientists enter the ice rift to check out an anomaly on NASA’s satellite scans of the area, they discover something far more life threatening than the raging blizzard trapping them in the rift. They are unarmed and unprepared for their ensuing fight for survival.


OF ALL THE SPECIES on the planet, none were more feared than the female creature that dwelt in the mountain. Though in part, this was due to her vicious nature; what made her such a feared and expert hunter was her extraordinary ability to mimic the sound and form of any animal she heard or encountered. She could be anyone or anything. The Mimic wielded her gift with murderous intent to draw her victims close and never failed to ensnare a victim.
The drone of night creatures flitting through the air and distant howls, screeches and wails that sounded like spectral bloodhounds on the scent of prey, announced the waking of the planet’s nocturnal predators and stirred the Mimic from her slumber.
A young, six-limbed creature, covered in shaggy hair and small horns atop its stubby head, leapt sure-footed from rock to rock and paused to stare into a cave entrance. Though the dark opening was filled with such a foreboding darkness it almost had substance, the creature ignored the danger. It was hungry. It looked at an enticing bush adorned with blue berries and succulent orange leaves outside the entrance, bounced over and bit off a fruit laden twig.
The distant scrape of claws on rock from inside the cave, signalled the approach of the feared mountain creature. Two red eyes appeared amidst the tangible gloom shrouding the cave entrance and focused on the animal. The Mimic changed her appearance and oozed from the cave like a pestilent shadow that crawled from one world to the next to spread putrid blight and savage death.
The shadow of death cloaked the animal. Constricted and choked, the pain-wracked animal was unable to escape or cry out. After a few moments the killer released its victim. It had devoured everything except the bones, which collapsed into a lifeless heap. The thing of indistinct form, neither man nor beast, rose from the ground and morphed into a creature nightmares would be hesitant to welcome.
The Mimic gazed up at the bright fireball streaking through the night sky. At first, her interest assigned it little consideration; it was only another rock falling from the heavens. Though she had often wondered where they came from and what beast was powerful enough to throw them such a distance, they posed no threat and were thus ignored. She was about to direct her gaze elsewhere, when something unusual happened; the sky-fire changed direction. That had never happened before. The object turned in a wide arc, straightened out, and veered toward the mountain where the Mimic lived. When the sky-fire became lost from her sight, the Mimic sought out a higher view point. She clambered up the rocky mountain and perched atop a large boulder. Her eyes focused on the strange object that no longer glowed, skimming above the forest canopy. The trees creaked in protest from the wash of the object that pulled leaves and twigs from their branches and carried them in its wake. Frightened shrieks from disturbed tree-dwelling beasts accompanied its passing. The frantic sound of rustling foliage grew louder as the object approached and rose to match the contours of the steep mountain in its path.
Though the Mimic was wary, she experienced no fear as she stared at the underside of the object as it sped overhead. The lights peppering its base reflected in the Mimic’s eyes when she turned to follow its path over the mountain. So fascinated by the extraordinary object was the Mimic, she barely noticed the storm of debris that washed over her. She had spotted things inside the strange object from the sky―something alive!
The Mimic momentarily pondered what she had witnessed. She knew it didn’t originate from her home world and was something she had not laid eyes on before. Curiosity caused the Mimic to postpone her hunt until she investigated the new arrival. She bounded across the rocks and disappeared over the mountain.

The co-pilot glanced at the captain and let out a relived sigh. In the holding area behind their enclosed cockpit, three men depended on the small cargo vessel and their flying skills.
The captain studied the control console. A relieved smile formed on his lips at the lack of any warning lights; evidence the ship had survived the tremulous entry through another planet’s atmosphere undamaged. It was the part he and the crew hated most about these planetary missions. It was their seventh. The creaks, groans and rattles of protest the aged vessel emitted during every stressful arrival on a new planet, were a constant reminder of the hard and hectic life the old craft had endured. Each entry could be its last, killing all those on board. However, if he and the crew were honest with themselves, whatever the danger, they enjoyed visiting new worlds. It broke up the monotony of their five-year shift out of stasis until the next group took over.
The captain gazed out of the control room’s viewing ports at the dark landscape speeding past below the ship. The red glow of molten rock, flames and hot ash spewing from the crowns of distant angry volcanoes lit up the night sky. It was this volcanic activity, spread across half the planet that made this world unsuitable for their primary mission: a new world suitable for colonization. They were here because a scan of the planet they had named DX666, had detected a large beast that would provide a welcome change in diet for the crew aboard the mother ship currently orbiting the planet.
In the craft’s forward lights, the captain glimpsed flashes of the greens, reds and browns of the verdant forest that covered a huge area of the planet’s surface and the home of the thing he sought. He switched on the spacecraft’s landing lights and searched for a suitable place to set down. He spied a clearing in the forest and pointed it out to the co-pilot. “Put us down there, Seb and remain with the ship while the rest of us go hunting.” He climbed out of his seat and strode from the room.

The Mimic paused on the tip of a rock outcrop that stretched precariously out over a sheer drop, and watched the flying object swoop down like a giant graceful bird. For a few moments it hung in the air above a clearing in the forest before it slowly descended to the ground, raising a cloud of dust and forest debris.
Keen to examine the anomaly closer, the Mimic dived into the void and plummeted toward the ground. Her outstretched arms morphed into hell-spawn wings and she glided through the air in a gentle curve to the forest far below. She dipped through the canopy and weaved between ancient trees. When she glimpsed the thing ahead, she swooped up the trunk of a thick tree and landed softly on a branch. Her perch groaned slightly as her wings morphed back into arms and she walked towards its tip. She moved aside a branch so she had a good view of the strange object and watched four life forms emerge on a strange object that floated above the ground and head into the forest. Though she wondered why they were here, she wouldn’t follow them; they would return. She was interested in what they left behind, the thing that flew.
She glanced into the sky lit with dawn light and fading stars and wondered where the new arrivals had come from, because they weren’t from her world. Were there other worlds in the sky? If there was, she wanted to visit them. Her eyes wandered back to the object that could take her there and waited for her chance to sneak inside.

Uncaged Review: What a trip this book is. First time back on the ice since she lost her fiancé three years ago, Jane is assigned a job in the Antarctic investigating an ice rift. NASA has also requested an investigation on an anomaly on their radars, located near the rift. Jane and the crew take off and decide to scale down the rift, and what they find is not anything anyone expected. When they find a cavern in the ice, and enter the tunnel, they discover a hell that not all will survive from..

I can honestly imagine this book as a movie. In the tradition of alien movies, this one takes a scary turn for our crew, and you are at times on the edge of your seat and may be biting your fingernails. This book never slows down, and the author’s creative vision never lets up, and doesn’t hold back. If you enjoy a good SciFi/Horror romp, this is a good choice. It kept a great pace, and I never felt the need to “skip ahead.” Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars

Ice Rift Salvage
Ben Hammott

The spaceship entombed in the huge iceberg calved from the Pine Island Glacier drifts towards the warmer air and ocean temperatures of the South Atlantic. The race is on to claim the alien technology before the ice melts and releases its hold on the trapped alien vessel.

The mission: Board the spaceship and salvage as much alien technology as possible before the doomed vessel sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

The obstacles: A disintegrating iceberg, a collapsing spaceship, an armed Russian salvage force intent on claiming alien technology for themselves, an approaching storm, and the biggest obstacle of all—the spacecraft’s alien inhabitants.

The aliens have another mission—survival—and when opposing species clash, there can be only one victor.

Uncaged Review: Well damn, we are back on that ship. This time out, NASA is bringing in the military to help them salvage the technology from the ship, before it sinks into the ocean forever. And guess what, those monsters are still onboard. Jane and Jack are coaxed back, Richard is given no alternative and Lucy is still stuck on the ship. But for reasons different for each of them, they are all back at the rift.

This is an action packed story, some parts may seem a bit overly explained, but it’s really well written. You really need to read the first one in this series, Ice Rift, to get the full impact of these books. Many things are not explained in book two that are brought over from book one, so I would really not consider this a standalone. But if you like a good SciFi Thriller, these books are a great choice. This story could continue…there is always EV1L. Reviewed by Cyrene

4 1/2 Stars